Anthropic principle and robotics

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Anthropic principle and robotics

Post by --NightBattery-- » Wed Oct 28, 2020 12:13 pm

So there is this principle in physics (Anthropic principle) that says that most of the systems in the universe converged to create intelligent life in a point of existence that is able to observe the origins of the universe before entropy destroys the evidence. This is obviously true. since in the far future galaxies will be undetectable until every galaxy is unable to ever detect anything outside the system. That is mathematically true.

But seems it is also a principle that has been abused and kinda turned into a means to assume directionality in what the organization of biological systems is trying to achieve.

So it is fun since it has a pretty low impact on our daily lives even if the most extreme conclusions of the Anthropic principle come to be real. Lots of theoretical physicists are in love with the principle and allegedly have given some validity to it and even made limited calculations with it. It has the potential to be the next big deal since space-time or the selfish gene if it one day becomes experimentally tested. But at the same time, some people have come with lots of unlikely inferences such as giving technology the role of being something humanity is doing as a means to survival out of the will of the universe. But then big figures in science are giving it the benefit of doubt it is almost confusing. ... via%3Dihub

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