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Re: Comission Info

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 5:03 pm
by TheShoveller
So, colored the last piece I got from Nathan. Uploaded it. However, had a similar issue that I had with the last one I uploaded, and no idea how it got fixed last time (basically, it's saying it's too large to create thumbnails automatically, but it's under the file size it's asking for.) So, Robotman, if you know how to fix it and want to tell me for future reference, just let me know. Here's a direct link to it: ... mpt%29.png

Nathan's still going to do a colored version of it himself. This should (hopefully) tide you guys over until then.

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 8:39 am
by Brytestar
Um what about group pics 3 characters or more? How much is that??

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:25 pm
by Nathan
Group pixs of 3 are 60$, with background included for free, any fixes are also free as long as it does not replace the whole scene :P 90$ for a full color scene. As a first time commission, you get a 2 for 20 special on your first order of two characters. Subscribing to the Stream will grant you two 2 for 20 specials a month plus a monthly scribe art piece. This month's piece will be a Mannequin processing area and new month will be a fembot facility scene :D


Re: Comission Info

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:43 am
by Brytestar
(Ponders) Because I got a group of one guy and four gynoids so at least $80?I wanted to make sure that I am reading this right?

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 3:06 pm
by Nathan
Yes sir, as a b/w image it would be 80$, thou most who commission me have the option to see it done live during one of my streaming days, as a first time commissioner, you would automatically get a 2 characters for 20$ discount. With your next commission being at regular price. During those streams you're free to direct how you want me to put your piece together :D. I'm looking also into private streaming as well, but not sure how to best price that. I'm leaning on 10 dollars added to your total for private streaming as paying by the hour maybe too expensive for the individual commissioner. I am doing subscriptions over at Picarto, which is $5 a month, and allows for 2 x 2 characters for $20 every month plus a monthly polled artwork for the month.


Re: Comission Info

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:37 pm
by Brytestar
Ok thanks

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:35 pm
by TheShoveller
Yeah, for a 4-person picture, it'd normally be $80 for black and white, $120 if you wanted it in color. That's total, not an added-on cost. Basically, add $10 for each character you want colored. And as he mentioned, it'd be your first commission, so if you wanted it in black and white, it'd be $60. To get it colored then, you'd add $40 to that, so $100 total. If you sub for $5, you'd be looking at a total of $80 for color (since you'd be getting another 2 for $20 B&W instead of the usual $40.)

Honestly, I looked at a few other artists who do commissions. Some of them charge more than that for smaller picture sizes, others won't do it if you're looking for something like an assembly / malfunction scene, others charge more for anything other than a simple background (with "simple" in some cases being "I drew a colored rhombus on a white background behind them,") etc. Really the only thing I've seen Nathan refuse to do is "needless destruction" scenes - someone breaking a fembot for no reason other than they can, or someone smashing a statue of a person who was transformed because why not. Something like battle damage, though? He's fine with that.

If you're worried about the process, swing by his stream sometime and see how a "live commission" goes. Even if you come to him with a bit of a vague concept (which I've done several times) he's willing to work with you and get you something you'll want. The last pic I uploaded here? Started out as "Hey, remember the first one you did with this character fixing that one? Let's reverse it. No idea how to pose it, though." After working it out, we came up with that - even added the little bit where her AI is displayed as a cartoonish face on a monitor since her head's sitting about a foot away from the rest of her body, and at the wrong end to be connected to it.

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 3:06 pm
by Nathan
Starting the stream in a few mins, hope to see you all there!


First time commissioners get a 2 character sketch for $20!

No need to buy to come join the stream

NEW HOURS! 5pm to 2am! With an hour dinner at 9pm

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 3:20 pm
by Nathan
Starting the stream in a few mins, hope to see you all there!


First time commissioners get a 2 character sketch for $20!

No need to buy to come join the stream

NEW HOURS! 5pm to 2am! With an hour dinner at 9pm

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 3:10 pm
by Nathan
Starting the stream in a few mins, hope to see you all there!


First time commissioners get a 2 character sketch for $20!

No need to buy to come join the stream

NEW HOURS! 5pm to 2am! With an hour dinner at 9pm

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 3:04 pm
by Nathan
Starting the stream in a few mins, hope to see you all there!


First time commissioners get a 2 character sketch for $20!

No need to buy to come join the stream

NEW HOURS! 5pm to 2am! With an hour dinner at 9pm

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 3:06 pm
by Nathan
Starting the stream in a few mins, hope to see you all there!


First time commissioners get a 2 character sketch for $20!

No need to buy to come join the stream

NEW HOURS! 5pm to 2am! With an hour dinner at 9pm

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 9:26 pm
by Nathan
hey gang the Patreon been fixed up to help support the live streaming! If you had earlier pledges, please revisit the site to adjust your pledge thanks again to everyone who helped support the streams!

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 3:21 pm
by Nathan
Starting the stream in a few mins, hope to see you all there!


First time commissioners get a 2 character sketch for $20!

No need to buy to come join the stream

NEW HOURS! 5pm to 2am! With an hour dinner at 9pm

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 7:24 pm
by TheShoveller
So kinda burned out on Final Fantasy 14, and decided to pick up Phantasy Star Online 2 again, hopefully this time not having my account get banned for some reason or another. And as such, I decided to do two of my characters from FF14 as they appear in this one - as fembots, naturally, but not Casts, which is an entire race dedicated to androids and robots and stuff. I have one or two of those I'll get done too, though, don't worry.


Colored versions (both by him and by me) will be uploaded at some point as well.

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:14 pm
by Nathan
Starting the stream in a few mins, hope to see you all there!


First time commissioners get a 2 character sketch for $20!

No need to buy to come join the stream

NEW HOURS! 5pm to 2am! With an hour dinner at 9pm

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 3:05 pm
by Nathan
Starting the stream in a few mins, hope to see you all there!


First time commissioners get a 2 character sketch for $20!

No need to buy to come join the stream

NEW HOURS! 5pm to 2am! With an hour dinner at 9pm

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 3:08 pm
by Nathan
Starting the stream in a few mins, hope to see you all there!


First time commissioners get a 2 character sketch for $20!

No need to buy to come join the stream

NEW HOURS! 5pm to 2am! With an hour dinner at 9pm

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 5:18 pm
by TheShoveller
Got another finished colored piece from Tek / Nathan:


He also has a Patreon page with some stuff on it. This month's subscriber pic is fembot-related and will be streamed (for subscribers only) this coming Saturday around 2 PM EST.

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:57 pm
by Extyr
Didn't you commission that a few months ago? How long is the wait from sketch to full colors?

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 9:10 pm
by TheShoveller
The wait time for colors is usually pretty long, since he has some other stuff he's working on as well. He did say that if we do the flats for them, it makes things easier and faster for him to go back and shade them. I passed him another pic I had done with flats (the clockwork maid one) and he almost finished the shading on it tonight, he just has a few final things to do for it. Most people who go through him color them themselves or get someone else to do them for him. Since I kinda suck at blending and shading, I'll probably just do flats and have him finish them off.

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 3:15 pm
by Nathan
Starting the stream in a few mins, hope to see you all there!


First time commissioners get a 2 character sketch for $20!

No need to buy to come join the stream

NEW HOURS! 5pm to 2am! With an hour dinner at 9pm

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:19 pm
by Nathan
Starting the stream in a few mins, hope to see you all there!


First time commissioners get a 2 character sketch for $20!

No need to buy to come join the stream

NEW HOURS! 5pm to 2am! With an hour dinner at 9pm

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:31 pm
by TheShoveller
Getting a fembot-related pic done right now, so swing by if you want to see it getting drawn up.

Re: Comission Info

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:29 pm
by TheShoveller
It was a big one, but the lineart is at least done.
