The Vanishing Warlord - Part 13

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The Vanishing Warlord - Part 13

Post by ButchyBoy » Sun Dec 19, 2004 10:31 pm

Cricket finished the repair job on Hargrove's hand, and the two of them rushed back to the British Museum....only to find the main doors locked and the closed sign out. The Inspector had a puzzled look on her face.

"Closed??.....In the middle of a Friday??"

"There has in be another way in", Cricket said. "Why don't we check...."

Suddenly, another voice got their attention. "Camilla....ah, I mean Inspector." It was Joe Tam. The Inspector just waved her hand. "I's all right, Joe. What's going on? What's the Museum doing closed this time of day?"

"You've got me", he answered. "I've been trying to call Dr. Benwolf and the Professor all day. There's no answer on any of their numbers."

"Well, do you have keys to any of the doors?", Cricket asked. Joe thought a moment. Then he pulled out his key chain. "One of these should open the service door in back." "Well, let's go", Cricket said.

The trio went around to the back and into the museum. It was deathly quiet and darkened. Cricket had Joe show them the way to Dr. Benwolf's office. When they got there, his door was wide open. Hargrove saw the grisly sight first. Then Joe, and finally Cricket.

"Well....I guess we know what happened to that dagger", the little robot said with a gulp. Indeed they did know. It was plunged into the back of the museum director. He was face down on the desk, his head turned to the side, eyes wide open. The blood was trickling down and onto the floor. Dr. Nigel Benwolf was dead.

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Post by kb7rky » Sun Dec 19, 2004 11:31 pm

Last edited by kb7rky on Mon Dec 20, 2004 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Sun Dec 19, 2004 11:55 pm

The three of them examined the scene of this fresh murder. "It looks like this just happend.", Hargrove said, checking the dead man's body. Cricket felt an eerie chill in the air. "Yes...and that means....." That when that sick evil laugh filled the room. The Warlord stepped into the doorway. He pointed right at Cricket.

"You have become a most worthy advisary, little one. Twice, you have escaped my deadly grip. But the game ends here. You and your friends shall die!" He drew a long sword. "But which one first?? Too bad you shall never know until it is too late!" And with that, he vanished.

"Cor!", the Inspector cried. "He's a bloody ghost!" Cricket just smiled.

"I don't think so." The robot looked around as if she was trying to find the villian. "Your wrong Mr. Shang. This game isn't's not even......halftime!" On that last word, the fembot raised her right foot placing a superkick in thin air. But that air grunted, and the fall wall suddenly crashed into itself. That long sword was visable flying in the air. Cricket grabbed it and broke it over her knee. She looked at the wall and wagged her finger. "Naughty naughty. Little boys shouldn't play with pointy things." Then another louder grunt was heard and Cricket sidestepped. The other wall of Benwolf's office crashed into itself. Camilla and Joe just looked in stunned amazement at this strange fight. Cricket marched to the newly crashed wall. "Peek-a-boo", she said with a confident smile, looking down. "That's right. I can see you!" Just then, her head craned up as if her neck was being grabbed. Cricket's airway was a bit cut off, but she could still speak. "Oops....I forgot, he can see me too." And then, the android found herself airborne, summersalting into the hallway, and crashing onto the floor. The Warlord himself became visable again.

"So, little one, the game does continue. Very well. It shall end tonight then. Deliver the real fifth dragon to me or Harry Lang dies!!!" He was suruonded by smoke and then gone for good this time. Camilla and Joe helped Cricket off the floor. She let them know she was alright.

"What was he tallking about.....real fifth dragon?", the Inspector asked.

Cricket just stared where the Warlord had been standing. "Get some of your people to take care of Benwolf's body. I'll explain everything on the way to Windsor Arms." Her voice was rather flat. She know Harry was still alive, he had to be! One thing was for sure; the fight of her young life was yet to come.

The rest is less than 24 hours away.......Sexbot's honor :wink:

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Post by DollSpace » Mon Dec 20, 2004 4:44 pm

Yay! Another part! ^^ Great story, and I can't wait to read the end! :)


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