Hi, has anyone seen these 3 cartoons with lady robots?

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Hi, has anyone seen these 3 cartoons with lady robots?

Post by mike12 » Fri May 23, 2003 12:14 pm

Hello, I just wondering has anyone seen these 3 cartoons, Max Steel, Battle of the Planets and Phantom 2040?

Max Steel
Max and his female partner disguise themself as enemy agents and Max's partner is diguise as female robot (the enemy has women dressed up in robot suits). Plus seen her another episode dressed in the same outfit.

Battle of the Planets
A lady & a man are turn into robot (just there bodies) and in the first part of the episode a robot captures the 2 and stick them into the robot and blasted off.

Phantom 2040
First the Phantom shoot a girl disguise as biot and her face mask falls off and later the Phantom girlfriend (A police officer) diguises herself as a biot too (there a sceen where the lady is found out, the bad guys tie her up (so she can die in the blast), put tape on her month, then put her mask back why'll she saying "Help Me!" and one of the bad guys said, "Aren't biots ?? when they pretend to be humans" (My favourite sceen)

I wonder does anyone have these episodes and if they going to make video captures of them, let me know please :)?

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