ANIME > MahoroMatic (Automatic Maiden) DVD

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ANIME > MahoroMatic (Automatic Maiden) DVD

Post by DollSpace » Fri Nov 08, 2002 3:57 pm

A new DVD coming out on 1/28/03. An ad in a trade magazine (which has a nice picture of Mahoro) describes it as such:

Troubles you can only dream of...Suguru's horrible cleaning skills have his friends calling his home the "Haunted House", and being an orphan, he needs help! Enter Mahoro, a beautiful 19-year-old that catches bullets in her fingers, claims to be an android, and who wants to be his maid! Now, his school friends are suspicious, and his well-endowed teacher is going over the edge with jealousy. How will [Suguru] react when he discovers that Mahoro only has 398 days to live and has chosen him for a reason?

It sounds very interesting, and is done by the creaters of Evangelion, and Mahoro is awfully adorable ^_^ It will be released on Pioneer @ $29.98 SRP.

DVD extras will include non-credit opening animation and full color art gallery. It was created by GAINAX (Evangelion, Wings of Honemaise, FLCL, His and Her Circumstances) and the scripts & direction are by Hiroyuki Yamaga (Wings of Honemaise).

I am eagerly awaiting this :)

Last edited by DollSpace on Sun Mar 13, 2005 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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found it

Post by blackice » Sat Dec 28, 2002 8:34 am

On ebay from various Hong Kong sellers.

Average price for the entire series is 15 dollars.

Gone one on the way,


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