Help: old 90's tp 00's movie

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Help: old 90's tp 00's movie

Post by matsubara » Sat May 04, 2024 10:27 pm

Hi could any one support me to find the old movie title?
all I can remember is
1. The main character was flying around in space, working as a courier or something.
2.In the end, the main character, a prostitute(or showgirl?), and a costumed character(cheap Wookiee type alien?) crash land on some planet.
3.Then At the end, the prostitute reveals to the protagonist that she is an android.
4.Her hand has something that looks like a silver connector with round protrusions.
5.Movie is English.

I try to find my old VHS tape but i can't find it.
I hope some one can help me to find.

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