Vote for MCcomix/HIPcomix in the Bondage Awards

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Doctor Robo
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Vote for MCcomix/HIPcomix in the Bondage Awards

Post by Doctor Robo » Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:53 pm

It's that time of year again... time for the 2010 Bondage Awards! Each year the good folks at host a series of votes in various categories to determine the most popular bondage-related sites and individuals on the 'net. Last year was honored with a sixth place finish (out of dozens of nominees) in the "Best Pay Website" category, and Doctor Robo was voted eighth best writer. Well, this year we have been nominated in a slew of categories, and we are asking for YOU to help us win!

The honorees from HIPcomix and MCcomix include:

Best Pay Website:,

Best Comic Artist: Akonkid, Finister Foul, Jpeger, Trishbot, Uroboros

Best Writer: Doctor Robo, Max Hass, Trishbot

We humbly thank those who nominated us for these awards, and ask that you head to and vote as often as you can for your favorite site, artist, and writer. Since we aren't really eligible for the mind control community's Spiral Awards, this is pretty much all we have. So, let's see how high we can climb in 2010!
This week's updates at
(all links and descriptions are for ADULTS ONLY!)


Now in the members area of, it’s “Illicit Rendezvous” #7 by Doctor Robo and Finister Foul!

Ginger Monroe is the kind of woman who isn’t afraid to use her feminine charms to get her way. So when there’s something tucked away in the depths of APEX Labs that she wants REAL bad, she’ll go to great lengths to get her hands on it! If that means ordering Dani to occupy a couple of nerdy scientists… so be it. But who should she turn to if she needs to keep her master Max Indeks’s mind on other things? Send in the Super Freak!

Also, don’t forget that anyone who wants to catch up on all of the comings and goings in the Metrobay Universe can do so by visiting our wiki at It’s chock full of information about your favorite Metrobay characters and locations, and it’s 100% free!
From MCtek and TRISHBOT:

Trishbot and MC Tek's second issue of the hand-drawn "Sword & Shield" comic is now up and available for your viewing pleasure in the Free Gallery here at MCcomix.

"There's a new villain in Liberty Grove and the League of Liberty is up for the fight of their lives! But who is this mysterious visitor that's capable of besting the best and brightest the city has to offer, and why would Metrobay heroine Pink Pussycat feel the need to track her down? Fists fly, drama unfolds, and minds are erased in this exciting new installment to "Sword & Shield", only at MCcomix!"

Back with more in the continuing saga of Duality Dame and her mysterious origins!

Seven years ago in Japan, Duality Dame was just beginning to instruct future Metrobay heroines Brown Sugar and Jade Lightning in the ways of the martial arts. But the road to superheroism is rough and rocky, as the new trainees soon discover! But the real excitement begins when the lights go off and the heroines slumber. What is Duality Dame doing up so late at night, and how do these chain of events relate to her recent behavior and her very beginnings? Find out in The Past & Present of Duality Dame, only at MCComix!

I hope you all enjoy. More secrets and sexiness to be revealed soon!

Greetings controllers and beauties controlled! Today we bring you Chapter Six of Trishbot's "Mind Over Magic"!

"With their friends in immediate danger, Goldwing and Enchantress rush off to confront Professor Trance about his fiendish crimes. But there's more going on than meets the eye, and the good professor is far more than he seems! But how does Goldwing know of his true, sinister nature and what does that mean for their desperate rescue attempt? Find out in the pages of "Mind Over Magic", exclusively at MCComix!"

As a bonus we have added the three classic request comix that go along with this storyline! These are member requests from around 2006, so some readers may not have seen them before.

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Doctor Robo
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Location: Metrobay

Post by Doctor Robo » Sun May 02, 2010 8:50 pm

Just a couple of quick notes before we get to the rundown of this week's comix:

A reminder to please head to and vote for your favorite HIPComix Universe sites, artists, and writers. If you missed last week's newsletter and don't know who to vote for, here is a refresher:

- Best Pay Website:,
- Best Comic Artist: Akonkid, Finister Foul, Jpeger, Trishbot, Uroboros
- Best Writer: Doctor Robo, Max Hass, Trishbot
- Best Free Website: The Metrobay Universe Wiki

You can log on and vote once every 24 hours, so please vote early and vote often! The higher we finish in these rankings, the more members we can attract, which means more resources to create the hottest comix on the 'net. So please take just a moment each day to register your vote. We really appreciate it!

Second, we would like to thank everyone who entered our MCcomix logo contest. We received so many excellent entries that it has been very difficult to select a winner. So, what we plan to do is set up an online voting booth where you, our loyal fans, can help us choose the site's new logo. Look for more information on this in a future edition of the HIPcomix Universe newsletter!
This week's updates at
(all links and descriptions are for ADULTS ONLY!)


Now in the members area of, it’s “Illicit Rendezvous” #8 by Doctor Robo and Finister Foul!

It’s no secret that Ginger feels threatened by Dani. Ever since the younger, bustier, sexier woman came to live at APEX, Max has taken an obvious shine to her at the expense of old reliable Ginger. Well, Ginger has had about enough of it, and has decided to eliminate the competition! While Max sleeps, Ginger plots… and when she’s through Dani may never be the same again!

Also, don’t forget that anyone who wants to catch up on all of the comings and goings in the Metrobay Universe can do so by visiting our wiki at It’s chock full of information about your favorite Metrobay characters and locations, and it’s 100% free!

SPOILER ALERT: I have also uploaded the cover for chapter 9, which will post next Sunday, May 9. I kept this in my back pocket for a couple of days because it gives away the results of chapter 8. So... if you don't want chapter 8 spoiled, read it first before clicking on this link. Thanks!

MTECH has arrived on Earth, using a local health clinic as cover they start to convert unsuspecting people. With La'shrall gone from the MTECH headquarters on Earth, Nurse Holt has selected a new nurse who resisted being turned into a MTECH drone. For Harriet Jones her long service to MTECH begins today!

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