WEB + INFO > Deviant Desires: Robot Fetish

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WEB + INFO > Deviant Desires: Robot Fetish

Post by tmc_6882 » Tue Nov 05, 2002 2:14 pm


Internet search words: robot, technophile, dolls

Upon first hearing about the robot fetish, you might assume that this is about sex with mannequins or RealDolls (those uncannily realistic sex dolls now sold for thousands of dollars each). For most robot and doll fans, however, it's all about transforming oneself or one's lover into a mechanized erotic automaton. They use costumes -- preferably silver lycra spandex -- as well as monotone voices and jerky motions to playact as literal sex objects.
Like quicksand and inflation fantasies, robot fantasies draw heavily from popular culture. Robot fans collect and trade clips and stills from movies and videos that realize their dreams. The most erotic thing in the world could be a scene from a B-Grade Hollywood movie where panels in a fembot's stomach open up to reveal wiring, or a 1970s mime team like Shields & Yarnell doing their act, complete with windup keys sticking out of their backs. Robotdoll, the master of the Alt.sex.fetish.robots website, explains that some of the most thrilling moments are the wind-up and wind-down sequence. The idea that a person might be forced to perform as a robot and obey its master's orders is perhaps the most exciting of all. It's basically Dominance & Submission roleplay in a goofy sci-fi guise.
Alt.sex.fetish.robots mascot by Robotdoll
Robotdoll and his wife occasionally play robot games at home in silver lycra spandex bodysuits he bought in a New York lingerie store. (He laughs as he tells me how he was so excited about finally acting out his dreams that he accidentally orgasmed in the outfit when he tried it on in the store dressing room.)
Robotdoll's wife "winds him up" by using a special key he wears around his neck -- she places it in his bellybutton and turns it to get him started in the morning before work. When they're havng sex, she can control his movements using his nipples as control knobs... the right nipple controls the jerkiness of his movements, and the left nipple determines his level of aggression. She may not be robot fetishist herself, but she appreciates the spectacular results it has on their lovemaking!

Woman transformed into store mannequin. From an episode of The Twilight Zone.

Ralf and Florian from German techno-band Kraftwerk as robots in Rocky Horror Picture Show gear. Drawing by a female robot fan.
Robotdoll's windup key.

Robotdoll at home in his silver lycra-spandex robot suit. Note windup key and arm gestures.

The book Deviant Desires includes many more stories and links to various robot sites.
Buy one today!

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Miss Silver Karakuri
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Post by Miss Silver Karakuri » Tue Nov 05, 2002 8:08 pm

I remember reading that one night, its a little old but its an interesting take on things, albeit its the sexual side and its slant is 'how pervy can you be?'. Winterrose is working on a new FAQ and its not bad, I am sure it will stir up some discussion and maybe some people will dislike it, but I think such discussion and critical analysis is important. I know I certainly like reading about what others find so interesting and what else they get into as well beyond this particular interest.

It gives me ideas for Loving The Machine, really.
Miss Silver Karakuri

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