FILM > Venus Descending review

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FILM > Venus Descending review

Post by Sega-boy » Wed Nov 06, 2002 1:31 am

Penthouse apparently released a film called "Venus Descending" which I discovered while looking for M.C. movies. ... index.html

At the end, it is revealed that Althea is the only android in the entire movie.

The hologram girl in this movie was more of a robot than she is!

Althea (Dahlia Grey) and Kika (Jenna Behr) are aliens, "fetish" beauties from another world. They are sent on a mission to Earth in search of an ancient volume of sexual secrets- schematics for the sexual imagination similar to the Kama Sutra, but much more powerful. Whoever owns the book can amass great wealth and sexual power through its secrets.

Maxim (John Tripp), the ruler of the alien planet, wants to use the information of the book for sinister military purposes. Althea and Kika (who are seemingly immortal) come to Earth and span the centuries in search of the book.


This is from Penthouse, so the storyline is repeatedly interrupted by segments of nude posing by the models.

The two girls are looking for a book. The search takes them throughout our world history, and therefore, allows the women numerous costume changes.

Robot content: Poor

The only footage of an actual robot is at the very end. Her costume isn't very convincing either. A visor outlined with flashing lights!?
She is immediately re-programmed to be a pleasure-unit (No action).

M.C. content: Average

The machine used to "enslave" is really more like a hit of crack for the user, causing her to do anything for more.

Other elements: One good freeze scene of Kika.

Nudity: Lots and lots of nudity!

Final comment: Icon (Andi McPherson) is a holographic avatar for the computer aiding our heroes in their search for the book. Without even moving her lips, she continually spews out information.

I kept thinking...If only she wasn't a hologram and had the innards of a machine.
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