VCR Alert: "Menace" episode of SG-1 9/29/03

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VCR Alert: "Menace" episode of SG-1 9/29/03

Post by Keizo » Mon Sep 22, 2003 5:36 am

This will be the second episode of Stargate SG-1 on that evening on the Sci Fi channel.

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Post by jolshefsky » Tue Sep 23, 2003 12:26 pm

What's "Menace" about? I'd only seen "Toy Soldiers" (I think ... the robot duplicates one where the dupes didn't know they were dupes.)

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Post by KOS-MOS » Tue Sep 23, 2003 2:33 pm wrote:A dormant android is discovered on a barren planet and transported back to Earth for study. At the SGC, it is placed in a secure environment and activated. The android, a female robot named Reese, demonstrates a childlike curiosity for her environment world and an instant affection for Daniel. SG-1 questions her in an attempt to find out what happened to her world, while trying at the same time not to upset her highly emotional sensitivities by revealing to her that she is not human. The team discovers this seemingly innocent being may hold a menacing secret - she is the original creator of the destructive Replicators. Originally created as 'toys' for her own amusement on her home planet, she has no real understanding of the devastating consequences their creation has caused. Earth's only hope to understand and control the Replicators is by convincing this volatile android of their true capabilities.
This episode will appeal to those who are interested in fembots who are very human-like or viewing fembots as an other form of life.
  1. Brief open panel scene within the first 10 minutes of the episode. The panel is located in the side of her neck.
  2. She is activated -- nothing special, just like waking up suddenly.
  3. She has control over small bots known as "replicators".
  4. She is unaccepting of the fact that she is a machine and struggles with this throughout the episode.
  5. Shut-down, like going to sleep, at the end of the episode and her neck panel is opened again to remove her power supply. (brief)
If you do not catch this on Sci Fi you can download it from Kazaa. You will probably have better luck seraching for the episode by title and not using the "ASFR" keyword to locate users.

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Re: Explain...

Post by Keizo » Tue Sep 23, 2003 2:57 pm

Vincent wrote:What's "Menace" about? I'd only seen "Toy Soldiers" (I think ... the robot duplicates one where the dupes didn't know they were dupes.)
There was also a second episode with the SG-1 team duplicates called Double Jeapordy. The Carter android even suffered a little damage.
Anyway here is a synopsis I found online:

Details: SG - 1 discover a planet in total destruction with only a young andriod girl as the survivor. Providing a new power supply they revive the andriod and learn that her father had told her to go and sleep. Daniel stays and talks to Reese while the rest of SG - 1 take a look at the rest of the planet. SG - 1 find some pieces of what looks to be replicators. SG - 1 and Reese return to Earth and soon realise that this young andriod is the creator of the replicators. Apparently the replicators where originally created as toys who could replicate but she lost control of them and they destroyed the planet. SG - 1 try to communicate this new information to the Asgard while Daniel tries to get Reese to tell him how to stop the replicators but she can't see the dangers and isn't being very co - operative. When the realization of the destruction her toys made and the fact they killed her own father she goes crazy and the bugs respond violently to her feelings.

Hope that helps.

Also a CORRECTION. It looks like the TV guide was wrong and this may be the FIRST episode that evening.

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