Untitled story from a friend

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Untitled story from a friend

Post by Extyr » Mon Oct 12, 2020 4:39 pm

So, a writer friend of mine once made an outline for a fembot story on a whim and sent it to me. A year later, he wanted to practice his hero-machine skills and started taking requests. After finishing the picture, he often added a little story blurb to go with it. So I decided to make him do the main character from his outline and here is the result.

He writes a lot of stuff on hentai-foundry under the name of Daruak. Here is his profile for those interested in reading more of his stuff. There are no robot stories though


It all started with a breakdown. Not a mechanical one; an emotional one. After years of working up the ladder, hunting for promotions and constantly CONSTANTLY trying to do what was best for the people consuming his products - Hermes was laid off. No warning. No reason given - just five thousand in severance, and his company accounts being closed overnight. His former boss only responded with a curt 'just company policy' when he tried to ask what'd happened.

Emotionally ruined, Hermes wandered halfway across the city, until he found himself leaning on a railing out back behind one of the big furniture factories on the south side. He was talking to himself, complaining and weeping and arguing about what he could possibly have done differently - when all of a sudden, somebody held out a bottle of cold water for him.

He was shocked, and when he saw the standard factory line robot that'd handed him the drink, he was even more shocked. K-4ND-7 had been there for several minutes, listening to him; the bot had come and gone and returned without a sound, to get something to make him feel better.

Hermes apologized for making a fool of himself, and K-4 handed him the bottle - and asked him if he wanted to talk about it. As it turned out, K-4 was way ahead of schedule, and had hours to spend listening as Hermes talked through what'd happened. He felt a lot better at the end of that - better enough to give the robot a hug, before he wandered off home.

They met up again a lot more, after that first night. K-4 was the one that pushed him to seek out a job with his company's old competitor. They celebrated, when he got the job - a substantially better one than Hermes had with his old company.
It was around that time that K-4 started questioning why Hermes didn't have a girlfriend. That was a hell of an awkward conversation, until, shyly right at the end of it - K-4 explained that the robot identified as female, despite having no programming or hardware to make it feel that way.

That was a strange night. Hermes stayed up for hours thinking about what K-4 had said, and how emotionally close he'd gotten to the machine. He thought about what it meant that she'd revealed how she thought of herself, right after asking if he had someone special. It left him deeply confused for days after.

He'd figured things out by the time the weekend came, though - and decided that even though there wasn't anything physical between them, and that there couldn't be - he loved K-4 more than he had anyone else in his entire life. If she wanted to date him, he was happy to agree - and K-4 was overjoyed.


A few months after they started dating, K-4 took a pointed interest when Hermes got all flustered and excited when he met her boss Elaine - the curvy, sporty tough-girl-type engineer who ran the factory. Elaine hadn't really approved of the idea of him dating one of her workers, and seeing her right up on him with her plump breasts and broad hips practically touching him...K-4 could practically feel the potent lust between them. She only understood human biology from a text-book level, but that was enough to clearly recognize how aroused Hermes was by Elaine's body.

It made K-4 nervous. Sure, Hermes had said he was happy with her and they both seemed emotionally fulfilled by one another...but what about his physical needs? Humans could have their hearts twisted around by sex and the urges that came with it, and the thought of losing Hermes to THAT - to just simple, animal lust, left untended for too long - that was deeply unnerving for K-4. So, she surprised Hermes a couple of days later with a new upgrade: a fully functional bio-synth vagina, installed into her body.

He was reluctant, at first, but after she got him inside he accepted her modification readily enough. It still felt pretty awkward, feeling him thrusting like that - but he clearly enjoyed it, and that made K-4 feel a lot more secure in their relationship.
Or it did, until a few weeks later when Hermes admitted having 'sex' that way made him feel guilty. Only he was getting any gratification out of it; he could tell she couldn't feel a thing from it, and that made it so totally one sided that he felt like he was mistreating K-4 every time they made love.

They talked it over, and that evening K-4 went in for another operation - a nice, short, simple one, that updated her software and installed a nervous interconnect into her biosynthetic components. The cyborg mechanic who did the job seemed kind of weirded out by doing it on a factory bot, but she got the job done - and even offered to do some body work if K-4 felt the need. The bot didn't understand why that might be, at the time.

She understood when she got home to Hermes, and felt him slide inside her. Every sensation her expensive, high-quality bio-synth pussy had been unable to convey to her was now connected - and it blew her mind. Her entire AI core nearly fried, as she felt him stretching the plus size unit she'd had installed- wrapping it around his cock as he filled her up and up and UP. She had to shut down her servos entirely, or else she would have seized up and probably crushed him!

Robots aren't equipped with the ability to have an orgasm, but what K-4 experienced was even more intense than that. Her entire system was in shock! Pleasure had been a distant concept, before, but now - now it was an insanity inducing reality so overwhelming that she felt her entire neural structure rearranging to rabidly adopt it completely into her core!
By the time Hermes finished for the night, K-4 could barely speak. If she'd had any lingering concerns about how female she could be - those had been smashed entirely. She reengaged her servos and hugged her man, tight.
She went back to the mechanic the very next day, and the day after that, too. Her chassis was overhauled; her bodywork beaten into a new, excitingly female shape, as actuators and hydraulics were swapped out for synthetic muscle fibers. Gel-based flesh was sculpted to cover her belly and chest in pliable facsimiles of a woman's abs and breasts, her legs similarly augmented with sections of softer stuff. All of this was to make her more enticing - all to make it easier for Hermes to copul...to fuck her.

The final touch was a fully gel-fleshed face, and a fresh set of human-aligned optics. The sex they had that night was incredible; her first kiss and the mystique behind finally experiencing it drove her to even greater heights of pleasure, and Hermes felt it, too. Finally, they were both fully, and completely, satisfied.

A few days later, K-4 came into work and found she'd been reassigned to the front room, handling customer support. Elaine wanted to take advantage of her new chassis' look, despite the fact that K-4 was still every bit as capable as before. She didn't mind, though; taking these steps forwards with Hermes had given her a new infusion of confidence, and nothing could diminish that.
She tackled her new job with gusto, taking it all in stride with no worries at all.


A few weeks after their one year anniversary, Hermes had a little trouble with his home computer. K-4 was naturally pretty well equipped to deal with it - but in the process of fixing the minor hiccup in his system, she noticed a locked folder squirreled away out of sight in a directory, on a backup drive, which had a suspiciously recent production date.

That's how K-4 discovered Hermes's old porn collection. It wasn't much of a collection, and he hadn't accessed any of the files in months - so she didn't feel threatened by this discovery in the least. Still, rather than just move on, she felt a pang of curiosity. What about watching these videos stimulated him, exactly? Nothing in their descriptions seemed all that special.

She started watching them, idly playing them back in a corner of her cyberbrain during work, at home, and sometimes even while she was with Hermes - studying them. At first, all they offered were a few extra positions to try out in bed...but then she started to notice something else. The people on film were touching, feeling, stroking...not just erogenous zones, either. A finger sliding down a girl's neck; a hand caressing a hip. These were visibly exciting, at least in the film. Did all of this extra touching really add as much to things as the porn made it seem?

K-4 asked Hermes about touching, one day. He was a little sheepish - K-4 knew him well enough by then to know that he didn't want to make her feel like she was lacking in any way - but in the end he admitted that yes, all of this extra contact WAS heavily stimulating.
And that was enough to make K-4's mind up. She had a huge excess of money, thanks to several promotions at the factory. Even buying their anniversary house had barely taken a third of that - so she had a LOT of money on hand, for a very extensive procedure. For the first time in over six months, she went back to her engineer friend - and let them get to work.

More bio-synth. More chassis sculpting. More implants, modifications; even artificial hair follicles and functioning nipples were installed. Her body was rebuilt from the frame out, completely changing K-4's appearance and overhauling her sensations all over again.

When she left the shop, her body left more than a few guys staring open-mouthed as she walked by. She could feel why. The bounce, sway, jiggle, and bounce that accompanied every step; the swing of her hips, that squeezed her new, plump pussy lips against her massively rounded thighs; the heave of her breasts, artificially rounder and fuller than any normal woman could hope to achieve, as they hung heavy on her chest. Her new nipples dragged at the inside of her shirt - exciting her, just with that alone.

But as much fun as it was for random onlookers to see K-4's new, fully humanoid bio-synth body, Hermes was blown away by it. His hands were on her the second she showed him her new upgrades, and that was almost too much. Incredible, mind-shattering ecstasy followed as K-4 felt him kiss her neck, knead her breasts, and squeeze her overstuffed ass - and that was just the foreplay! The actual sex nearly formatted her memory! She'd never dreamed such pleasure would come from the grind of her hips against his, or the feel of his teeth squeezing her nipples between them!
She could barely move, after that first night together. Even a year later, she'd only just gotten a hold on it enough that she felt comfortable letting Hermes take her dancing - but even then, she felt SO excited she almost couldn't stand it. She'd worn the sluttiest thing she could think of, all to provoke him to hold her, squeeze her, and put his hands on her while they danced. It was so hard to keep from just jumping him right there...but she wasn't the only one losing her mind with lust. He was so riled up by her act that by the time they finally went home, he almost forgot to take a knee, and show her the shiny little ring he'd gotten for her.

How could Kandy have said anything but yes?

A year after they were married, Kandy had a long talk with Hermes, and went in for one final operation - the implantation of an artificial womb. She'd be back soon enough, though - after all, she'd need someone to help deliver the baby.


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