The Vanishing Warlord -Part 5

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The Vanishing Warlord -Part 5

Post by ButchyBoy » Thu Jul 29, 2004 11:58 pm

It was an interesting party of five that made their way down to the basement of the British Museum that morning: Two heros for hire, one human, one not, a Scotland Yard Inspector, a hero-worshiping graduate student, and the director of the musem itself. The basement itself was filled with crates and items of all sort. To Harry, it seemed a clutter of interesting junk, but it was the tidiest clutter he had ever seen. When the group arrived at the spot where Geffory Sackler was found dead, Inspector Hargrove was the first to speak.

"Here it is Mr. Lang, neat and tidy as you please", she said, gestering her hand across the room. "Of course, the only thing missing is a dead body about where your standing", she added. "And you found absolutly nothing out of the ordinary here?", Harry asked. "Nothing what so ever." "And the thing that cut poor Mr. Sackler's throat?" "Nowhere to be found. For all we know, the poor soul may have did himself in." "Dr. Benwolf, was Mr. Sackler the type himself in?", Harry asked, glancing back at the inspector. "Geffory?? Certainly not!", Benwolf replied rather sharply. "I've known the man for years. He would NOT commit suicide." "Well, you never can tell Dr.", Hargrove said. "But please, I'm sure the famous Mr. Lang can find something here that we poor flat-footed Bobbies have certainly overlooked." Her tone was very mocking. "Or perhaps wonder girl here has something to add." Cricket had been looking around all this time. "Perhaps I do", she said very politly. The inspector gave a very insinscere smile back. "Well, do share with us little bot. Tell us, what's ticking in that artificial brain of yours....besides the missionary position?"

Cricket just gave a polite, sincere smile back, doing her best just to ignore the insults. She had to admit though, it was getting harder to keep from giving her a 'pow - right in the kisser'. She walked over to the large crate that was about 50 feet directly in front of Harry. She loooked it over, then back at Harry, then looked over the crate once more. "What's in here Dr. Benwolf?", Cricket finally asked. "Well, it's not clearly marked, but I believe Professor Peng said it was some sort of armor." Just then, a rather soft-spoken voice entered the picture. "Not just some sort of armor, Dr. I believe, if these markings are correct, it belonged to Kiwan Shang himself."

"Ah, Professor Peng, I see you got my message, thank you for joining us.", Benwolf said. "May I present Harry and Cricket Lang from America, and of course you know Inspector Hargrove and young Mr. Tam." "A pleasure to me you Professor", Harry said shaking his hand. Peng was just about as tall as Harry. He had jet black hair with streaks of gray. Harry had trouble placing the man's age. He looked like he could be in his late 60's or so, and yet he seemd so........much younger. Probably took very good care of himself, Harry thought. Peng spoke with a much thicker accent then the younger Mr. Tam did. "A pleasure to meet you as well, Mr. Lang." He then turned his attention to Cricket. "And what is your interest in this crate my dear?" Peng asked.

"It contains a suit of armor? Have you examined it?", she asked. "No, I have not yet had the opportunity. I have been away until yesterday." the professor replied. "Away?", Harry asked. "Yes, Mr. Lang. I've had personal busniess to deal with." "Well, someone's opened this crate", Cricket said matter-of-factly. "Look at this Harry." She pointed out the side of the crate to him, pointing to the hindges. "Look at how this wood has been broken away. And there are grooves in the hindges. Like it's been swung open....more than once." Harry looked back at Peng. "Well, how about it Professor?" "I am just surprised as you are Mr. Lang. If it's true the crate has be already opened, it can only mean a breach in sercurity here." Dr. Benwolf began to protest. "Now wait just one minute...". Harry stopped a fight before it could break out. "Now look, anyone have any objections of opening this crate right here and now and have a look??"

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Post by ButchyBoy » Fri Jul 30, 2004 12:39 am

No one did object and the crate was pryed opened. It was full suit of armor, either gold plated or made of gold itself. The helmet almost looked like it had some sort of bird of prey on top, the 'wings' sticking strait up. In the center of the helmet was a small crest of a dragong that matched the larger crest on the chest plate. "Heart of the dragon", the professor muttered. "This is most definetly the armor of Kiwan Shang", he said. Cricket suddenly reached into her purse, and pulled out and white glove, putting it on her right hand. "What are you doing Cricket?", Harry asked. "Playing a hunch", was the reply. Once the glove was on, she reached down, pulling a knife from the suit. She looked at it for a good few minutes, twisting it this way and that. "What's she doing with that?", the inspector asked. "And why the glove?" "I wouldn't want to taint or ruin evidance Inspector", she answered. "What evidance??"

"If you'll look closely, you'll find dried blood along the edge here. I also detect bits of human skin on the dagger itself. Inspector, it is my opinion that Geffory Sackler was murdered." Cricket handed the dagger, handle out, to the inspector. "Murder, are you quite sure?" Benwolf asked. Cricket was about to answer when a deep-throated laugh suddenly filld the basement. Everyone looked around to see where it was coming from. Just then, Cricket put her hand to her forehead. "Ahhhh, my head!!", she cried out. "Cricket, what's wrong??", Harry asked. She struggled to answer, her face filled with what looked like pain. "I-I don't know. Can't
.............something......hurting!!" The unseen laughter got louder when the lights suddenly went out! A scream was heard. A moment later, when the lights came back on, Inspector Hargrove was standing almost frozen in disbelief. So was everyone else. The armor was gone, the crate empty. The dagger was gone as well. And little Cricket had collapsed, barely awake, twitching in Harry's arms!
Next: Leave it to Ashley

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Post by DollSpace » Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:37 am

Meep! Cricket better be okay! lol

Another great chapter...and suspenseful too!


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