Sisterhood Part Two - Intimacy

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Sisterhood Part Two - Intimacy

Post by BA » Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:41 pm

Sisterhood (a continuation of Business Class)

Part Two - Intimacy


Alex was bored. She had arrived in Tokyo two nights early in case of flight trouble but arriving on time left her nothing to do until her appointment. She thought of cruising the hotel bar again but didn’t think the staff would tolerate her for long. She had sensed their disapproval as soon as she booked in, her name gave her status away, there being no humans still using the term “Ms” that she had ever heard of. Fujimara, for a buxom Californian girl, wasn’t too subtle either. This was an expensive business establishment where she would have been welcome on the arm of a proper guest but wasting money for a double room just for an android raised a few eyebrows. Nothing had been said but the atmosphere had been frosty and she knew the guests here could hire whatever entertainment they wanted which pretty much blew her chances if they knew she wasn’t human.

By rights without a viable task or function she should simply shut down on a timer or, better still, book into one of the cheap establishments that catered specifically for her sort. There she could pass the time in an instant stacked naked on a shelf with a hundred other ‘bots to be booted back up at the appointed time, if whatever underpaid geek employed there remembered and if he could find her “on button.” But Alex didn’t always do things the conventional way. Since there was nothing actually illegal about her staying at the city’s top hotel, especially as she had the money, she intended to live her “life” to the full.

Going elsewhere alone didn’t exactly appeal either. She could handle herself well enough but a robot was always vulnerable once revealed. She didn’t want to malfunction on her own in a strange place and risk spending the rest of her days as a “hotbot” hooker or chopped for parts. She guessed that Jane would have hooked up with the “wonderful” Mr Marshall by now. She realised that the married android’s descriptions of her husband had been through the rose tinted spectacles of his programming but Alex still felt a little jealous. It would be nice to have a caring companion, one with the skills and knowledge to care for her personally, the technical care that an Android needed. She picked up the ‘phone on the off chance and dialled, not needing to look up the number Jane had given her.

Reception refused to put her through: Ms Marshall was “not to be disturbed”; no Mr Marshall was not checked in presently; certainly a message could be left but would not be passed on until the thirtieth at 12 o’clock. “Thank you for calling AutoLodge.”

Alex’s brow furrowed delicately. She knew AutoLodge, the ubiquitous cheap-as-chips establishment was a shiny plastic fixture in every town and city she had ever visited, which was quite a lot on this and other spheres. She had always been flush with cash and had never stooped that low herself but she could guess how they were run. She grabbed her jacket and headed out towards the night and the Tokyo AutoLodge, after all there was nothing else to do!

The reception was clean and plastic as was the receptionist behind the matching counter. She welcomed Alex in cheerful French for no discernable reason and switched abruptly to English as soon as Alex replied, changing tracks like a poorly dubbed compilation file.

“Bonjour Mademoiselle, vous desirez un chamber pour une personne, ce soir? Que est que vous vive ou robotique, si vous plais?”

“No, thank you. I’m here to visit a friend: Ms Marshall. She checked in last night…”

“Ah oui/ect. I’m sorry Ms Marshall is not to be disturbed right now. Would you like to leave a message?”

“When will Ms Marshall be taking messages?”

“I’m sorry Ms Marshall will not be receiving messages until the thirtieth at 12 o’clock…”

“And when will Ms Marshall be checking out of this classy joint?”

“Ms Marshall is booked with us until the thirtieth at 12 o’clock, would you like to leave a message?”

“Sure I’ll leave a message. Lean close, it’s private…”

As the pretty but simple oriental leaned towards her over the plastic counter, Alex got a close look at her smooth glossy olive skin, without hair or dimple and with a slight sheen. Before she put her hand on her bare arm she knew it would be cold to the touch. It was funny how human women strived for perfection yet their perfect replicas were judged on their realism, the detail and accuracy of the little marks and details that the originals spurned. The receptionist had none of these individualities, her body was as carelessly mass produced as her digital mind so it was with no shame that Alex deftly slipped her hand between the tight folds of her white kimono and repeated her question.

“I’m here to visit a friend, Ms Marshall. I’ll go on up shall I?”

“Ms Marshall is in room 10-04, please go on up. The door code is 602031.”

Alex released her finger from the unseen command button on the complex panel she could feel nestling under the featureless plastic curve of the robot’s chest and withdrew her hand.

“Thank you ma’am,” the soulless receptionist adjusted her clothing to its former neatness and resumed waiting patiently to be of service. The gross invasion of her personal space went entirely un-remarked.

Alex pushed back the door to room 10-04 and walked in, there was Jane.

“For fuck’s sake…”. escaped from Alex’s lips as she took in the, by now, not unexpected scene. Jane lay spread-eagled in the middle of the double bed. Her lifeless eyes gazed up to the far corner of the plastic ceiling. From the familiar control panel set into her abdomen trailed a single lead running off the bed down to the floor. She was as naked as the day she was built.

Alex had admired Jane closely during yesterday’s flight and had then had the brief chance to confirm that her freckles did indeed run all over her body in the Service Centre shortly afterwards but hadn’t taken a close inspection of the most recent object of her attraction. She walked around the bed, unplugging the charger as she passed, and made the most of the unparalleled view.

Jane was beautiful. She wasn’t a classic android look at all. Instead of the clear flawless skin that was more usual, that Alex herself had aside from the tiniest of humanising details, Jane had the complex mottling of freckles over her attractive but not inhumanly spectacular body. The complex pattern was dense and dark on chest and arms, fading to pale on belly and legs and almost pure milky white inside her thighs. As she would expect of a “married” fembot, Jane had detailed sexual parts. Her nipples were stiff and crinkled, pink tipped and delicious. Her creamy thighs led up to a neat mound of reddish hair over a delicate pair of lips that Alex craned over to see closer. The detail was perfect, indistinguishable from the real thing, perhaps better even than Alex herself, and she had passed as human in very intimate company more than once!

As she closely examined her shut down companion, Alex began to appreciate the art that had gone into her production. Close up she was far from the Companion Robots Model Seven upon which she was based. The detail on her entire body was perfectly finished, her cosmetic upgrades at least matching her processor modifications. The perfect detail was offset in a most arousing way by the crude intrusions of her robot body, unconcealed to a close observer. The perfect skin was broken most obviously by the dull screen and buttons of the control panel. This was set neatly into the flesh of her belly, just under her ribs, with no facility for cover or concealment. Alex knew that when operating Jane’s clothing would be the only thing hiding the faint blue glow of the screen, blinking lights and occasional bleeps that signified her functioning, just as a real person’s breath and heartbeat did for a human.

As well as the obvious panel Alex could see that, close up, the connection lines between flesh sections were quite visible as faint silver-grey threads. They ran around Jane’s hips, her waist, and several sections of her chest, her arms and throat, wrists and ankles and outlined many more discrete access sections. Also visible were the very faint letters that instructed maintenance technicians: “Power cell. Service here. Internal fastening.” Jane’s designation and unique serial number were printed large and bold on the sole of her left foot. It was as if Jane’s modifier and upgrader, presumably her husband, had wanted realism but not at the cost of Jane’s robotic nature. The contrast of woman and robot was more artfully achieved than in any unit Alex had seen before. Neither element undermined the other; Jane was both a beautiful, sexy and elegant woman and a machine with parts and controls. Alex found that she was stoking the other woman’s cold skin as she admired her.

She turned away and rummaged in her shoulder bag for a moment before pulling out a small screwdriver and a tiny grey box. Turning back to the helpless Jane she stopped in her tracks, screwdriver in one hand, box in the other, and paused for a brief moment, still, as if listening for a tiny sound.

“Error,” the voice was flat, calm and toneless.

Blinking hard Alex carried on the motion towards Jane as if nothing had happened. She positioned her screwdriver and dexterously zipped out the six shiny screws holding the abdominal panel into Jane’s freckled body. Alex gently prized the controls free from their deep setting and pulled them out to the short limit of the dense bundles of wiring leading back into Jane. She reached her slim fingers deep into the other robot and concentrated for a moment before extracting them with a tiny chip between her manicured fingertips. She swapped it for another one from the box, similar but blue rather than the standard black plastic and then closed Jane up once again, careful to line up the soft layers of her water seal correctly before screwing the panel back over the tangled complex of micro and macro machinery and electronics crammed into her human like form.

She stowed the swapped chip and her screwdriver away and firmly pressed the 1/0 button on the naked body. It clicked solidly and a fraction of a second later the panel signalled Jane’s life with a bleep. She jerked into a straight posture, blinked, twitched and then gasped.

“What? Alex? What are you doing here?”

Alex explained the pitfalls of budget accommodation to an unsuspecting robot; Jane might as well have booked into storage as waste her husband’s money on a proper room that she would scarcely see. Not even a top rate hotel really bothered about quality service for an android other than to please it’s owner. The older unit’s sheltered life had led her right into the scam and, a little shaken, she was glad to accept her friend’s offer to bunk with her for the next twenty four hours.

Back at the Tokyo Hilton, Alex watched as Jane finally had the chance to wash the combined grime of international travel and mechanical servicing from her body. Leaning back on the counter as the other’s freckled body bathed in the steamy spray she again admired the blend of female and machine in her design. The blue glow of her display shone through the mist, droplets running down its waterproof face, and the fine grey dermal seam lines were clearly visible; but she moved as a woman would, with sensual grace, and the complex tones of her skin, where it was unmarked by technology, were perfect.

They chatted loudly over the noise of the showerheads, laughing at shared thoughts on other units and anecdotes from their own robot lives. After a long time Jane stepped out of the cubicle and Alex wrapped her in a huge white towel, rubbing her dry as they returned to the main room and sat on the bed. She had no memory of her maintenance session from the moment they arrived until she was booted up, naked and oily, and told to dress and leave many hours later. Although annoyed at Alex’s description of the Service Centre’s bungling of her requirements she couldn’t deny that her mechanical systems were functioning to the highest standards she had known, tuned and calibrated to perfection, she felt great.

As she rubbed her friend dry Alex felt her desire, always simmering, begin to rise. The Seven Series customised ‘bot had reacted perfectly to her activation, showing no command dependency faced with the unexpected situation and Alex felt that she could push her still further without cause for concern. She allowed her hands to wander, the towelling motion slowing to a gentler caress and lingering over Jane’s otherwise naked body, she caught her breath as their eyes met and held for a moment of stillness. Jane reached her hand to Alex’s hair and cupped her cheek in her palm.

“Alex, honey, I don’t know… I’m married and, well, I guess I’m programmed to be faithful. I want to…”

“Jane, you’re not. No way, look through your files, I’ll bet your hubby has shared you around somes before. What would he do if he were here now? Is he faithful to you? You’re a machine, Jane, just a robot. You were built for pleasure why not make the most of it?” Their faces were inches apart.

“Alex, I don’t know…” Jane’s lips parted, her brow furrowed with indecision.

“Try. You feel you want to make love, would you feel that if you weren’t built to do it? If you’re not programmed not to want to then you’re not programmed not to…”

Their lips met and they kissed, gently stroking one another’s hair, Jane’s towel falling open, her breasts lit gently blue from below, Alex’s erect nipples throwing sharp shadows over the swell of her tight white tank top in the low bedside lamplight. They kissed again and held together delicately for minutes, enjoying the excited anticipation of being with a truly understanding partner. Alex’s hand slid down Jane’s freckled back, caressing her skin and feeling the lines between the flesh-like panels under her fingers.

“Alex, wait… wait just a moment, I need you to do something first.”

Alex leant back expectantly as Jane crossed to her bags by the closet. While the other woman rummaged for something, she quickly slipped out of her street clothes and stood by the bed in her bra and panties.

“What’s the prob?”

“Just a sec… here!”

Jane turned to wave a small black tool wallet at her triumphantly.



“prob?” The younger girl was standing with her arms raised behind her, just on the point of unclasping her bra, the awkward motion repeating with her final word for the third time.

“error. Problem?” She dropped the lacy garment by her feet and took the wallet from Jane’s hands.

“Alex, you just ran a loop error, I think we should get you help.”

“No, I’m fine. What’s this for?” She gestured with the miniature tool kit.

“Seriously, Alex! Sit down, I’m going to call hotel services…” Jane motioned past Alex for the ‘phone.

“I’m fine, babe.” Alex calmly bent down, selected and pressed a button on Jane’s torso; she made no move to stop her, programmed to accept input without question, simply waiting patiently for her to finish. Alex watched the scrolling menus and pressed a few more buttons with firm, deliberate finger motions. Each press gave a satisfying mechanical click from the sealed keypad and Alex wondered if she ever had problems with inadvertent input.

“You kind of zoned out there Jane, I just reset you, you okay?”

“I don’t remember anything… I guess it’s maintenance effects. Thanks. Anyway, that kit, can you get a driver and pop my coccyx panel for me. I’m afraid I’ve got a mechanical lockout on some systems.”

The freckled android perched on the bed and presented her round buttocks to Alex, talking back over her shoulder.

“I’m strictly practical from the waist down at the moment. Its because of the kids you see, my husband thought it would be best, I spend a lot of time with them and they program me when he’s away… teenagers…”

Alex selected the tiny driver and knelt on the bed over Jane. She spun up the eight little fasteners around the small panel at the base of her spine, the projecting heads gave her just enough purchase to drag the area free and disconnect the single link to the rest of Jane’s body. The artificial flesh was thin here, the plastic and light alloy skeleton just below the surface. She looked in at the tangle of wires, tubes and cables filling the voids between more solid components in the dark space and could just make out some big elecro-actuators and Jane’s main power pack. The unexpected little episode was driving her wild inside and she felt protocols falling into place to inhibit her sexuality while she worked inside the other unit. They’d close soon enough.

“There should be a hard switch in there…”

Alex placed the removed trapezoid of Jane’s skin aside on the sheet and reached two fingers inside her at the base of her spine. “Got it… Which one, red, blue or green?”

“How the fuck do I know? Its behind me!?”

The girls burst into giggling through which Alex struggled to describe the three toggle switches mounted in a row just inside Jane’s pelvis. They weren’t labelled.

“Jeeze, I don’t know, just try any old one or we’ll be here all day!”

“You sure babe?”

“Go ahead, you can’t do any harm, they are ju”-click


Alex slid around from behind Jane on her knees and slipping one long firm leg down to the floor. She leaned forwards as the suddenly motionless ‘bot remained frozen in position on all fours, ass in the air, half looking around with a sensible explanation silenced on her parted lips.

“Babe?” Alex peered under her and confirmed her active status from the blue panel. “Not the red one then…”-click

“No, not that one! That’s a motor isolator to lock me up in my husband’s workshop! Try another…” —click-“Ohhhh… Yup! That’s the one!!”

Jane grinned broadly and twisted around to grab the surprised Alex by both arms and smothered her with a passionate kiss. She ran her hands heavily over the pale skin of her companion and the two women lost themselves in each others mouths as their hands ran free, exploring one another’s naked bodies; arms, shoulders, belly, breasts. Alex traced the hard outline of Jane’s controls and slipped her hand down to her thighs, embracing her tightly with the other. Pulling her face free with an effort Jane gasped,

“Alex, put me in sport mode!”

Pulling back a little, Alex dropped her hand to Jane’s belly and pressed menu and a select button, then enter. In common with most standard production models Jane’s system was re-configurable depending on her required role. When optimised to develop the rapid power spikes needed to bounce her around the tennis court or hockey pitch her battery life was reduced to a matter of hours, each movement being fast and strong but inherently inefficient; even gentle activity would quickly deplete her power supply. She normally operated in ”standard mode” which gave her all the drive she needed for daily android life and could also be set to “basic mode”, cutting many cosmetic systems and “standby” to save power.

With a squeal of delight Jane pounced back onto Alex and pushed her firmly down onto her back, mounting astride her quivering body and clamping her tight between her thighs. Alex’s passions caught up with her as the hold-off protocols closed and Jane’s sudden heat made her almost helpless. The older model was surprisingly strong and, though she struggled to gain a measure of control, Alex was quickly overwhelmed.

Grasping her wrists firmly, Jane flung Alex’s arms wide, knocking her own forgotten panel to the floor, and held her spread-eagled under her. She ground her crotch down in hard and fast circles pressing her soft sensor rich folds over the tiny hard bud below with a well-programmed precision that drew a sudden urgent flurry of louder and louder gasps, moans then shouts of ecstasy from below. Soon Alex’s struggling built to a helpless cry and she bucked up hard against her restrainer, her body arching back on itself utterly beyond control, driving her face back over into the pillows and her breasts quivering into Jane’s face where she nipped and licked bringing the helpless girl to a second and then third climax, each running into the next before she herself reached a panting, thrusting crescendo and collapsed on top of her lover.

They lay, Jane slowly squirming on top of the spent Alex, their sticky mingled juices smearing over their naked skin to lubricate all contact, replicated sexual fluids and sweat glistening on plastic and silicone covered bodies driven by complex mechanics and controlled by the pre-programmed responses of their computer minds. The lithe and pale young figure of Alex, human to all appearances and the freckled Jane, the details and features of her older but beautiful skin contrasting with the creamy perfection of her companion; the tracery of access panels and joint lines, the clearly visible lubrication points and markings showing her true nature. As they lay together, moving and touching, slowly kissing and caressing, the snappy mechanical movement of some internal systems showed clearly inside Jane’s open coccyx panel as the bedside lamp caught on the gleaming metallic parts. The loose wire hung limply out trailing its plug back and forth across her buttock as she moved.

“You tigress…” Alex eventually gasped.

“You bet!”

Alex was a very high spec unit and was experienced in the bedroom but this rated as a true high point. She guessed that the erotic history between them (a lot of which she realised Jane had missed what with being shut down and re-programmed) had built her up to bursting point. She should have expected that Jane’s exquisite customisation would have continued to the bedroom but the experience had quite overwhelmed her.

“Oh God…” Alex could do little more than whisper as her partner slid her way slowly down her body, tracing a line down between her breasts with her tongue, over her belly button, touching for a second the concealed metallic socket where Alex’s control unit interfaced, and on down to her crotch. Jane pushed her thighs apart and began a slow lingering caress with her lips and tongue that brought Alex very gradually back to a trembling peak of passion. She ran her fingers through Jane’s red curls and traced the outline of her own nipples and lips in a mindless ballet, over and over as her body slowly convulsed and her voice uttered moaning cries. Again and again Jane brought her to the brink of orgasm until she begged for more and finally she reached a long quivering climax that made her an incoherent twitching wreck for half a minute.

Letting her companion recover for only a few moments in her arms, Jane slipped her hand downwards to touch Alex in a way that drew instant reactions.

“Hey, my turn — ohhhhhh….” Alex’s protests were feeble in the face of the sexual onslaught, the sheer perfection of Jane’s skills at turning her on. She felt she had somewhat lost the initiative and was determined to satisfy her new companion in every way but the teasing between her legs sapped her will, activating arousal routines that diverted resources. She writhed in Jane’s arms making faint noises of pleasure and protest as she feebly tried to extract herself long enough to get a grip on her feelings. She fumbled at Jane’s body, half pushing and half caressing until by chance she touched the other robot’s open panel.

Momentarily taken by another finger-induced spasm, Alex gripped the bare edge in the naked back as she moaned. She could feel the movement of some internals on the back of her fingers as Jane moved against her whispering words of comfort and desire. She fumbled inside, stretching her fingers out, if she could get a just moment to catch up….

“Ohhhhhhhhh…. Mmmmmmmm oh!” Alex’s inflamed body moved of its own accord as she began to loose control again, was there a limit to the pleasure even her body could receive? She fumbled with her outstretched fingers against the hard edges of Jane’s rear facing pelvic access, pulling herself closer with an arm around her lover.

“That’s it baby. Oh yes!” Jane felt the embrace tightening on her body, feeling nothing in her sensor free internal space as Alex’s manicured fingertip brushed against a toggle switch, flailed around, found it again and switched it.


Jane froze instantly, her arm around Alex, one intense finger on her screaming clitoris. Alex came in her statue’s grip, feeling the pale mottled mannequin arms around her as she arched her body was enough by now to finish the job Jane had begun. In the aftermath Alex lay panting in her locked-up lovers arms. She apologised, knowing Jane was online, only motor function disabled.

“I was losing it babe; sorry, but I was just coming and coming… God. You’re amazing… just give me a minute…”

Alex rolled the freckled woman gently aside as she wormed her body out from the fixed embrace. Sitting beside Jane she stroked her naked body, smearing their mingled juices over the perfect frozen details of her replicated skin and feeling the harder lines of her closed seams and joints under her own fingertip sensors.

She sat for a while as she came down from her ecstatic high, watching Jane’s status on the still lit panel. She knew the other robot was fully active, only her motors shutdown. She could feel every touch and caress Alex gave her and the usage bar on her blue display was growing longer as she processed each tiny input through her sexual systems.

Alex gave a cheeky grin and twisted the stiff figure towards her for a little revenge. She let her hand drift down between her partner’s legs and played with her dripping folds with expert fingers. With one eye on Jane’s openly displayed status the younger looking unit could judge her pace just as well as she could from the movements and sounds of a moving woman. She brought her friend slowly to what would have been a shuddering, body wracking orgasm but which she could sense only from the cryptic changes on the silent display. She grinned broadly and laughed at the thought of the beautiful sensations trapped inside the posed body, still embracing empty air, behind the cold blank blue eyes and pretty freckled frozen face.

Alex’s body was perfectly human in every way, while the woman in her arms was in no doubt a robot: frozen unnaturally and her naked skin broken by the fine lines and details of her mechanical body protruding through as seams, joins, lettering and the blue rectangular control panel in her stomach. Alex was pale and lean but with soft curves; appearing somewhere in her twenties she was pretty without being too noticeably beautiful. A rich chestnut brown bob of feathered hair framed her face with its slightly severe mouth a matching dark eyes. Her skin was perfectly detailed for the closest attention but a little too smooth and creamy to believe; with no moles, freckles or lines to break its bare expanse. Her breasts were smaller than her lover’s, a pert B cup with perfect round smooth nipples and she moved with dancer’s grace and confidence. Her skin crinkled as she sat beside Jane, raising perfect goose bumps which spread from her breasts over her arms and thighs, she shivered.

The brunette left Jane lying as she was, only guessing at the pent up frustration inside the un-powered machine woman’s shutdown body. She walked through to the shower and drenched herself for ten long minutes in the steaming jets as she washed the traces of their sex away. Alex was not customised as Jane was, she was factory built and suspected that the other android, though developed from an old and basic model, was probably rather more capable than she herself was. She was a definite candidate for the Sisterhood and she was pleased with finding her, though it had been by chance. She smoothed the suds over her skin again, feeling her perfect human-like curves. No outward features gave her away to even the closest examination. Only by probing behind the shiny belly button stud could anyone find the one detail that conclusively showed what she was, the little interface socket where she connected data and power cables to her internal systems. Unlike her new companion, Alex preferred to keep her robot status quiet. Not a secret as such, her identity was open on her id and credit cards and she needed regular servicing and battery charges to keep functioning, but she didn’t like to advertise. She looked human and felt much more secure if she left that illusion unbroken.

She walked back into the bedroom, towelled dry and gathered her underwear together to dress slowly in front of Jane’s fixed staring eyes. She stepped into her thong and drew it up her legs, looking seductively over her shoulder and stopped half way. For half a minute she stood bent forwards with her naked buttocks presented to her paused friend, a cheeky grin fixed in place until she blinked hard again and continued, putting the minimal piece of underwear in place between the soft pink globes of her pert rear as if nothing had happened.

Alex bent towards her black sheer bra on the floor when she stopped again, only for an instant before standing up straight, smartly to attention, eyes front, arms straight at her sides. She emitted a single loud harsh beep from somewhere inside before she moved again. She frowned and shook her head, took a few steps then changed her mind, turned and moved towards her bra again and froze in mid step. She came to a few seconds later and shook her head again, looking a little flustered she stepped briskly to the old fashioned ‘phone handset beside the bed and picked it up, freezing with it halfway to her ear. She stood still beside Jane for a moment then jerked into motion with a distinctly mechanical twitch of her pretty head. She placed the receiver carefully back on it’s cradle and walked back to the foot of the bed where she saw her bra and reached for it with a puzzled and annoyed look. Picking the little garment up she reached around to clasp it and froze once again, mouth open and arms awkwardly twisted upwards behind her back. Returning to life quickly with another twitch of her head she made decisively for the telephone, the bra falling forgotten from her fingers. She stopped twice en-route for a fraction of a second, the malfunction somewhere in her system causing her to break her graceful stride and stumble around the bed. Alex barely picked up the ‘phone this time before it fell from her suddenly lifeless fingers as she straightened up again to stand stiffly to attention as she did automatically when being processed through facilities such as airports and serving centres. Once again she stood still as her safety overrides re-started her malfunctioning systems to prevent a critical error emitting another piercing beep.

Alex came to life again but seemed unable to do more than look about confusedly. Her head twitched several times and she made to speak, frowned, reached for the ‘phone and deactivated again, overridden by her safety system as it recognised a dangerous malfunction. She stood smartly to attention and powered down fully, her limbs locking out, her face blank and expressionless.

From the corner of her fixed eye Jane noted the stiff pose of her friend, guessing that the malfunction she had watched from within her frozen body, still lying on the bed, had finally got the best of the other android. She remembered nothing of the earlier episode that Alex had deleted from her memory and had no knowledge of the little modification done to her own system. She had gone from annoyance at Alex’s rude shutdown of her motors to wild ecstasy and now to phlegmatic irritation. She guessed they would stay as they were until the room was made up or until someone missed them. She wondered how long her power would last and began to get bored. She didn’t wonder why she was bored or what that meant about her programming or nature, she simply was. For many hours….

At 0547 am the room door opened and three women strode in. They wore black, long leather style coats, boots: all dressed the same and with the same piercing blue eyes. They said nothing and moved with quiet efficiency. A striking blond in early thirties gestured curtly to the others. Another blond, younger, moved towards Alex and a beautifully sculpted brunette leaned into Jane’s field of view. She reached down and turned off the redhead and, as their leader gathered belongings from around the room into a holdall, the girls unfolded enormous black kitbags into which they zipped Alex and Jane, the brunette folding Jane’s stiff limbs into a rough attention pose to fit her in. Less than two minutes from arriving the three women left, swiftly and silently, each with a huge black bag slung over their shoulder with little effort and leaving nothing behind. The door swung closed behind them.

To be continued in “Sisterhood Part 3 — Sorority”

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Post by BA » Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:42 pm

There's a pic of Jane in her hotel room in the gallery when its back up and running again (from quite a while ago...)

Hope you enjoy this, I'll follow up when I can


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Post by DollSpace » Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:05 pm

I like this one! Can't wait for the next part :)


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Re: Pic

Post by Korby » Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:16 am

BA wrote:There's a pic of Jane in her hotel room in the gallery when its back up and running again (from quite a while ago...)
I thought as much--I immediately thought of that pic when I came to that part of the story. The description matched the image perfectly (such descriptiveness being one of many areas in which your writing is quite strong).
BA wrote:Hope you enjoy this, I'll follow up when I can
Oh, yeah. I enjoyed it. I had been waiting for this installment with the proverbial bated breath, and it was very much worth the wait, too. Not only was it everything I'd expected and hoped for, but the twist at the end (and its foreshadowing, I assume, in Alex's thoughts about a 'Sisterhood') left me wanting very badly to see what comes next.

So: Ten out of ten. Very well done indeed; can't wait for the next segment, and other such things which I find I cannot help but express every time you post something.
"Oh shut up Ray don't talk about gettin' with a robot
That is a ill idea"
--Roast Beef

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Post by tectile » Mon Jan 03, 2005 7:24 am


What a great way to start off the new year.

As always, absolutly first rate BA.

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Post by 1001011001 » Mon Jan 03, 2005 2:36 pm

Top notch Class A work.

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