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Visceral Black contribution poll

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:02 pm
by visceralpsyche
Hi all,

please read this thread to find out more about the project.

Basically I'm looking for those of you interested in seeing this move forward into production to indicate whether or not you'd be willing to pre-order the Blu-ray (default) or DVD (if you don't have a Blu-ray player) of the first episode, "Virginal", for ¥5,000 and thereby funding production.

I need at least 100 interested people to pre-order to make this viable, and ideally at least 200 people to really make it sing.

Once the tally reaches at least 100 people I will establish a payment method (probably PayPal or the like) and request that you send the money along with address instructions for the finished disc to be airmailed to you. Of course more than 100 is better so once we have commenced production you will be able to pay directly to advance order your copy.

At that point we will commence production and soon thereafter you will receive the first of hopefully many episodes of "Visceral Black" to put on your movie shelf!

Please keep this thread purely for comments on the financing side. All production related comments should be kept in the other thread.

With thanks,


Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:49 pm
by TheSpotConlon
I had to convert the currency, because I don't know how much Japan's crazy moonman dollar sign is actually worth in the world. So, FYI for American folk, that translates out to $51.26.

More than worth it, especially if your skills have grown since the impressive Eve project.

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:56 pm
by code_author
Lets see... $55 to get a couple of pseudo asfr moments on some crappy dvd's at K/wal Mart or or spot on material from an artist like Visceralpsyche.

No Brainer, count me in :!:


Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:05 pm
by noidguy
I'm in too. But it may take a while to reach 100 on the website poll. I hope I'm wrong, but I think the 'dedicated' members here might number in the 40's or 50s.

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:03 pm
by AK

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 10:14 pm
by andoroido
Just a practical note, it would be easy for me to send 5000yen because I live in Japan and have a 5000yen note right here. I can just mail it (registered).

I hope this works out well,
but how does it work practically for people sending you money?
That is, how do they send you 5000yen from another country, especially if they (and possibly you) might need to pay some fees.

When I transfer money to my US account from Japan, there's a 2000yen charge on this end, and a $10US charge on the other end for electronic transfer. So I only send money in large chunks.

I assume you have some kind of net banking idea, Paypal or something.

You also might have legal trouble in Japan if you start getting a lot of cash transfers from abroad, banks are getting really "interested" in gaijin's banking habits as part of their "anti-terror/crime" stance. Even though every single act or terrorism in Japan has been committed by Japanese natives [Aum cult sarin gas attack, red Army hijacking, knife-wielding Akihabara maniac] gaijin are the target for police attention.

How is this all gonna work?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:27 pm
by The Collector
I think when you send via Paypal, you can send in different currencies.

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:24 am
by visceralpsyche
Hi all,

thanks for your replies so far. I'm 99% sure I'll be using PayPal since it allows for you to send money from anywhere and it'll do the currency conversion for you. No crazy fees for you, a small fee for me per transaction but normal PayPal stuff I'm used to so no worries there.

Also I have a registered company here (kabushiki kaisha for those interested) so it wouldn't be an issue regarding finances coming in anyway, as we have done plenty of international business with lots more money involved than that being discussed here.

Â¥50,000 raised so far by the looks of it, that's a good start and means we're already 10% of the way there! Good stuff!

code_author, you're exactly right. This project is specifically geared to us here, and yes, my skills have improved somewhat since "Eve", TheSpotConlon :wink:

Cheers to all who have said yes so far (and remember I'm a fan too, I want to see this stuff as much as you do!).


Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:06 pm
by wjbaines
Me too! I'll pledge fifty bucks in Yen.