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Doctor Robo
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Visit the "Metrobay Universe" encyclopedia wiki

Post by Doctor Robo » Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:54 pm

For nearly five years, my good friend Finister Foul and I have pursued what started out as a hobby and has transformed into a labor of love. We call it the “Metrobay Universe”, and we have been proud to share our work with our many readers and supporters over the years.

For those who are unfamiliar, the Metrobay Universe consists of a series of adult-themed illustrated stories written by Doctor Robo and illustrated by Finister Foul. These comix chronicle the tales of the Superheroine Squad and various other costumed crimefighters as they battle to keep a host of pervertedly twisted villains from taking over their fair city. The stories deal with a number of erotic fantasy themes, and are intended for an adult audience only.

Recently we discovered that the Metrobay Universe has become a pretty large place, and we needed a way to organize everything for both ourselves and our loyal readers. After brainstorming a few ideas we decided to start our own wiki-style website, which we are calling the “Metrobay Encyclopedia”. This encyclopedia is intended to be the definitive resource for information on the characters, locations, objects, and storylines that exist within the fictional Metrobay Universe.

Finister Foul and I would like to extend an invitation to all fans of comix, erotic art, and adult-themed storylines to visit our encyclopedia and have a look around. With literally hundreds of pages of information, hundreds of images, and a full service messageboard system available, we hope that this site will become a companion to HIPcomix where fans of the Metrobay Universe and comix in general can gather and discuss their common interests. Just click on the address below and head on over!

We would like to publicly thank ‘Jpeger’ for hosting our comix on his website, We would also like to thank ‘Trishbot’ for her help in the setup and maintainance of the encyclopedia.

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