The Vanishing Warlord - Part 6

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The Vanishing Warlord - Part 6

Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:13 pm

Cricket felt her eyelids flutter several times as her eyes opend. It took a moment for her visual sensors to get into focus, and the first thing she saw clearly was Harry, smiling down at her. "Hey, there you are.", he said with a sigh of relief. "Welcome back." The blonde android still felt weak from her 'dizzy spell' in the museum basement, and half-closed her eyes again. "Ooooooo.......Somebody get the number of that HoverTruck?", she asked in a rather soft voice. Well, her sense of humor seems in tact, Harry thought. Cricket slowly shifted her eyes this way and that, and realized she was no longer where she was a few moments ago.

"Hey....wh-where are we?", she asked, still trying to get her bearings. "You're in Professor Peng's private office.", another voice answered. It was Joseph Tam, the professor's intern. Harry filled in the events of the last few moments for the confused fembot. "Just as you collapsed, the lights in the basement went out, and when they came back on, that crate we opened was empty. Someone managed to make off with that crazy suit of armor, and the dagger you gave to the inspector. I tried to revive you, but you just kept twitching. I carried you up here to the prof's office. I was about ready to shut you down compleatly, when you opened your eyes just now." "I'm suprised I didn't shut down myself.", Cricket said, rubbing her forehead. "Honey, what happened to you?", Harry asked with a genuine concern in his voice.

Cricket tried her best to give a good answer. "I.....I'm not sure Harry. Just as that crazy laughter started, I got this incredible feedback surge." "Feedback?", Harry asked. "Yeah, and boy was it painful. I could feel all my motors just.....give out. Is something wrong with me Harry?", Cricket asked. "I seriously doubt it, babe.", Harry replied. "Betty Stevens had you checked out top to bottom before we left here, remember?" "Ah, not really", she answered back. "I was in fembot dreamland for most of that....remember?" "Oh yeah", Harry said, a little embarassed. "Well, you were given a 100% clean bill of heath. No, something down in that basement triggered the feedback you got. And we're going to find out what."

Cricket slowly sat up off the couch she had been laying on. "Say, where's the rest of our happy group?", she asked. That question promted young Mr. Tam to speak up. "Well, the professor went back to Dr. Benwolf's office to discuss museum security and Inspector Hargrove went to file a report. She wasn't too happy having that dagger taken right from under her nose." "I don't think she's happy period", Cricket said. "What's with her anyway?", she asked. Joseph took a deep breath, and answered. "Camilla had a pretty bad experiance with a malfunctioning service bot about 10 years ago, when she first joined the service. She never talks about it even to me, but ever since then, any bot she finds without id or papers......she can't hit that off switch fast enough. I don't think it's anything personal, really." "Oh no, nothing personal, I'm sure", Cricket said, her normal sweet nature coming back. She turned to Harry. "She just wants to melt me down for scrap, that's all", she said in a quiet aside. She mouthed the words "nothing personal" to him. Harry chuckled.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:02 pm

"Ah, Mr. Tam", Harry started to say. "Oh, you can call me Joe." "Ok, Joe. This is the second time I've her you call the Inspector by her first name. Are you two close?", Harry asked. "Ever since we were kids. We'd spend summers together hunting for buried treasure on the beach. That's how I became interested in archology. Especially the artifacts of my ancestors. That's why I'm here with Professor Peng." "And what happened to Camilla? Loose her interest for buried treasure, did she?" "Oh no Mr. Lang" "Oh that's all right Joe. We're all on a first-name basis now." "Gee, thanks Harry. Anyway, I was the one who encourged Camilla to join the police force. See, soon after we bacame friends, she appointed herself as my protector. She'd beat up anybody who made fun of me." "And you didn't mind this?" "Oh no. I was a scrawny kid growing up and she was always tall for her age. Well, one day I told her if she wanted to keep protecting people, she might as well get paid for it."

"All right, let's get back to Camilla's.......strong dislike for robots", Harry said. "Is it possible she could........overstep her authority to put one out of commission?", he asked. "I don't understand what your getting at", Joe replied. "Just this Joe. It's clear to me now that there's a secret down in that basement that's woth killing for. Mr. Sacker stumbled onto that secret, and now lies dead. Now either intertionally or by accident, someone triggered that feedback surge to try and kill Cricket. Or at least, keep her out of the way." The little android chimed in at this point. "I know she's a very good friend Joe, but she said it herself. If she had her way, she'd melt the whole lot of us down, her exact words." Cricket knelt down and put her hands on Tam's. "Joe please, I need to know. Is it at all possible.....that she would try and get me out of the way?" He wanted to stand right up and shout 'no'! But he also knew he deep her hatred could run. "I......really don't think she would Cricket. Please believe me." Cricket smiled. "Ok Joe. And thank you."

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Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:50 pm

At this point, Harry decided to play the other hand he had been holding onto. "One more thing Joe. Speaking of artifacts, what do you make of this?" Harry took the little jade dragon from his coat pocket. Joe turned pale when he saw it. "Where........where did you get that?", he asked. "It was delivered to our hotel room last night, along with a rather ominous note." Harry could see the near fear in young Mr. Tam's face. "I take it you know what it is." Joe did his best to pull himself together. "Yes. It is the smallest of five jade dragons that belonged to Kiwan Shang. It is said that by themselves, the dragons mean nothing. But when bound together, those five dragons can call forth an unstopple evil force, and an army of the dead." "The supernaturial properites Dr. Benwolf was talking about", Harry guessed.

Joe continued his story. "Dr. Benwolf called Shang 'a brutal fellow'. You have no idea. Kiwan Shang was a general in Emperor Suko's army. But Shang lusted after power of his own, challanging the Emperor himself for the throne. He was cast out of Suko's kingdom, but emassed an army of thieves and killers, and soldiers who also fell out of Suko's favor. They raided village after village, killing everyone in their path. No one was spared. Even the women, after they were raped died slow horrible deaths. It was said that to add to his power, Shang consulted the dark arts of witchcraft. He wanted to be immortal, to eventually rule forever.
He was guided to make five jade dragons, each one larger than the last. But just as the last dragon was forged, Suko himself rode in to face Shang one last time. The battle was long and much blood was spilled on both sides. Finally, both Suko and Shang battled to a cliff, and there they both fell, but not before Kiwan Shang vowed to return one day. Just before falling from the cliff he said, 'When the dragons are finally united, my power will return and my destiny will be fullfilled.' The dragons shound have been destroyed there and then, but instead were buried in a cave deep in the mountains of China, where Shang had called home. 20 years ago, those same five dragons were un-earthed by an expidition funded by this museum. You hold the smallest in your hand, Mr. Lang. The two largest now sit in the gallery itself. We don't know the whereabouts of the remaining two."

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Post by ButchyBoy » Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:40 am

Harry felt like he was back in summer camp with this seemingly tall tale. Cricket took it all in with wonder and facination, and then without skipping a beat, got her logicial mind working. "Joe, were all the dragons ment to be part of the museum collection?" He though a moment. "Come to think of it, no. Just the two largest ones. If I remember right, the other three were kept as keepsakes by the expidition members." That statement sparked a light in Harry. "Any chance Geffory Sackler and Roland Spencer were part of that trip to China 20 years ago?" A soft-spoken voice gave the answer. "Indeed they were Mr. Lang." Professor Peng had returned to his office to find it still occupied. "Mrs. Lang, it is most agreeable to see you up and about. I do hope you are recovered from your nasty headache." Cricket smiled, "Oh yes, thank you Professor. I'm all right now." Harry was still very much in detective mode. "And now, Professor, let's see if i'm painting this picture right. 20 years ago, Geffory Sackler, Roland Spencer and....." Peng took his cue and filled in the blank, "One Mr. Louis Smithers, no longer with the museum, but very much alive at last report." "Well, what do you know...a third S. Ok", Harry continued, "These three men go digging to China and bring back five jade dragons. Two are here in the museum, two are missing, and two men are dead." "And then there is the fifth dragon which you posses", Peng added "And if you don't mind, I'm going to continue to posses it until we get to the bottom of this mystery." "As you wish."

Harry continued, "Now, before their untimely deaths, where did Mr. Sackler and Mr. Spencer keep their dragons?" "Mr. Spencer kept his at his private residance. I undrstand it had been recently vandelized", Peng answered. Harry just shook his head, "Imagine that." "And I believe Mr. Sackler pawned his off to settle some unpaid debts", Peng stated. "And how long ago was this?", Harry asked. "I believe it was one month before his death", Peng replied. "Pawn shop, huh? Well, I think we can track at least one missing jade dragon for you." "I would be most greatful." "Let's go Cricket, we've got work to do."
Last edited by ButchyBoy on Sat Aug 14, 2004 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Tue Aug 03, 2004 1:52 am

The next day, Harry and Cricket borrowed a van Joe used sometimes for museum deliveries. Cricket needed the room to change into her 'undercover' outfit. And she had been changing for nearly 20 minutes now. Harry knocked on the van door. "Cricket", he called out, "You about done in there?" "I'm coming", was the sweet, but muffled reply. "Yeah, and so is the year 3000, will ya hurry up already?" The van doors swung open. "Some things you just can't rush Harry", Cricket said as she came out. What she came out dressed in made Harry laugh out loud. It was a rather dark blue floral dress that stopped just above her knees, a pink feather boa, sunglasses, cherry red beret, and solid white go go boots.
"What?", was Cricket's response to Harry's laughter. "You said wear something I would never be recognized in." "Yeah, well...", Harry couldn't stop chuckling. Cricket stuck out her tounge at him. "Critic." Harry tried to get serious. "Ok, look. I followed up the pawn shop angle, and my contact here tells me the shop across the street does indeed have a medium-size jade dragon. So go in, see if it's really there, and who's holding it." "You think Professor Peng knows more than he's telling us Harry?", Cricket asked. "I think they're all holding back something sweetheart. So see what you can find out here." "Right, Harry"

Cricket made her way across the street and into the pawn shop called 'The Pink Parrot.' The woman at the counter, a mature looking brunette, took notice of the rather oddly dressed girl who just entered. "Can I help you miss?", she asked. Cricket then stopped being Cricket and began her playacting. She lowered her sunglasses to the woman behind the counter, and then spoke with a blue-blood attitude. "Oh, no no no darling!! It's I who can help you!!", she pointed right at her. "St. Claire's the name, Ashley St. Claire." Cricket looked at the woman like 'you should know me'. "Of the South Hampton St. Claire's." The woman behind the counter seemed unimpressed. Cricket moved on, doing her best to distract while scanning for the dragon. "Darling, I am throwing this mad, wicked party, everyone who's anyone will be there of course, and I just had to stop into your quaint little bou-tique for decorations, comversation pieces and such (gasp) whereever did you find that??" She pointed right to the jade dragon. "Well, ah-", the clerk started to say. Cricket just went on, "Oh I must have it. It will be THE talk of my party. Missy Millers will just choke on her own jelousy. How much?" "I'm afraid it's not for sale, miss", was the answer. "Ashley" was beside herself. "NOT for sale??? Oh come come, money is no object for a St. Claire. Now how much??" "I'm sorry, but just can't sell it to you." She was polite but growing more suspicus by the moment. "Ashley" continued her rant.

"Now, see here miss....??" "Miranda. Miranda Jenkins" Bingo. Having got what she needed, Cricket worked to make a fast exit. "Well Miss Miranda Jenkins. If I can't have what I want, I will say good day to you and take my business elsewhere! Hummph!!" And with that she quickly stormmed out. As she left, a rather large, gruff-looking man entered from a back room. "What was that all about?", he asked. "I'm not sure", Miranda replied. "She was asking about the dragon." "The dragon?" "Yes, that dragon", Miranda said as she pointed to it. "The one YOU were supposed to keep out of sight." "So, now what?" "I want it out of here. Our friend, Mr. Shang is just going to have to get it a few days early. Now get moving", she barked. She suddenly stopped him. "Wait. You spend enough time in South Hampton. The name Ashley St. Claire mean anything??" "No, I don't believe I 've come across that name. Sha'll I take care of her as well?" "No", Miranda snapped. "You deliever the dragon, I'll take care of........Ms.........St Claire myself!"

Next: Spinning Buzzsaw of Death

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Post by DollSpace » Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:29 pm

Good thing Cricket was ok! She's too cute to hurt! lol

Looking forward to the next part!


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