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Corey Fantoccini
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Post by Corey Fantoccini » Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:09 am

This is an idea for a small and quick video I initially thought up for Evangeline and Levi, since of all the producers of content out there they definitely have the best sense of humor. As such, I'm leaving their names in the casting, though if anyone else wanted to run with this, by all means have at it.

To be exact, it's basically doing an adult ripoff of the South Park episode "AWESOME-O", which if any of you have not seen it, is easily viewable here and will probably make you laugh very hard:
http://www.southparkstudios.com/full-ep ... 2-awesom-o

But if you haven't time to watch the show, here is my concept. Eve is the mean, bitchy friend of nerdy Levi's (unseen) girlfriend, and she's already convinced her to take a break from him and move out. She's heard from her that he has a robot fetish, so Eve puts on a ludicrous cardboard box headpiece (with eyeholes covered with black mesh to see through and a grill mouth), and "delivers" herself to him as a surprise gift, the "SEXI-O 4000," moving in the stereotypical stiff manner and monotone of an old '50's robot. Naturally he gets very excited at the idea of having "a real live robot girl", and she encourages him to confide his embarrassing secrets, promising not to tell anyone (but of course that's the plan). However, in his confessions, he reveals how upset he is that his lover's friend always mocked his science interests and interfered in their relationship, and that in turn he has some embarrassing video of Eve doing something dopey (I'm thinking, I dunno, tea party with stuffed animals, or dancing with a pillow man with a Robert Pattinson headshot on him - many of you probably have something funnier), so now Eve is fixated on finding that tape.

Thus, while she tries to search the apartment, there would be scenes of him making Eve do robot type actions, which for once allows the comedic license to freeze and hold poses badly, like "pausing" her mid-walk to take a phone call and she starts wobbling in her high heels and quietly muttering to yourself. Or having her do physical tasks and favors that repulse her, like running a loufa on his back. Then, eventually, getting to some mild sexual activities, like touching parts of herself, or him undressing her, all the while resisting but finding that in order to maintain the charade and not tip him off, she must keep acceding to his will. How full the activity should become is up to the filmmakers.

The story would conclude with them engaged in said "ultimate activity" and Eve inadvertently farting, and Levi realizing that robots don't fart, and while she tries to play it off as a program glitch, he finally gets the notion to take off the headpiece. The final scene would be watching the previously-hinted video of said embarrassing act, with Levi reunited with his girlfriend (any girl they may have available from another shoot that day, it would be a quick pick up shot) and Eve on the couch, them laughing, and her grimacing.


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