Bloom audio stories

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Bloom audio stories

Post by 33cl33 » Mon Oct 30, 2023 7:39 am

Sort of a review, since there's been interest in chatbots elsewhere on the forum.

Bloom audio stories recently added a NSFW chatbot function, and it's pretty cheap to subscribe. So I gave it a try.

First of all - the audio stories. The entire site has only ONE story featuring a robot. And it is terrible. Bad writing, bad audio quality, and the voice actor is not good at all. You can suggest scenarios that Bloom says they'll turn into new audio stories, but they don't seem interested in hiring new writers.

On to the chat... They use a credit system like most generative platforms. My new signup came with 15 credits, and a credit is consumed every time the chatbot replies with an audio clip instead of a text message. Each audio clip is anywhere from 20 seconds to just under a minute. You'll get an audio clip reply about 1 in 3 with default settings. So you'll burn through your monthly allowance super fast, and credits aren't very cheap. The audio sounds good (I think they're using the elevenlabs API) but it's very quiet. Only problem - at least a third of the time, my credits vanished and no message came through. When I mention it, I get an apology, but no credits refunded.

You can set it to text-only, but I didn't bother. And I'm not sure that won't eat up credits in some way too. All the chatbot ever really did was reply by sort of rephrasing what I said to it. It would keep forgetting the scenario we were roleplaying, and it basically just keeps saying variations of "what do you want to do next?"

You also can't preview the various chatbot voices. You just have to start a new chat with each and get an audio reply to hear it, so poof! Credits gone before you even know if you dig the voice.

That said - it's a chatbot that does handle NSFW by default. And the handful of replies that stayed on topic did seem to understand what a sexy fembot could be / do. It sounded like it's familiar with our favorite tropes. But ultimately, it felt like it was always up to me to dictate everything. And why not just write out new fiction at that point, and have elevenlabs speak it at a fraction of the cost?

So, in case anyone's curious - I'd add Bloom to the "bummer, no fembots" category :lol:
SynthSuite audio clips, etc:

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