FILM > Inspector Gadget 2

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FILM > Inspector Gadget 2

Post by DollSpace » Tue Jul 23, 2002 4:40 pm

This is from the Official "Inspector Gadget 2" website, a straight-to-video sequel which will be released in spring 2003. Obviously, this being a kids' video there won't be any explicit sexual stuff, but it does sound interesting:

On the outskirts of Riverton, "The Safest City in America", a pensive Inspector Gadget (FRENCH STEWART) sits in his Gadgetmobile, along with his canine companion, Brain. Gadget is back on the job, on stakeout, but he is concerned that everything is too quiet in Riverton. He has a very simple, rational answer to this; " it’s always the most quiet just before criminals strike". Evil must be afoot. In a moment of overzealous crime fighting Gadget arrests an elderly women for wreckless driving, but not without incident. In his effort to make the arrest Gadget’s many crime fighting "accessories" go wildly astray. It’s time to report back to headquarters for a checkup. Baxter (BRUCE SPENCE), the "Q" of the Police Department, delivers the prognosis - as he is a prototype things are bound to have some glitches. The remedy is close at hand. But, before Baxter can tell of his new "top secret", Gadget is confronted by a furious Chief Quimby (MARK MITCHELL). The little old lady arrested earlier for wreckless driving turns out to be Quimby’s mother. Gadget is put on notice — any more mistakes and he is on probation.

Meanwhile, in the dead of night, and in a raging storm, something happens that will change Gadget’s destiny forever — his arch enemy, his nemesis, Claw (TONY MARTIN) makes a daring escape from Riverton Prison. Now, evil really is afoot. Chief Quimby offers Inspector Gadget one last chance to redeem himself through the capture, and return to incarceration, of Claw. And so the chase begins.

Claw, surrounded by his evil henchmen, is holed up in a disused bowling equipment factory where he begins plotting his revenge on Inspector Gadget by pulling off the "Crime of the Century". A news report announcing the Federal Reserve Bank has a deposit of over 5 trillion dollars in pure gold bullion housed in an impregnable fortress-like building at Riverton, is all Claw needs to set his plan in motion. He has ten days in which to build the ultimate super weapon, and strike.

Not one to miss a political point scoring opportunity the Mayor of Riverton, Mayor Wilson (SIGRID THORNTON), stands before the media, with Chief Quimby, to reveal the latest in crime fighting technology; the next generation of gadget policing. A large silver pod is revealed which contains a woman, dressed in the smartest lady’s leather trench coat and hat. Enter G2 (ELAINE HENDRIX), the latest in high technology, she is entirely all robot. A quick demonstration of G2s prowess leaves everyone impressed. Quimby hands the Claw case to G2; Inspector Gadget has been superceded.

Gadget is consoled by this new development by his niece Penny (CAITLIN WACHS). She herself wants to follow in the footsteps of her favourite crime-fighting uncle and has been doing some sleuthing of her own. She has uncovered a vital clue as to Claw’s whereabouts giving Gadget the jump on G2.

What follows is a series of hair-raising, gadget laden, mishaps, stakeouts, and public embarrassments for Inspector Gadget as he tries to prove his mettle. Obviously he is no match for the new improved G2 who aces him at every turn in the quest to recapture Claw. Gadget’s ultimate disgrace forces him to relinquish his badge, and the keys to his beloved Gadgetmobile. Fortunately for Inspector Gadget, he has Penny, Brain and the Gadgetmobile on his side.

As fate would have it, the final component needed to complete Claw’s secret weapon goes on show at Mayor Wilson’s fundraising dinner at the Riverton Museum, a giant ruby on loan from the Raja of India. This will surely bring all the major protagonists together in an all-out confrontation. Mayor Wilson, Chief Quimby and G2 are there in an official capacity. Claw and his minions are there masquerading as the function band. Gadget is there in his new job, the doorman. Penny however, has followed her own lead and discovered Claw’s lair at the deserted bowling factory. At the fundraising dinner chaos reigns supreme; Claw escapes with the ruby, Mayor Wilson escapes with her life but is publicly humiliated in the process, G2 is rendered helpless, and Quimby is left with no choice but to deactivate, and decommission the whole Gadget Program.

At the Bowling Factory, Claw’s dastardly plan for world domination has gathered momentum, and Penny, whose undercover work had proven correct, has walked right into his grasp. Brain has made good his escape and seeks out the one person he knows can save the day, and the world from Claw’s evil scheme, Inspector Gadget. A quiet moment between Inspector Gadget and G2 as they ponder their future is interrupted by Brain’s arrival, and insistence that Penny’s life is in danger. Busting the every faithful Gadgetmobile out of the pound, Gadget, G2, and Brain roar off into the night to rescue Penny and put a halt to Claw’s master plan once and for all.

Claw’s "ten days to success" plan is fast approaching. Time is ticking by. It is the day of reckoning as he unveils his super weapon, a huge ray gun-like devise. And what is so important about the timing? At exactly 9.30 a satellite device in outer space will pass over Riverton from which Claw can reflect a deadly laser beam off the satellite’s parabolic mirror back onto the city, rendering everyone immobile, thus creating a perfect pathway to the gold bullion. In a race against time, Gadgetmobile pulls some serious Gs getting Gadget, G2, and Brain out of the city limits and missing the deadly rays.

An all out, drag down, knock ‘em out fight ensues between the forces of good and the forces of evil with Penny still being held by Claw as a human shield. Rampaging across the city of Riverton the final showdown has begun. In a terrifying diversionary tactic Penny is launched off Claw’s vehicle in a tangle of bombs made out of old bowling balls with dynamite placed in the finger holes. Penny is attached to a sixty-second timing device. BOOOOM. G2, Brain and the Gadgetmobile have been looking on in horror when out of the smoke and rubble Penny emerges. Gadget makes a less gracious entry to the scene. G2 has had her robot heart shaken by this incident and in a rare show of emotion awkwardly hugs him.

It’s high noon on the Riverton bridge when finally the adversaries come face to face. In a gadget crazy showdown technology is the winner as Gadget and G2 pull in Claw’s minions but Claw who has preplanned for all possibilities makes his escape by …

blasting into space in a one-man rocket ship.

Back in electioneering mode Mayor Wilson makes the most of every opportunity for re-election as she proudly presents Inspector Gadget and G2, now both fully reinstated as Riverton’s prime crime fighters, their Distinguished Conduct Medal. Chief Quimby confirms their appointment and announces a doubling of the Gadget Unit’s budget. Inspector Gadget steps forward to make a special announcement; "behind every great uncle is a great niece". Penny finally gets her just rewards, and is awarded a Junior Inspector award for meritorious conduct. Another moment between Inspector Gadget and G2 suggests that there may be romance afoot.

And what of Claw? Well …


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Post by noidguy » Tue Jul 23, 2002 7:22 pm

Nice! I'll be waiting. Btw, Elaine Hendrix - aka G2 - played the blonde reporter (girlfriend of what's-his-face) in The Chronicle.

"You remember back when I was tinkering around with cyborgs. Well, Baby here is an improvement. One hundred percent machine." Place the quote?

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Quote from "Lois and Clark"?

Post by dudemqnguy » Tue Jul 23, 2002 10:24 pm

"Home is where the hurt is"? Just a guess.
"Things are always darkest just before you step on the cat."

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Post by Baron » Wed Jul 24, 2002 9:57 am

noidguy wrote:Nice! I'll be waiting. Btw, Elaine Hendrix - aka G2 - played the blonde reporter (girlfriend of what's-his-face) in The Chronicle.

"You remember back when I was tinkering around with cyborgs. Well, Baby here is an improvement. One hundred percent machine." Place the quote?

Lois & Clark: "Home is Where the Hurt is."
Assemble the ladies? I didn't know that they were broken......

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