Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 7

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Tom Cooke
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Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 7

Post by Tom Cooke » Sat Jan 28, 2023 2:04 am


As Sandra enters the office that morning, she is caught off guard by the sight of her boss, Peter, standing at the entrance with a wide grin on his face.

"Good morning, Sandra!" Peter greets her warmly, his voice filled with excitement.

Sandra responds with a confused smile, wondering what could possibly have put her boss in such a good mood. She can't help but feel a sense of unease, her advanced sensors picking up on the subtle nuances of Peter's "Sandra, your work on the application has been received with great praise from our customers," Peter explains, his voice filled with pride. "They are ecstatic about your work."

Sandra's chest swells with pride as she realizes that her hard work has been recognized.

But Peter isn't done yet. "I guess you haven't forgotten about the Artificial Intelligence department that just opened in Silicon Valley," he continues, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Sandra frowns, she has of course not forgotten about the opportunity that had slipped through her fingers. She had been so close to achieving her dream, but her candidacy had been rejected due to a terrible meeting during which she had to slip away, her battery almost depleted.

"I know you've been disappointed about missing out on the opportunity to work in the Artificial Intelligence department," Peter continues, noticing Sandra's frown. "But I assure you, there will be other opportunities for you in other departments, especially with the work you've been doing."

Sandra nods, still feeling a twinge of disappointment at not being able to work in the department she had dreamed of joining.

"However, the company management has offered the department heads the opportunity to visit this new service and bring a colleague with them. And I would like to propose your name to visit this cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence department," Peter concludes with a hint of excitement in his voice.

Sandra's eyes light up at the thought of visiting the department, but she can't help but ask, "Will Mary be there?," referring to her friend who had been promoted to the department.

Peter nods with a smile, "Yes, Mary will be there. So, what do you say? Would you like to join me on this visit?"

Sandra can hardly contain her excitement as she eagerly responds, "Yes, thank you, Peter! I would love to go!"

The thought of seeing Mary again and getting a chance to explore the cutting-edge technology in the Artificial Intelligence department fills her with a sense of excitement and anticipation.

"Tom, you won't believe it! Peter just offered me the opportunity to visit the Artificial Intelligence department in Silicon Valley!" Sandra exclaims as she enters Tom's office for their lunch break.

Tom's face lights up with excitement as he looks at her, "That's great news, Sandra! I actually have something to tell you too. I'll be joining the trip as well!"

Sandra's eyes widen in surprise, "Really? That's amazing! We'll get to go together!"

Tom nods with a smile, "Yes, it's going to be a great opportunity for both of us to learn and experience the latest technology in Artificial Intelligence."

Sandra can hardly contain her excitement as she talks to Tom about the possibilities that this trip holds. They both agree that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and they are determined to make the most of it.


As Sandra and Tom prepare to board the plane, Tom's face contorts with concern. "Security checks!" he exclaims. "How are you going to pass the metal detector?"

Sandra, her chestnut hair cascading down her shoulders, gives him an enigmatic smile. "Don't worry, they won't find any."

Tom watches in awe as Sandra activates her internal jammer, allowing her to pass through the security checkpoint without any problems. "It's amazing," he exclaims. "How is it even possible?"

Sandra's light brown eyes twinkle with amusement. "It's just one of the many situations my father had to consider when he conceived me," she explains. "So far, his precautions have worked well and I am able to adapt to most situations to avoid potential problems."

As they land in California, they are greeted by Mary, Sandra's first true friend and the only person who really knows her before Tom. The two women embrace each other tightly, both overjoyed to see each other again. They catch up on old times and talk about their new projects and adventures.

Sandra introduces Tom to Mary, who greets him politely but with a hint of intimidation. "Pleased to meet you sir, I don't think we had the opportunity to work together."

Tom, with a playful grin on his face, replies, "If we have to talk so seriously, I'm going back to New York right away, Mary."

Sandra and Tom burst out laughing at Mary's reaction, and Sandra reassures her, "Tom is a friend Mary. A friend who helped me a lot, just like you." She winks at Mary, conveying a deeper meaning to her words.

The following day, Sandra and Tom find themselves exploring the new AI department with their respective bosses. They marvel at the cutting-edge technologies and projects that the department is working on, their minds boggling at the progress that has been made. Mary joins them and shares her own work, with a glint of pride in her eyes.

"The project I'm working on aims to revolutionize heavy industries by using AI to drastically reduce CO2 emissions," she explains, her voice filled with excitement. "We're still far from our goal though, it's going to take years of work to achieve it," she adds, her enthusiasm tempered by a dose of realism.

Sandra listens intently to her friend's words. She is proud of Mary and the work she is doing, but a sense of disappointment creeps in as she realizes that she is not able to participate in such an inspiring project.

As the day comes to a close, Mary meets Sandra and Tom, her face alight with excitement. "How about going to watch the sunset?" she suggests, her voice full of anticipation.

"Count me in!" they exclaim in unison.

"I know a magical place," Mary promises, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Trust me, you will love it."

With that, Mary leads them to her car and begins to drive. As they make their way to their destination, the anticipation builds within them. They can't help but wonder where Mary is taking them.

As they arrive at Marshall's Beach, the sight that greets them takes their breath away. The Golden Gate Bridge stands tall, its orange hue contrasting against the deep blue of the ocean and the fiery reds and oranges of the setting sun.

The three friends sit down on the beach, admiring the colorful sky and the sound of the waves. As they sit in silence, Mary's curiosity gets the better of her and she turns to Sandra and Tom. "So, how did you two meet?" she asks, breaking the silence.

Tom turns to Sandra, a grin on his face. "I'll let you tell the story, Sandra," he says, gesturing to her with a laugh.

Sandra smiles, her chestnut hair blowing in the breeze. "Well," she begins, "One morning, lost in my thoughts, I was knocked down by a passer-by in the street. When I fell, my foot was badly hurt. While trying to repair the damage, I accidentally tore the skin on the top of the foot. Inevitably, when I met Tom, leaving the restrooms, he did not fail to notice the blemish. Fortunately, he was great, supported me right away and we became friends."

Mary listens intently, her eyes wide with interest. "You had quite a bit of luck!," she comments.

Sandra nods, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "It was definitely a lucky coincidence for me," she says. "Tom has been a great friend and supporter ever since."

Tom grins and claps Sandra on the back. "Likewise," he says, his eyes glinting with affection towards his friend.

As the blue hour comes to an end, Mary turns to Sandra and Tom with a new proposal. "How about we spend our break tomorrow exploring San Francisco?" she suggests, her face alight with excitement.

Sandra and Tom thank Mary for her proposal, their eyes shining with anticipation. Mary grins, pleased with their reaction. She drops them off at their hotel, promising to pick them up early the next day for their adventure in the city.

Tom Cooke
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Re: Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 7

Post by Tom Cooke » Sat Jan 28, 2023 2:20 am

Sandra and Tom wake up early, eager to explore the city of San Francisco with their friend Mary. They quickly get dressed and head down to the hotel lobby, where they find Mary waiting for them.

As they make their way to the city, Mary points out various landmarks and tells them about the history of the area. They take a cable car ride up the steep hills, admiring the beautiful views of the city as they go. But as they wander through the streets, Sandra begins to feel disoriented. She tries to ignore the strange feeling, but as they head towards Fisherman's Wharf, her disorientation grows stronger and she even begins to feel dizzy.

As they make their way to Fisherman's Wharf, Sandra's disorientation becomes too much for her to ignore. She excuses herself and heads to a nearby bench to sit down. Tom and Mary follow her, concern etched on their faces as they watch her carefully.

Sandra takes a deep breath and tries to focus on her surroundings. She notices the sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the smell of salt in the air, and the warmth of the sun on her skin. The strange sensations subside and eventually disappear as she sits.

"Sandra, are you okay?" Tom asks, his voice filled with concern.

Sandra looks up at them and smiles weakly, "I think so," she says, still trying to make sense of the strange feeling that has taken over her.

Mary sits next to her and takes her hand, "Sandra, do you want to go back to the hotel and check on everything?" she says softly.

But Sandra shakes her head, determined not to miss out on the day's plans. "I'm gonna be okay, Mary," she says, "I've had strange sensations of disorientation and dizziness since this morning, but I really don't think it's serious. I don't want to miss what you've prepared for us."

Mary and Tom exchange a worried glance, but Sandra reassures them, "I'm sure. With you two guiding me, everything will be fine."

As they continue to explore Fisherman's Wharf, Sandra feels more at ease with her friends by her side. They take in the sights and sounds of the bustling area, with Mary and Tom pointing out the various seafood restaurants and shops that line the pier.

As they reach the end of the pier, Tom turns to Sandra with a grin and says, "So Sandra, are you sure this isn't just an excuse for us to hug you?"

Sandra laughs and admits, "I confess that I appreciate it very much." She feels a warmth spread through her chest as she thinks about the bond she shares with her friends. They spend the rest of the day exploring the city, with Mary and Tom guiding Sandra and making sure she's okay.

As they reach Baker Beach for the sunset, Sandra's disorientation and wooziness becomes so severe that she can barely take two steps without tripping. But instead of feeling scared or frustrated, Sandra finds herself embracing these strange sensations and even has fun dropping into the sand with a sense of abandon. She lets herself fully enjoy the present moment, feeling at peace and surrounded by her friends.

Tom and Mary look at Sandra with a mixture of confusion and amusement, "Hey Mary, it looks like Sandra just got hammered and she loves it," remarks Tom, laughing.

"There's no justice, I only get hungover when I'm drunk!" Mary responds in a falsely disappointed tone, joining in on the laughter.

Sandra laughs along with them, feeling a sense of euphoria she's never experienced before. She realizes that whatever is causing her disorientation and wooziness is just an unimportant glitch, and that being with her friends, watching the sunset at one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, is all that matters.

As the sun sets, the three friends head back to Sandra and Tom's hotel. They know they need to find the cause of what is making Sandra feel drunk without even drinking alcohol, as Sandra can't possibly go back to the AI department in her current condition.

Tom Cooke
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Re: Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 7

Post by Tom Cooke » Sat Jan 28, 2023 2:24 am

Once they arrive at the hotel, Tom quickly retrieves Sandra's debugging laptop from her room. As he sets it up on the coffee table, Sandra turns to her friends, her eyes serious. "By giving you access to this laptop, I am entrusting you with my life," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mary and Tom nod solemnly, aware of the significance of Sandra's show of confidence. "This laptop can be used to analyze my slightest malfunctions, but it is also capable of completely reprogramming me," Sandra adds, her voice barely audible.

Sandra leans into her friends' embrace, feeling a sense of warmth and security. "You are our friend, Sandra," Mary and Tom say in unison, "we will always be here for you and protect you." Sandra closes her eyes, taking comfort in her friends' reassurance.

As the laptop hums to life, Sandra quickly opens her abdominal panel, revealing the intricate network of wires and circuits that make up her inner workings. With steady hands, she reaches for the debugging interface, carefully plugging it into the laptop.

Tom and Mary watch in fascination as Sandra begins to run diagnostics, analyzing every aspect of her programming and hardware. They can see the sensor values scrolling across the screen, each one representing a different part of Sandra's body.

Sandra's fingers fly over the keyboard, quickly typing commands and analyzing the data that is being displayed. She's focused and determined, her mind working at lightning speed as she searches for the cause of her glitch.

As she works, Sandra can feel her friends' presence, their warmth and support surrounding her. It's a comforting feeling, knowing that she's not alone in this. She's grateful for their help, for their willingness to stand by her side.

After several minutes of intense analysis, Sandra finally finds the source of her disorientation. Her position sensors, her compass, her gyroscope, were disturbed by the metal detector of the airport. The outlier values received by her AI cause the loss of bearings and the dizziness she feels.

"Despite my jammer, I should still have been wary of this metal detector" said Sandra in a resigned voice.

"With a small patch I should be able to avoid this kind of effect next time" she says before adding with a nostalgic tone "I'm gonna miss that euphoria I felt today though".

"Maybe you don't have to make them disappear forever." says Mary mischievously.

Seeing the confused look of Sandra Mary explains "You could perhaps create a switch in your programming, so you could feel again these sensations that you seem to appreciate."

Sandra's face lights up "YES! You're right."

The two friends work together to develop the patch, Mary impressed by the level of sophistication of Sandra's AI.

With the patch complete, they cross-check their work and click "APPLY." Sandra slowly reboots, her systems coming back online one by one. And as she comes back to full consciousness, she takes a few tentative steps and is relieved to feel her normal sensations again.

"It worked!" she exclaims, her voice filled with excitement.

"And the switch?" asks Mary, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Sandra activates the "Drunk Mode" switch that Mary had jokingly suggested earlier, and immediately she feels her lack of orientation and dizziness return. She doesn't need to tell her friends that it works too, as they can see it in her gait and rush to save her from falling.

Quickly, Sandra tones down the effect and indeed she feels the dizziness and the loss of orientation diminish. She finds that she can still feel the euphoria, but now she has the power to control it.

Sandra warmly thanks Mary for her help, happy with this new ability to experience euphoria. Mary smiles and says "But what did we do? We turned our friend into a drunk."

Sandra laughs, her eyes shining with joy "But it's a controlled one."

With a sense of accomplishment and a newfound ability, Sandra embraces her friends and they make plans to enjoy the rest of their trip together, taking in all the sights and sounds of San Francisco while Sandra revels in her newfound ability to control her emotions.
Last edited by Tom Cooke on Sat Jan 28, 2023 3:56 am, edited 2 times in total.

Tom Cooke
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Re: Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 7

Post by Tom Cooke » Sat Jan 28, 2023 2:27 am

As the week comes to an end and it's time for her friends to go back to New York, Mary takes them for a last walk in San Francisco. She has something important to talk to them about.

"Sandra, despite what you were shown during your visit, there are industry secrets that only employees know. After working with you on your AI, I can assure you that our technology is years behind in comparison to the one that gave you life." Mary says in a serious tone.

"I'm begging you Sandra, be careful. Any company working in the field of AI would kill to take over your AI. Your father was right, whoever he is, you can't reveal your identity to anyone, trust no one." she adds in a dark tone.

Sandra nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Thank you, Mary. I'm so lucky to have friends like you and Tom." she says in a grateful voice. Adding in a tone of regret "You're right, I have to be vigilant and that means we won't work together. Exposing myself among Artificial Intelligence specialists would be far too great a risk."

The three friends hold on tight, Mary and Tom determined to protect Sandra with their lives if necessary.

As Mary watches her friends walk away through the airport, she can't help but wonder what miracle brought Sandra to life, certain no earthly technology could have enabled it. But she knows that Sandra is special and she will do everything in her power to protect her, no matter the cost.

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