T3 preview on Sci-Fi 6/29!

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T3 preview on Sci-Fi 6/29!

Post by Keizo » Sat Jun 21, 2003 5:56 am

Okay, so I'm in my Lazy Boy and I'm exhausted so I forgot to report this last night. Anyway it looks like it will give us some good footage so get those VCRs or TiVOs or whatever revving.
Okay, so I'm in my Lazy Boy and I'm exhausted so I fall asleep in it last night and when I wake up and turn on the tv, THE FIRST thing I see is a cartoon with some dude ajusting something in a panel on the side of a robotgirls head. Is this a great time or what?! Anyway, even though the cartoon is hardly worth mentioning (of course I watched it) I think the name of it was Team-o Supreme-o. The robot girl was a pop diva and there ended up being a whole army of them. Naturally they were destroyed and the moral was it was better to have the real diva around. :evil:

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Post by Keizo » Sun Jun 29, 2003 9:26 pm

:evil: Okay so Sci-Fi didn't have a "special" per say. I recorded the little tidbits regardless. Anyway, I see that HBO has a behind the scenes special so that may be another option. I don't have HBO so good luck

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