Cool videogames ad gynoids... together?

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Cool videogames ad gynoids... together?

Post by tinyspider » Sat Sep 27, 2003 7:43 am

This has been reported some time ago, not sure if here or @ Medusa Realm, Micro$oft is developing a cool gynoid A.I. game called N.U.D.E (Natural Ultimate Digital Experiment), I think there's even some screens posted by KOS-MOS. Well for those of you who hven't watched nothing yet, here's a trailer!

scroll down to the bottom and you will find it

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Post by GZ02 » Sat Sep 27, 2003 7:57 am

Yeah, I remember posting something about this way back in February or something. Any idea when this finally hits the streets? I remember seeing some release info back around then as well but it's no longer posted. Hmmm, mystery...

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Post by andoroido » Sat Sep 27, 2003 8:33 am

I saw a demo of this game on Japanese TV a few months ago.
(a weekly show where the host tries out new games
and they show the highlights)

I never saw this game on demo in stores here, even in the big city.
Probably because of the nature of the game play.

The user has to wear a microphone, and go through some repetitious
voice recognition tests.

Then you get your N.U.D.E., and your first task is to get her to understand you when you name the objects in your virtual apartment, like "TV" or "phone" or "microwave oven"

Eventually you get her to turn on your TV for you, or vacuum the floor, or make a microwave dinner or something. I don't know what the goal is,
but quite frankly, after the coolness of "she did what I said" wears off, it seemed pretty BORING. Of course, the host of the show only has time to get through the first coupe of "levels" which were I guess "tasks" in this "game"... I assume that store demo machines in stores aren't avaialble because it takes a while to get going (and maybe because it's boring)
Of course, one wonders what kind of "Easter Eggs" might be hidden in the program targetted at the typical Japanese male...


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Post by kb7rky » Sun Sep 28, 2003 10:07 am

And, when you get tired of NUDE, you could always MAKE your own video game!

Caligari's gameSpace has a program available now for video game developers to make their own video games.

Just could be a scientist/technician/nerd :lol: building your own gynoid...
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