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91+ photos in 4 months

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:23 am
by Xeran
Hi Everyone,

I'm working on my next set for the site and just thought to myself it's been about four months since the site went live, I've added over 91 images in those 4 months that's 22 a month and I'm looking to add a lot more!

For those that are members since I do not have a blog or message board can you let me know if you like the Flash Gallery? The images are ultra hi-res and scale to your resolution... so if you have a smaller screen or lower resolution you might want to use the fullscreen option. I received a lot of feedback on the types of girls and scenes you like and I'm working hard to make those ideas a reality.

I just wanted to let you all know I appreciate your support,

Thanks again,
