New Video from RBP

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New Video from RBP

Post by Robofan » Wed Jul 02, 2003 7:51 pm

:!: I was at a web site call Rbp and saw a video out called The Dolly Doctor....haven't seen it yet but ordered a copy and hope to get it by the weekend....The owner hopes to do more stuff like this video...go over and give it a look and let's give a rip roaring cheer to all who support this fetish....He says if you have any script ideals run it throught him for the right price hey who knows...

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My reply

Post by Robofan » Mon Jul 07, 2003 5:27 pm

This is my "Opinion" and i am just one person and I don't speak for this group as a whole ..I speak just as an individual on what I think about this one video... So take it with a grain of salt just thought I'd let you know... I really wanted to see this film.. But after I saw it I was very disappointed...Most of the file center around the Dolly Doctor who job was to check out and make sure that a new type of fembot work according to the way it was supposed to function...There was no real robotic action to it...A few scenes where she was posed but the actress who played the part kinda kept her focus on looking into the camera..even when she was being posed.. She was supposed to have 3 different functions... Realistic..Robotic and Manequin..... Her realistic she was just supposed to act normal which she did...her Robotic wasn't very robotic at all she just stood there kinda plainly no robotic speech robotic movement...just kinda tracelike.. Her manequin was the only thing that was okay..but still throughout most of the video she kept eyeing the camera....I would think that in robotic mode or manequin her eyes should not have moved at all.. But checking out the robot had really little to do with the story...Most of the video was spent preparing her for a party to be given that night by her owner...So most of the movie was spent rubbing her down with lotion and painting her nails and her dressing herself... Overall I didn't it was a very good story or very well acted... If you wanted to invest your money on a video in the realm of our fetish go buy a video from Renee...Chelsea and that group even the brief story which was done by Stuckfast and his group was done very well... Look for good things from them to come maybe... Over save your money...... I have my copy to give away if anyone here wants it.....I'm not saying these things to be mean or anything and my apologies if i came off that way...but I as a comsumer know what I'd like to see in fetish videos and mainstream movies...and this fell short.. Good day to all...

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Post by keraptis » Tue Jul 08, 2003 6:14 am

If you really have a few thousand dollars you want to invest in an ASFR video, you should be talking to Android675, not RBP Studios or anyone else.

Seriously, I'm not kidding.

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Post by Android675 » Tue Jul 08, 2003 7:20 pm

Well, we weren't thinking of doing another project, but having some funding could make us reconsider that...

The main reason we weren't going to embark on another video odyssey is that producing the first one took an incredible amount of time and energy - but layered on top was the fact that we also lost money making it. And no small amount, either. If we were going to commit to another project, it would be nice to know that we wouldn't be killing ourselves AND losing money while doing it. If people in the community were willing to contribute a large percentage of the funds up front, that would start us in the right direction.

As for the RBP Studios stuff, well, everyone likes something different, I suppose. I agree that the Chelsea/Renee videos are better, and I feel that even those leave a lot to be deisred. I also feel that both Chelsea/Renee and RBP aren't quite "getting" what the robot fetish is all about. Something is always missing.

But one thing I'll say is that, as far as costumes and actresses, I feel that Upgrade beats any of the other videos out there by a mile! I mean, c'mon- we had two actresses is full-body, skin-tight silver spandex suits! Each was custom made for the actress, and was rather pricey - but well worth it as far as I'm concerned. I also think that our actresses were much hotter in a girl-next-door kind of way, but that's just my personal preference - I never went for the huge-breasted porn-star type.

The only caveat to doing a video is that I/we wouldn't want to do anything with explicit sex - doing a badly needed ASFR themed video is interesting, but doing porn really isn't. That alone would probably nix the idea for most people.


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Post by Sega-boy » Wed Jul 09, 2003 5:38 am

Android675 wrote:
As for the RBP Studios stuff, well, everyone likes something different, I suppose. I agree that the Chelsea/Renee videos are better, and I feel that even those leave a lot to be desired. I also feel that both Chelsea/Renee and RBP aren't quite "getting" what the robot fetish is all about. Something is always missing.
Not only that, but if you want any of them to make a custom video with robots in it, don't expect them to memorize any lines.

In that case, why bother? What would be the point?

If I had the dough right now I would totally be trying to put something together as worthwhile as Upgrade.
Android675 wrote:
The only caveat to doing a video is that I/we wouldn't want to do anything with explicit sex - doing a badly needed ASFR themed video is interesting, but doing porn really isn't. That alone would probably nix the idea for most people.

The best thing about porn is usually the nudity it contains, and I've always liked watching hot chicks doing some girl on girl action, but it's true that the biggest problem with porn is that it takes away from the robot content that is supposed to be the overall theme of an ASFR video.

For example, I could care less about watching a robot doing a strip-tease in "human" mode.

That's not what I buy these amateur videos to see.

There are plenty of strip-club videos out there. You can even buy some at the music store in the mall for crying out loud.

I also don't enjoy seeing bondage and S&M themes creeping its way into a video made for ASFR viewers and taking over the first ten minutes of a feature.

I think the majority of this community want to see the 100% artificial bot.

I don't think these film-makers are even aware of that.

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Post by tinyspider » Wed Jul 09, 2003 9:40 am

For those of us who haven´t watched nothing about "upgrade", stuckfast site (where you can buy this video) have uploaded some preview clips of it:
then go to "Captured Moments", then go to "News" and look for the "upgrade" news

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Post by WinterRose » Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:10 am

Well, I go into several of the things that make successful robotic visual ques on my faq site. But honestly, I'd just love the opportunity to act in an ASFR based film. My elder dramatic training has of late stood the hell up and said, You're gonna act or the years you spent in acting classes were for nothing.

And jeez... I've been doing robotic stuff like that for years. Shields and Yarnell got me practicing that stuff when I was little and had the misfortune of having to endure Donny & Marie just to see them. I wish I were in California so I could volunteer for any future films that get made. The east coast sucks.


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Post by dale coba » Tue Sep 23, 2003 8:20 pm

More (electrical) power to you !

It's a terrible uphill battle, having to inject robotics into the cheapest side of the industry. Easier would be if the existing Hollywood/porn machinery could be brought to bear on a high-quality project. An ASFR auteur could get ahold of the reins, a Russ Meyer for our times. Let's hope the new Stepford Wives spawns imitators and a series of lower budget sequels, like many horror films.

If only there were a cable network which didn't mind the inherently sexist/sexy subject matter. Isn't it time for a remake of Julie Newmar's "Living Doll"? SpikeTV has nothing to lose, as it tries to become the FHM and Maxim of cable tv. BET almost followed through with Carmen Electra's pilot (some title, Electra's Girl ?), but that was several years ago, and never saw the light of day.

Dale Coba
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