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Re: My final message to yall...

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 8:24 pm
by RoxxyRobofox
Why hasn't this thread been closed yet? There's nothing constructive going on here. It's just people arguing back and forth at this point with no sign of closure for any of the involved parties. Just end it.

Re: My final message to yall...

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 5:33 pm
by RoxxyRobofox
Yeah fine. I'll add to this mess.

So I can't say that I know all the facts behind what's going on here. I'll only speak about things that I'm relatively sure I know all the facts about and I'll quality many of the statements I make by saying that I have been an administrator for several large, successful online groups over the years from administrating channels with 100 active people on F-LIst to working for Fembot Labs.

First of all, whenever someone accuses an administrator of censoring their opinions it's basically like a criminal complaining about getting arrested. Of course they're going to complain about it. Not every opinion is objectively good or constructive just because it's someone's opinion. You don't have to let people say stupid shit. It's very clearly NOT doing anything positive here.

Second of all, I haven't seen any of Ani's works. I'm not going to talk about quality or weirdness or anything. I'm going to address the fact that you allowed someone to post a long and nasty rant attacking the forums in an extremely negative way and you did nothing to correct this. Regardless of what her beef is, it's not okay to address it like this. You wouldn't let any other forum member post a long diatribe attacking everyone like this so why does she get a pass?

It is a clearly inflammatory post meant to spark a response. And it got a response. We now have people attacking one another really rudely. There's no constructive feedback or anything actionable being discussed. It's a pit of toxic trash and it's getting deeper and deeper. "Do nothing" is not the correct response to a giant pile of trash being heaped in your backyard.

Re: My final message to yall...

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:47 pm
by Toastdroid
I agree with Rexx; there's probably a place for constructive discussion on how to support budding content creators, but it ain't here; it's obvious there's too much bad blood around this one creator to keep things in good faith.

I'm relieved the whole thing lith posted probably isn't true, but there's way too much baggage to keep this going here without being constantly derailed by slapfights.

Re: My final message to yall...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 2:35 am
by Stephaniebot
There does need to be some form of constructive discussion for content creators going down from here. Those buying stuff need to be 'braver' in providing it. If you dont want to post it on an open forum, then fine, but PM people instead. No one, but you, and the content provider would ever need to know what you said, or as to who was buying said content.

Then again, others asked for this, long before Ani even appeared on the scene, seemingly never got anything, and no longer post here, or I presume make fembot content on a regular basis?

No one has to post under their real name. Stephanie isn't even my first name, though most assume it is!

I would say we would need a new thread for said discussion, as I cant see much positive coming out of here, in truth. Having said that, this thread has at least let some people get to know the frustrations of others, on both sides. It might be informative, but only if both sides stop, and think about what they're posting, which I'm not sure many are at present.

But lets be honest, if someone new, considering providing material for here, adult, or otherwise, and saw this, dont you think they might think, why bother, and just pass on by?

Ani isnt perfect, neither are those posting against her. None of us are, unless we are actually dolls, or robots, but anyway...? 8) So lets all chill for whats left of Easter, or whatever you may (or may not) celebrate at this time of year, and then focus on maybe some productive discussion privately, or on forum instead of this. Please?

Re: My final message to yall...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 4:44 am
by dingdongdug
Please stop this sterile debate

-if you like the work of menber encourage him
-if you want to criticize done it in a constructive way and in a way to help the author but with respect
-if you don't like a work , it's your opinion . if hi don't like a type work of somebody I just paste to another
but criticize to criticize is useless
Everybody can create content so if somebody think he is the best he can prove it by the work

Lots of people in the forum like the content so don't discourage creators by showing a forum that looks like a battlefield

Re: My final message to yall...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 5:06 am
by Ani Erotika

Re: My final message to yall...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 5:22 am
by RoxxyRobofox
Ani it is absolutely NOT OKAY to breach customer confidentiality by sharing purchase records, regardless of what point you're trying to prove.

Re: My final message to yall...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 5:40 am
by Uncom

Re: My final message to yall...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 8:24 am
by Lithorien
Robotman wrote:My hand has been forced, so I'll explain what I was hoping for, and what has just happened.

Ani Erotika and cbjoe (whoever is behind that account) were given a very generous opportunity to leave this community without being banned. For a couple of days, it looked like they were taking that opportunity, and things were winding down.

But as you can see above, Ani made another post that not only continued the attacks, but breached private sales data.

Ani Erotika and cbjoe have been permanently banned from Fembot Central.

As for disagreements about the way I left this thread open, and didn't lock it: My intent was to give Ani a chance to leave without getting banned. I think that would have been better for everyone. Also - and this is crucially important - a serious accusation of criminal activity was leveled at Ani. This was retracted. Had I locked the thread, the accusation would have stood.

As for the suggestion of removing this thread: I don't believe that is a good idea. As people and as a community, we learn from our mistakes. Hiding from our embarrassments does nothing but present a false face to the world and lead us into making the same mistakes in the future.
Robotman: First, thank you for leaving the thread open. I do appreciate the thought process behind it, and I am glad that you stepped in to eliminate whatever customer data was breached (I have a feeling I know whose it was). Either way, your intent behind allowing things to wind down on their own was good, so thank you.

Secondly, I want to make this clear: I have not fully retracted the accusation. At most, I stated, "I can not collaborate what I remember with hard data, because I deleted the email, and I can't recover it from my mail server." She brought up a link to one - of four - videos that were linked to me in the email, which is fine - it shows some of what happened. I consider that all as, "I'm not sure, but here's what I remember." Take that as you will, I suppose.

At any rate, I do apologize for the troubles you had because of my actions.

Re: My final message to yall...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 5:30 pm
by AmpFetish
I’m sorry, I think I missed it– did Ani post my purchase history on here??

Re: My final message to yall...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 5:55 pm
by AmpFetish
Robotman wrote:Yes, the full list of all of her videos that you purchased. The post has been removed, and she's been banned.
She threatened to do so in a private message that she sent to me on Many Vids, and she also privately sent me the post. I reported her. That is some crazy stuff. Thank you for responding and removing the post. I have no idea what she was talking about when she said she made a video for me. The only thing that would have satisfied her is if I had purchased all of her videos.

I should have never pitched in to this post, but I guess she proved me right. Thanks again, Robotman.

Re: My final message to yall...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 7:39 pm
by Spaz
Direct quote:

MV Community Guidelines
On Harassment, Hate Speech, Abusive Conduct & Bullying

MV Stars and MV Members are part of a thriving sex-positive community. The MV Team requires that everyone within the community voluntarily agrees to abstain from promoting violence and hate against other MV Stars or MV Members on It is our mission to provide a safe, friendly, sexy space for everyone.

ManyVids is opposed to doxing–the involuntary disclosure of personal information–threats of doxing, blackmail and impersonation. We fully expect our community members to exhibit mutual respect and basic civility on our platform.

ManyVids also condemns improper online conduct occurring outside the platform, such as on various social media outlets, industry blogs, magazines or other media. We strongly believe in promoting civility in real life and online.

Re: My final message to yall...

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 3:22 pm
by zerodin
I hope she didn't quit her day job, because after this fiasco, I doubt she's gonna be pulling in any money on videos anywhere.

Re: My final message to yall...

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 2:11 pm
by ProchazkaJBG
Hey guys what's going on in...


I did buy one of her vids a few months ago, but half of it was this strange psychedelic music thing, so I decided not to purchase any others. Reading through this it looks like I made the right choice.