Remaking Rebecca, part III

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Remaking Rebecca, part III

Post by Korby » Sat Sep 25, 2004 5:15 am

Here goes... thanks as always to RX3000 for inspiration, and to my readers for their kind words on my previous efforts. Enjoy!

Remaking Rebecca, Part III

It's easy to forget sometimes just how incredibly complex and advanced a piece of technology I am. The Dyson Institute has taken the field of female android robotics to an amazing level. I am completely indistinguishable from an organic woman, in every way--at least externally. There are no seams between my modular components or around my access panels; my synthetic skin seals itself perfectly. I move, sound, and feel entirely human; even my friend and lover Julia, who knows my body as intimately as anyone, has no idea that I'm an android. I can eat and drink normally (chemical reprocessing systems reduce any food or liquid I intake into an inert fluid that only requires periodic removal). As I've mentioned, I am fully capable of sexual interaction. Despite all appearances, however, I am entirely artificial. This is where the Dyson Institute's true triumph lies; having created a machine which cannot be distinguished from a human being, they have used this advanced technology to improve upon the merely organic. My robotic body is vastly superior to my original organic one, in every way. Of course, my sexual functions (being my primary ones) are highly advanced; I am designed to experience something like twenty times as much sexual pleasure as an organic woman. Apart from that, my physical strength and reflexes are noticeably greater; my senses are far broader and more precise; my thought processes are enormously fast, and my memory systems record my every experience in complete detail. I do not age, do not get sick... and though I may periodically suffer system malfunctions due to ordinary wear or unexpected damage, the Institute's servicing and maintenance facilities can repair me with ease. I also receive perodic upgrades, which expand my capabilities and keep me on the cutting edge of modern robotics. I am a perfect machine, fulfilling my functions--to simulate an organic woman--flawlessly; the advanced technology from which I am built makes me a perfect woman. I know that when my present contract expires, I can be restored to my original body... and although Eric and I may one day decide to have children, I think I might be happiest spending my future as an android.

Eric and I were lying in bed one night, resting after a bout of sexual delight (not that I required rest--my power pack still had sufficient charge for several more hours--but Eric is, after all, only human). I was relating details of my latest encounter with Julia, which he obviously found quite erotic.
"Wow," he breathed. "That's so hot. You know, I always thought Julia was really attractive... and I have to confess I used to fantasize about the two of you together..."
"Typical guy," I laughed softly. "She is really beautiful, though. I'd be lying if I said that I'd never thought about her that way, in the past... but until now, I never would have seriously considered it."
"You weren't programmed to, in the past," he grinned. "I can't believe how lucky I am. Having a wife who can be programmed to do anything I want..."
"Anything we want," I corrected him with a smile. "The Institute wouldn't change my programming against my will, no matter how much you might want. That's where you're lucky... I'm willing to be adventurous--for you."
He smiled and kissed me. "I love you," he said.
"I love you too," I said. My sensory systems were surveying his physical responses--increased heart rate and respiration, variations in body temperature, and such--which led my subsystem software to conclude that he was becoming more and more aroused. This triggered an automatic response; a status message in my field of vision indicated my own arousal level, which was climbing rapidly. I kissed him harder, and moved my hand down his body. He ran one hand gently down my spine, stopping when he got to my bottom and squeezing softly. I stroked his manhood, which was swiftly becoming engorged, and then leaned down to kiss it lovingly. I ran my tongue along his shaft, then swirled it around the tip before taking it into my mouth. Eric groaned quietly. I allowed my sexual software to guide me, varying my technique according to his responses. My programming is incredibly complex, and allows me to give him such amazing pleasure; combined with my precision-engineered hardware, this makes me an unparalelled practicioner of oral sex. Eric certainly thought so, to judge by his reactions. My software calculated that I was growing dangerously close to giving him an orgasm, so I eased off; although I found pleasing him to be, in turn, very pleasurable I wanted more.
Eric was not satisfied to be a passive recipient; his hand had moved from my bottom to the junction of my thighs, and he was doing marvelous things for me with his fingers. The sensitivity of my robotic sex was unbelievable. The combination of Eric's efforts and the enjoyment of getting him so hot was enough to send my arousal levels through the roof. I couldn't wait any longer; I sat up, and threw one leg over his body. I guided Eric into my now-dripping pussy, and began to move--slowly, cautiously. I knew Eric couldn't hold out too much longer.
"Oh, God, baby," he moaned. "You are incredible..."
Even as I moved up and down on his rock-hard shaft, the synthetic muscles within my own sex pulsed and massaged him. I cried out, too; my sensors were flooding my processors with data. Eric reached down to touch my clitoris. Only .0036 seconds later, the message orgasm sequence loading appeared before my eyes. "Oh, yes," I all but squealed. With a barely-conscious effort, I engaged a preset climax protocol which would synchronize my peak with his. "Come for me, honey; I'm programmed to come when you do..."
That was all it took. I knew that Eric really loved the fact that I was a perfect machine, and the mere mention of that fact was enough to set him off. He exploded within me, and within nanoseconds the message orgasm sequence executing appeared. I screamed with delight as the digitized climax ran its wonderful course. I stopped moving and collapsed on his chest, kissing him madly.
"You are absolutely incredible," he whispered weakly.
"I'm perfect," I replied simply. I rolled off of him and snuggled up close.
"You certainly are," he said. "If you're even half as good with girls as you are with me, I can see why Julia keeps coming back for more."
"My programming is equally good with women... but I'm programmed to enjoy you the most." It was true; as pleasant as my 'extracurricular activities' could be, I had requested that my software be designed to get the most satisfaction from making love to my husband. "Julia is nice, too, though," I teased him.
"As long as you tell me all the juicy details, you can make love to Julia all you like," he said. "The idea of you two together is about the hottest thing I can imagine."
"You're so good to me," I said. "I have to say, I really like having the best of both worlds." I held him close. "I wish Julia were an android, too, though. She'd enjoy making it with me even more."
"Maybe you should talk to her about it," Eric said, a little sleepily. "I'll bet Dave--" Julia's husband "--wouldn't complain much. If I could tell him how much I've enjoyed having an android wife..."
"Don't do that," I said. "Remember, this is supposed to be our little secret. But I might just see what I can talk her into."
"My lips are sealed," he said with a yawn. Presently, he dropped off to sleep. I stayed there, huddled close, and began making plans for talking to Julia... I wanted so badly to share this wonderful existence with her.
"Oh shut up Ray don't talk about gettin' with a robot
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Post by Korby » Sat Sep 25, 2004 5:18 am

I called Julia the next morning, after Eric had left for work. "It's me," I said casually. "I was just getting ready to come over, when I remembered that I had an appointment for a facial this afternoon." That wasn't a lie, exactly... I did have a regular maintenance session scheduled later in the day, and the thorough diagnostic routines would certainly include my facial actuators...
"Oh," she said, sounding slightly disappointed. "At that Dyson place?"
"Yeah," I replied. "But I had an idea... why don't you come along, check the place out? They might be able to work you in, too; I'm allowed to bring a guest." I paused, smiling. "Of course, we can find some time to... hang out... later. You know. Just us girls."
"That sounds like a good idea," she said, after a moment's consideration. "Pick me up at, say, eleven-thirty? We can grab lunch before we head over there."
"Great," I said. "That works. My appointment's at two."
"Eleven-thirty, then," she said. "See you then."
"Right," I said, smiling. "Eleven-thirty it is. See you."

Julia and I drove out to the Institute after lunch. All through the meal, and throughout the entire drive, I couldn't stop thinking about my own particular plans for the afternoon. I was intensely excited by the idea of introducing Julia to everything the Dyson Institute had to offer. The data flowing through my circuits was overwhelming.
After arriving and signing in, Julia and I decided to take a sauna. There was little doubt about what was on Julia's mind as we entered the sultry, steam-filled chamber; she immediately discarded her towel, and I followed suit. My visual analysis subsystems took note of Julia's motions, her body language, and her expressions, and concluded that she was displaying intense sexual interest in me. That was all it took... my sexuality programming kicked into overdrive. I was overcome with insatiable lust to touch, to taste, this beautiful female body. There was no conflict in my carefully-coded software, in my sophisticated electronic mind. I wanted this other gorgeous woman. I was still able to marvel at the experience, and I knew that it was my new android programming that was the source of this sudden lesbian lust. I was still myself, but I was also a machine--inextricably bound to follow my programming. Something about that realization only fueled my digital passions, causing my arousal level to rise even higher. I am programmed to want her, and so I do... I am programmed to make love to this woman. I am a machine. I am a machine. I knew that my programming would, in the absence of any more compelling activity, create in me the desire to have sex with my beautiful girlfriend at the drop of a hat.

I dropped my towel, stepped forward, and kissed Julia passionately. She returned the kiss in full. We were already naked; nothing kept us from ravishing each other. Julia immediately moved down to trace her tongue across my areolae, lightly teasing my nipples with her tongue as she cupped my full breasts in her hands. "Ooooh," I cooed, an automated response. So much of my human emulation is controlled by sophisticated software, robotically responding to external stimuli. I love it; it makes me feel like the machine I am, to respond according to programmed instructions. Another response keyed by my software was happening between my legs. My synthetic sex was growing warm and beginning to self-lubricate, preparing itself for sexual contact. Such mechanical reactions--mere preprogrammed sequences, but so painstakingly human and realistic--are so intensely erotic to experience. I opted to 'step back' and merely watch as my advanced software took over, guiding my perfect android body as Julia made love to me. Her long, slender fingers slipped between my thighs, stroking and teasing my already-dripping sex. Her middle finger found my clit, and began to softly manipulate it. My circuitry was jammed with the intense pleasure data.
Julia gently pushed me back onto the bench, and moved my thighs apart. She planted a trail of kisses from my breasts, down my belly, down between my legs. She kissed my nether lips softly and lovingly before proceeding to devour my synthetic pussy. I cried out in delight. She lapped at me hungrily, and slipped her middle finger into me. Thousands of microsensors detected her tongue on my clit, her finger inside me, and sent their data coursing through my circuitry. Highly-complex software analyzed the data, judging Julia's attentions to be intensely pleasurable. A line of code determined that I should moan her name, and sent commands to my vocal unit. Another line of code addressed my motor systems, causing me to place my left hand on the back of her head and press her face into my crotch. I am a machine, I thought, deliriously happy. I am programmed to enjoy these sensations. I am a perfect, fully robotic sex system--designed and built for my own pleasure.
--Unit RX8236 nearing orgasm threshold. Loading orgasm sequence ready.

"Oh, yes, Julia, just like that... oh... I'm going to come... oh yes... oh yes... oh YES!"
--Orgasm sequence executing.
"YES! YES! OHHHHH, YES... ohhhhhh.... oh, Julia, yes... ohhh, God..." Wave after wave of indescribable pleasure exploded in my circuits. After what seemed an eternity, it subsided... Julia withdrew her finger and kissed my pussy gently, lapping up rivulets of my synthetic juices.
Shortly, I recovered from the powerful simulated orgasm--my human emulation software simulating an organic woman's responses, leaving me gasping for 'breath', even as my subsystem took time to cope with the last pleasure data streams and reallocate system resources accordingly. Julia rose from between my thighs, and I kissed her like a wild woman. Now my sex software prompted me to assume an active role; I continued to allow my programming to control me. I began to massage Julia's lovely breasts, licking and nibbling at her erect nipples. In time I found myself going down on her, repaying the wonderful debt of pleasure I owed her. Soon Julia was moaning and panting as my tongue explored her most intimate regions. We made love for the better part of an hour, allowing our fingers and tongues full play over each other's hot, sweat-slick bodies.
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Post by Korby » Sat Sep 25, 2004 5:18 am

Ultimately, be it from exhaustion or satiation (on Julia's part, at any rate; I was, frankly, incapable of either--but I was bound by Julia's organic limitations), we lay back on the wooden bench, limbs still intertwined. With the immediate sexual situation resolved for the moment, my electronic mind returned to its contemplation of my ulterior motive.
"Ohhhhh," Julia sighed, a smile of devilish contentment on her lips. "That was absolutely incredible."
"Yes," I said softly. "It was... but Julia... what if I told you it could be even better?"
She laughed and shook her head. "I don't think I'd believe you. It's hard to imagine it getting better--I don't think I could handle anything more intense than that."
"I know how it could get better, love," I said. "And you'd be able to handle it--that, and more."
"Oh, really?" she said. "And how's that?"
"I have something to share with you, Julia... something that could literally change your life. I know it changed mine--for the better." I extricated myself from Julia's embrace, sitting up straight and turning so I could look her in the eye. "There's so much more to the Dyson Institute than you realize," I said. "They've given me a completely new existence, Julia, and they can do it for you, too..."
Julia frowned slightly, puzzled by what she was hearing. "What do you mean?"
"I am an RX8000 series android, Julia," I said simply. "I was built and programmed by the Dyson Institute." Before she could utter any coherent response, I removed my abdominal panel to reveal my incredibly complex internal systems.
Julia stared in awe at my exposed circuitry. "Oh, my God... Rebecca... I... I had no idea... you're a... machine?" She shook her head. "I... thought maybe you'd gotten breast implants, had some cosmetic surgery or something... but..."
"This is far better than any cosmetic surgery. I have an entirely new body. I'm a perfect synthetic woman... a perfect android. Julia, it's fantastic... you wouldn't believe how wonderful it is to have a totally robotic body. The sex is beyond compare... look." I lifted away a patch of skin surrounding my carefully-trimmed pubic hair, revealing additional circuits and wires. "This is some of my sex hardware. It's designed for pleasure--my own pleasure. It's so sensitive... the slightest touch is enough to nearly overwhelm my circuitry. And I have a database of thousands of digitized orgasm sequences--the most advanced personal pleasure software available." I smiled. "And my programming includes techniques, too--I am a perfect sex partner. That's why I'm so good at making love to you... I'm programmed to pleasure women as well as men."
Julia's mouth moved, unable to form sensible words for a moment. "But... how? Have you... always been--?"
"Of course not," I said. "I've been Rebecca Harte Unit RX8236 for months now. The Dyson Institute remade me... that's what they do. They built a perfect robotic replica of my organic body, then transferred my digitized consciousness into it. It's incredible, Julia. My body is exactly the way I want it now. Every part of me is perfect--my face, my legs, my breasts... perfect, and completely synthetic. I'm built from all the latest technology. Underneath this perfect female form, I consist of highly-advanced electronics, microhydraulics, and servodynamics. They designed, built, and programmed the new me... and they can make a new you, too."
"Me?" she said. "I don't know... I..."
"Join us, Julia... you won't regret it. There are hundreds of us--women who have taken full advantage of the chance to become beautiful, absolutely flawless androids. Think about it... you could be a perfect woman... a perfect android."
"Yes," she said at last. "I want to do it. I want to become a machine. How soon can they build me? I can't wait, Rebecca... I'm ready to become an android woman, just like you. I'd be a perfect robotic wife for Dave, and a perfect lover for you..."
I replaced my access panels and extended a hand to Julia. "Come with me," I said. "They should be able to begin at once. You won't regret it... you'll be perfect in every way, Julia--a perfect machine."

To be continued...
"Oh shut up Ray don't talk about gettin' with a robot
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Post by Stephaniebot » Mon Sep 27, 2004 2:28 am

great work Korby,been looking forward to this for a long time.Look forward to seeing what happens next.And if theres ever any vacancies for transformation at Dyson I want to be first in line! :D
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by tectile » Mon Sep 27, 2004 5:43 am

I'm not a big transformation fan but I enjoyed this story very much.
Looking forward to following Jullia through the process :)

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Post by 33cl33 » Mon Sep 27, 2004 9:25 am

Good stuff! And, like Tectile, I'm not usually a fan of the transformation stories, but this one's got what it takes... looking forward to the rest!

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Post by htb21 » Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:46 pm

wow well done! Excellent work! 8)

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Post by Korby » Thu Sep 30, 2004 2:46 am

Thanks very kindly, everyone. As time permits, I mean to start working on the next bit fairly soon--maybe this weekend. We'll see what happens. Hopefully I'll get another chapter together for y'all.
"Oh shut up Ray don't talk about gettin' with a robot
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Post by Korby » Sat Oct 09, 2004 7:01 am

Well, no new writing so far... however, an image of Rebecca is on its way to the gallery, pending validation. A little bit of idle photomanipping resulted in an unexpected bit of serendipity: I took a look at the image I was working on, and suddenly realized that it was a darn close match for how I pictured the character as I was writing...


"Oh shut up Ray don't talk about gettin' with a robot
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Post by kb7rky » Sat Oct 09, 2004 9:30 am

And a damn nice manip it is, Korby ;)


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