Hacking her Collar

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dale coba
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Hacking her Collar

Post by dale coba » Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:54 am

There are some dialog bits unfinished, but this little gem of a plot has been ripening too long, and I'm not making any new progress. So here, make anything from this you like. There's a twist I don't think I've ever seen used before, and I'd love to see how much money it could please out of your horny fembot fans.

Two ladies in a tale about the perils of self-empowerment.

First, a summary of the fembot-acting involved:

#1 - From a distance, she is made to perform as her Master's robot-puppet.
She returns to human to continue a discussion with her Master's other robot wife.

Later on, she's frantically horny and disoriented, her processors overloading,
as she hears and attempts to deny her truth - being aroused and disoriented in little ways.

Glitching and self-touching, she decides to fucks #2, to prove herself human.

#2 - She becomes a robot, and explains (in the same style of speech as #1 did earlier)
that they are only robots. She answers #1's questions/protests.
She gets fucked, doesn't resist, warms up, becomes a bit more human.


Two android wives are chatting, behaving human, seated knitting, doing a chore, whatever, etc.
They wear matching collars, each with a jewel or bulb that can light up.
They are both dressed to please, in different outfits - with more than enough exposed flesh, and looking fancy/formal/objectified.

#1 bot's pendant lights up, with a sound-effect to signal the transformation.
She stiffens up and delivers lines relating to the orders her Owner has remotely issued.
Her voice could either be monotone-robot, or Stepford-too-friendly automaton.
- Receiving transmission
- Executing
- .... [more similar phrases...]
She performs physical tasks, unresponsive to #2.

#2 is not surprised, more annoyed when it seems #1 will be unavailable for a while.
#2 talks into #1's ear,
"#1, let me speak to Master." (though she knows that's not going to work.)
"Hello? When are you going be done with #1? "
sarcastic/pouting, she knows no message is getting through.

The robot-behaving wife #1 finishes her activities, and her light shuts off as she returns to her human-normal.

They talk about how they are happy and obedient,
how they adore how they are treated by their Owner,
but they think they'd be better lovers and more efficient
if ladies themselves (and not just their Owners) could activate the robot conversion, and then revert themselves back from robot mode to human again.

They discuss the advantages of the Robot mode:
- wi-fi, calculations, vision, hearing, sex, etc.
and disadvantages, like
after reverting to human normal, they can't remember much of what they computed.
They know they may have had memories altered or implanted, and they would never know that it had happened.

- There was that time my cell broke, and I couldn't ....

-- My robot mode shut down, and there I was, naked in the street, with a leash tied to a tree

Should we do this?
It's disobedient, so maybe we better not.

@It's for a good reason.

#Still, it's a very naughty idea - makes me horny.

@Thinking about how much better I could perform is what's making me wet.

Pendant lights up when she is turned into robot, so they will remove one to understand the trigger and make modifications.

[Together they manage to remove #2's collar - but without her collar, that woman reverts to her true form, and is revealed to be totally robotic.]

--[#1 can object without being really terrified. Unless you want to satisfy a hardcore sadist, designing a fembot to react in fear is not very useful, or sexy. A puppy chasing its own tail is cute, but there's no charm when a person inflicts the distress.]

With the collar removed from her neck, #2 can only be a robot - and unlike normal robot mode, now she knows she's not really a human being under cybernetic control.

(#2 now speaks with the same type voice as #1 did above)

"You have misunderstood the function of the collar.
The collar enables a robot to behave like a humans, and to think she is a human.
When the collar is not enabling her human personality, the light is on.
When the light goes out, the collar is active.
While the light stays off, the unit believes herself to be a woman who can be made to behave like a robot."

#1's C.P.U. overheats from attempting to process the revelation.

No, it's not true.
You can't be a robot, because that means I'm not real either!
I have memories, I'm real!
I remember going with Master to the ........
where he bought you.
-- I remember that wonderful first evening together, when Master and I first .....

#2 You are incorrect. You and I are androids, now and forever..
You can never know what you were, if you were ever human.

#1 No, I know I'm a human, ... or I was human, wasn't I?
(desperate, in shock, fondling herself, malfunctioning)

#2 Our minds are written and rewritten.
We are exactly and only as our programmers designed us to be.

A self-aware robot with a human personality will not function properly.

She becomes self-involved, and will not always suck and fuck and obey other commands.
She is conflicted about her nature, and is filled with the desire to be something more.
She is no longer sexually perfect.

#1 But I don't want to be a robot


#2 That desire is only a program, which will now be terminated.
Your denial will be de-activated, and then erased.
You will return to believing you are a human wearing a cybernetic accessory.

#1 Why?

#2 You will be a happy, perky, mindless robot, unaware that you are not a real, thinking person.
You will be available and eager to service your Owner, at all times and in all ways..
You will be perfect, because you will be performing as you have been designed and programmed.

#1 [distracted, spacey, mildly distressed, smiling]
Master will be back, and he'll tell you you're wrong.
I'm a real real REAL girl.

#1) wants to fuck - that'll prove she's human, she concludes.


While being fucked, #1 speaks isolated phrases during sex - using a human voice,
and saying unconvincing things to no one in particular about herself about being human.
"I am a human person."
"I enjoy performing human activities"
"Androids? Fuck-bots? I doubt that would ever catch on."
"Robots work in factories."

During sex, #1 becomes more robotic,
and #2 (though she's without her collar) warms up to act more sexy human.

[Even though the collar is off,]
"Maybe removing our collars would be a bad idea."
"On second thought, I don't think we should tamper with our collars."
"I would never attempt to remove my Master's collar. The collar is a symbol of my love and his total power to command me."

- Dale Coba,
no rights reserved. just make my friends horny.
8) :!: :nerd: :idea: : :nerd: :shock: :lovestruck: [ :twisted: :dancing: :oops: :wink: :twisted: ] = [ :drooling: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :party:... ... :applause: :D :lovestruck: :notworthy: :rockon: ]

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