91+ photos in 4 months

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91+ photos in 4 months

Post by Xeran » Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:23 am

Hi Everyone,

I'm working on my next set for the site and just thought to myself it's been about four months since the site went live, I've added over 91 images in those 4 months that's 22 a month and I'm looking to add a lot more!

For those that are members since I do not have a blog or message board can you let me know if you like the Flash Gallery? The images are ultra hi-res and scale to your resolution... so if you have a smaller screen or lower resolution you might want to use the fullscreen option. I received a lot of feedback on the types of girls and scenes you like and I'm working hard to make those ideas a reality.

I just wanted to let you all know I appreciate your support,

Thanks again,


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