College Story Anthology

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College Story Anthology

Post by //_Lilith_// » Fri Sep 18, 2020 3:10 pm

Hey y'all! Wrote the following piece a few days ago and am pretty happy with how it turned out. I'm finding more success in writing shorter and to-the-point pieces rather than having to revisit with a different mindset. So that being said, would a collection of short stories focused around the theme of 'college' be interesting? As always I'm open to tips and criticism and also a more creative name than 'college stories' if you can think of one XD
The story:


Professor Sally Shaw noted the dramatic change in external temperature when entering the building. The record high heats were causing temperature problems in artificial students all across campus, despite the strategically placed water stands and cooldown areas. Although she was confident in her own systems, partially since she designed a sizable portion, she aired on the side of caution by having her partner drop her off close to the Engineering and Mechanics building. Her white and blue striped blouse showed potentially too much cleavage per school regulations and her mini skirt would expose an eyeful to any passerby by luck of a gust of wind. She was certainly a fan of showing off her well-crafted body, but in this case it was a precaution as to avoid an embarrassing overheat. Luckily she was only a minute away from her private office in the Artificial Persons and Mechanical Progress lab.

Without warning, a robotic hand with rubberized pads swiftly reaches out and firmly grips her neck. The action catches her mid-step and forces her systems to auto-balance to the sudden stop in momentum. A tuft of perfectly-curled blonde hair falls out of place, obscuring her left crystal blue eye and light smattering of freckles. Her pretty red lips open in an O-shape as her entire face suddenly switches to shock. Her lower level processes had largely disregarded the students walking and mechanical robots wheeling through the halls as it would be a waste of system resources to analyze each one. So when the cart-like machine with 3 robotic arms of varying sizes pulled up next to her she hadn’t noticed, at least to any substantial degree.

Her first reaction was to speak, to vocalize her indignity. However, this was a common practice for maintenance. She felt her face loosen and fall into a neutral, “blank” look, staring unfocused and directly ahead. Her entire body followed suit as her arms relaxed by her side and her posture straightened. Her mind raced to find an answer as to why she was being pacified. Even though she was an autonomous unit, being logged in the schools database for class demonstration and testing purposes had caused problems for her before. But those incidents usually involved an awkward conversation with a student technician or even a momentary false download before someone caught it. It must have been some sort of new policy…

A wave of blush flushed across her face as she felt the remaining two arms reach towards her chest and begin undoing the buttons of her blouse. It was extremely embarrassing to be exposed like this in the middle of the hallway, especially as she normally elected to skip the bra for easy access. To make matters worse, she had the worst case of the robot kink she had ever seen. Some of the school-certified techs knew of her case and it wasn’t all that uncommon, but the whole school could see her now.

Her generous breasts spilled out as the robot did its work. Her Temptress Brand Logo was usually visible on her own left breast but the combination seemed to increase its potency. She felt her sexual responses spin up in full force as the extra cool breeze brushed her highly-tuned, extra-sensitive nipples, sending a light stream of synthetic lubricant down her thigh. As her mind struggled to stay focused on her predicament, she cursed herself for not choosing undergarments today.

As the machine finished unbuttoning, it used the two forcepped appendages to brush the piece of fabric up, around, and down her shoulders. It fell to the ground unceremoniously and left the robot’s concern. Professor Shaw knew she was in trouble when she felt the magnetic connectors securing her abdominal panel in place where disconnected, allowing the entire section of dermal layering and plastic shell underneath to recede back into her own body. Usually these maintenance bots opened up her chest panel, bypassing the touch screen with a port placed just below and inputting minor commands. The open cavity exposed all of her critical systems to the world. Her main board, her AI core, and her custom sex platform could all be accessed and manipulated from this compromised state. Her mind flipped between panic and complete arousal as she heard the murmurs and camera flashes around her.

She felt the first plug connect to her locomotive control interface, removing motor control from her as she predicted. While she was currently in a pacified state, locking her out of her own body would assure easy transport while eliminating interference during maintenance. The second went directly to her main board. She felt the flood of data through her systems followed by the cold, digital hand of the machine severing the connection from her AI to her other systems. The fact that she was now a prisoner of her own body drove her over the edge to body-wracking orgasm. While her entire body remained motionless and without reaction as her mind exploded, a spray of icey-blue lubricant coated her thighs and splattered on the floor.

The embarrassment had left for all purposes other than to fuel the ‘guilt’ aspect of the artificial woman’s pleasure. As more cords were connected to vital systems for monitoring or even potential modification all Sally Shaw could do was revel in it. The jolt she felt when her AI core was finally accessed was an unreal reminder that though once human, she only exists in coded, mechanical format now. An orgasmic thought for sure which added to the growing puddle beneath her matching 4-inch heels.

Her thoughts of how lucky she was that at least this occurred inside to allow venting her almost-steaming systems were sharply interrupted by the removal of the grip and the issuance of the command to move to the lab. Her body robotically turned in place and began walking along the same path she had planned before. While she still appeared graceful, her motion lacked a lot of the complex calculations that caused her to appear far more realistic during normal function. The machine quickly kept up the pace behind the gynoid, never allowing the data connections to get taught. It wasn’t a long walk but it allowed Sally to reflect on previous experience. Before becoming a professor, she had worked at a Temptress development facility, designing experiences between the hardware and software conception of gender. Her work had explored user experience in both conversion and consumer senses, making leaps towards mainly the pleasure market. Sally, or Samuel at the time, made a name for himself and earned the honor of designing his own artificial body for the company to manufacture and convert him to. She’d never forget her first time being walked completely nude down the facility’s halls to be shown off to her team. The only difference this time around was the videos of her stripped body being robotically piloted down the halls, leaking fluid from her crotch like a broken sexdoll were most certainly already circulating.


Sally hoisted herself up unto one of the many repair tables along the wall of the lab. It was by no means empty and the fact that she couldn’t respond to the ‘hellos’ and subsequent strange looks drove her wild. She positioned herself along the decal on the table (which standardized outline was far too small for her exaggerated butt), allowing her neck to fit perfectly into the adjustable rest against the wall, leaving her in a sitting position with her arms at her sides. Apparently not finished with it’s access, the robot reached up to unseal the gynoid’s chest panel, which similarly receded out of sight, leaving a Temptress-standard complete touch screen. Immediately following, the two dextrous arms magnetically disconnected her faceplate, revealing a densely-packed array of wires and micromotors atop a plastic skeletal structure. It set the face on the table next to her. Sally found it impossible to do anything other than pant and howl with pleasure in her mind as the students gathered. It wasn’t often such a complex machine made its way to be worked on in the lab, even less so for the professor herself.

Whatever dignity the synthetic woman maintained in such a compromised state was soon to be shredded as the maintenance robot lifted her skirt. With the two arms it disconnected her genitalia module and set it closer on the table for all to see. The new exposure allowed her upgraded lubricant tanks to be seen within her body, as well as the completely customized (down to the engraving) sexual process core. It didn’t disconnect the module completely, leaving Sally to feel every moment of it and the watchers to witness the lubricant trailing down a clear tube and flowing from her folds in real time.

Sally’s mind was melting. She could feel her AI fragmenting as the machine kept up it’s control over all her other systems. She’d long since prioritized her pleasure over mental faculties. Though that configuration was planned for the bedroom at home with her partner. The only thing that kept her even remotely centered was the 3-Frame looping animation of an anime version of herself making an ahegao face that just appeared on her touch screen. It was accompanied by the moniker of the hacker punk that’d been making the rounds on campus, ‘Screencheat’. If anyone could track this presumed student down it was her. She could prosecute several felony charges, but at the same time this gave her an out for her behavior. She’d find him, chastise him, and reward him. But for the moment all she can do is let herself be taken over by guilty pleasure and let her mind fade into the wash of data.

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Re: College Story Anthology

Post by dieur » Sun Sep 20, 2020 7:55 pm

Nice - I liked the hyper sexualized professor and love the first person narrative. I’m not usually a fan of where the robot girl immediately loses all her humanity. I thought for sure that she was going to find “samual” still existed and this was some kind of test run. But the first person narrative and last paragraph really saved it for me. Startled the edge of human and robot in a way few do besides BA. Nice work!

I was confused by the central question of what was happening tho... did the hacker hack her and the university network detect it? The earlier text implied finding her robotic nature arousing was kind of expected. If so, what was the hack? Or did the hacker hack the maintenance bot and the ahegao image was uploaded as part of the maintenance?

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Re: College Story Anthology

Post by //_Lilith_// » Sun Sep 20, 2020 10:03 pm

Thank you so much for the compliments and feedback!
I'm fairly new to writing these and it's really helpful to get some ideas oh what people like or how they interpreted the story!
I do have something planned in the vein of an 'original' still existing. But that's for a different story~

And my basic chain of logic on that was:
1. School-owned and some private bots are registered in the school system for regular maintenance, carried out by student workers and dedicated staff.
2. Professor Shaw, being in the department, registered her systems for convenience as well though she's usually outside the maintenance team's wheelhouse
3. The hacker 'set up an appointment' so to speak for her and since she didn't attend on time (she wasn't aware of it of course) it came to collect her. Usually it wouldn't be necessary but the idea was the hacker changed the procedures for the bot to follow. so normally she wouldn't be opened up on the spot unless she was malfunctioning and refusing. And of course she wouldn't have her lower half messed with as such. so tldr he used official procedures, but altered
4. The touch panel stuff was mean to be like leaving a calling card. Hacking a professor of such status earns street credit so the hacker is claiming for whatever their goal is (hoping to get to that in more stories)
5. The arousal was all her. So she's super into the maintenance stuff and that's why she normally doesn't go to the lab. But I'd imagine a few coworkers had to help and keep it secret.

Thanks again and I'm gonna take this into account before posting it to the wiki!
Last edited by //_Lilith_// on Wed Sep 30, 2020 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: College Story Anthology

Post by //_Lilith_// » Fri Sep 25, 2020 2:33 pm

Whoops. Found out i could edit the first post

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Re: College Story Anthology

Post by robotworld5 » Fri Oct 02, 2020 4:37 pm

Really great work!

I would be very interested in a college series -- especially interested in some scenes of the students malfunctioning in class, etc. Like a whole anthology with just malfunctioning college students would be fantastic :D

I'm down to help if you want any, just DM!

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Re: College Story Anthology

Post by DollSpace » Sun Oct 18, 2020 12:16 am

This and the other story you posted were painful to read...almost fried a circuit. You obviously have great ideas that can make up a good story and grand ideas (meaning you want to tell an epic story) but the lack of punctuation and capitalisation plus the wild misspellings and lack of grammar make these really hard to even begin to parse. If you have time on Sunday or Monday, message me on the board and I'll try to help you make sense of your ideas, as I'm going to guess you're not a native English speaker. There's nothing wrong with that. I wish I spoke another language at the level you speak English at! But I love to help you with this as writing is my passion and I really want to see other writers succeed. Even if English is your first language, I want you to feel more comfortable using it! :) So give me a shout if you want to see what a proofreader could help with, though bear in mind I'm far from perfect and I may stray from your original vision. Please, if I give you drafts, keep me on topic for how you wanted the story in your mind.

Cheers and best of luck!

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Re: College Story Anthology

Post by //_Lilith_// » Mon Oct 19, 2020 12:35 am

Sorry it was so painful! My usual goal with either manips or writing is to get a cool and/or sexy idea across. So thanks for the compliment in that regard!

Sometimes nitpicks and scrutiny get tossed to the side in favor of actually getting it out there. Fair warning for the future 'cause my stories will usually embody that philosophy. That's not to say I won't fix grammar mistakes, though.

Also, English is definitely my first and pretty much only language. But I'm fairly new to writing so maybe that's where the hang-up lies? Whatever it is, I'd be interested to see some ideas so I'll send a DM over!

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Re: College Story Anthology

Post by dingdongdug » Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:18 am

Maybe some ilustration can be nice with this story :D :D

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Re: College Story Anthology

Post by //_Lilith_// » Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:55 pm

Great idea! I'll look to commission something soon, hopefully!

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