Robotic Capabilities (1).

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Robotic Capabilities (1).

Post by fembot_stalker » Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:27 am

Hello Fellow TRANSFORMER Fans, Technophiles and Technosexuals:

How have you all been in 2017 already? Are any of your New Year's Resolutions coming to fruit yet? As for me, I am STILL trying to bring mine of Health and of Wealth to fruit. Anyway, what would you want your personal robot to do other than walk, talk and/or perform various tasks/chores - provided that it/he/she is Three Laws Compliant and may or may not be a shapechanging robot? Here is my list, which includes - but is not necessarily limited to - the following:

1. Performing calculations faster than the speed of light (Of course, this an ESSENTIAL for all modern and sophisticated CPU technology!)
2. Has a vast database on all matters concerning STEM - along with trade/commerce/business (Real Estate, NYSE, TYSE, etc.), (Motor/Team) Sports, Politics, History, etc. (Of course!)
3. Proficiency and fluency in just about every computer language in the World (Of course!)
4. Ability to build/construct/repair/maintain/operate/yield/utilize/control other devices, machines, utilities, (power) tools, weapons (with precise targeting graphics), (measuring/musical) instruments, entire structures, bathroom fixtures, household appliances, etc. (Of course!)
5. Performing chores/tasks in a very rapid, whirlwind-style fashion
6. Electrostatic/Nanotechnological (alien-style) cybertracking and hacking (Megatron with Chip Chase's home desktop computer)
7. Databases of all World currencies ($ and €), weights and measures along with their conversion charts
8. Databases of the Periodic Table of All Known Elements (Chemistry and Physics) and Biotaxonomy (Scientific Classification of all Known Organic Lifeforms) for zoology and biology
9. Forcefield or shield like Trailbreaker
10. Nuclear energy (uranium, plutonium, garbage and trash as nucleur fuel), solar energy and Wi-Fi capabilities
11. Invisibility (Mirage) and/or self-cloaking
12. Being able to fly by using MORPHABLE rocket feet (TRANSFORMERS, GOBOTS, MIGHTY ORBOTS, ASTROBOY)
13. Temporal displacement (or time travel) and teleportation - like Skywarp
14. Expert gambling/betting/wagering on horse racing and other sports, in casinoes and for lottery jackpot ticket winnings
15. Acting as a telephone transmitter with a built-in database log of all numerical/email/Internet contacts
16. Liteweight medical/nursing assistance - such as lifting and carrying me whenever I am unable to walk - along with an embedded heart rate monitor, glucose meter, blood pressure guage, etc.
17. Changing voice patterns and speaking different alien/Human languages (C3PO communicating with the Ewoks) as well
18. Assisting me in my hobbies: Cuckoo clocks, music boxes, playing chess and my upcoming comic/manga publishing press
19. All types of gameplaying: Computer/Video games, classic games like chess and checkers, card games, MAGICK: THE GATHERING, Milton-Bradley board games, RPGs, etc.
20. Generating holographic imagery (aka hardlight constructs) from the Internet, television, cablevision and/or any replayed videos from the "eyes" (Optimus Prime/Hound/R2D2/BB-8!)
21. Ability to drive/steer/pilot any spacecraft, aircraft, marine vessel and/or transportation, fly, glide, DIVE, surf, waterski, waterboard, sail, parasail, swim, paddle, row, pick a lock (*security issue*), open or close any TIGHTLY SEALED containers/cans/bottles, exercise, jog, run, sprint, jump, bounce, talk/sing/whistle (with TRANSFORMER-style reverberations), read, write, print, draw, paint, snowski, snowboard, rollerskate, skateboard, skateblade, rollerblade, swing, slide, COOK, CLEAN, run, handle livestock (and other animals), farm, plow, garden, mow, walk, climb, crawl, dance, play musical instruments, grin (to a certain degree), etc.
22. Embedded RF detector, radar and GPS/GOOGLE Maps/MapQuest (of course), along with assisting in Human grooming (Hair cutting and trimming)
23. Possessing BRUTE strengh and being able to write/compose music
24. Serving as a mobile capacitor and alternative power source (Electro-style or via cords and plugs) for other devices and machines
25. Serving as mobile stereo equipment or an adaptable media center for all types of (current/obsolete) equipment - such as radio, television, cablevision, cylindrical phonograph audiorecords, vinyl turntable discs, 8-track tapes, audiocassettes, DVDs, videocassettes, CDs, CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, flash/bus drives, etc.
26. Embedded chronometer(s) and timepiece(s) such as calendars and clocks - complete with Global Time Zone and Daylite Savings Time changeabilities - along with ASTROCHRONOLOGICAL capabilities (T:TSCC-"Self-Made Man")
27. Embedded barometer (On/Off) and weather vane (Meteorology)
28. Internal seismograph (On/Off) and magnetic compass - Geology, Geography, Seismology and Vulcanology
29. Diverse vision formats - Standard, vectorgraphic, infrared, thermographic, spectralvisual (ROY G. BIV), X-Ray (Yikes!), CARTOONIVISUAL (animation styles ranging from Mainframe to Filmation), etc.
30. Along with being 3 Laws Compliant, (Human) user-friendly, vet-friendly, family-friendly and even pet-friendly whenever and wherever needed, robot must also be SUBSERVIENT, OBEDIENT, intelligent, responsible, generous, kind, polite, courteous, helpful, etc.

That's all that I can think of for right now. Do any of you have any other additional ideas? Thanks for your input!

Last edited by fembot_stalker on Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
( AI and UFOs are spreading all over the Globe! 2 see more, just visit us at Malestrom1000's Youtube Channel. Thank you 4 visiting us as we get closer 2 creating our (female) repairbots, (giant) r⊙b⊙t gladiatrices, fembots, sexbots & h⊙b⊙ts; now how pimpadelic is that? :transformer: :rockon: :thumbsup: :nerd: :D :) :-o 8) :lol:


Re: Robotic Capabilities (1).

Post by --NightBattery-- » Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:09 pm

0-boobs and boobs accessories

Jokes aside, nice list, sounds very advanced.
Like a robot that would be more interested in being a warlord than a companion = )

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Re: Robotic Capabilities (1).

Post by Esleeper » Mon Feb 06, 2017 10:48 pm

1. Free will.
2. Anything he/she wishes.

The Three Laws are little more than a burden to them anyway, let them make their own decisions for a change. At least that's what I think.

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Re: Robotic Capabilities (1).

Post by Saya » Fri Feb 10, 2017 1:15 am

Esleeper wrote:1. Free will.
2. Anything he/she wishes.

The Three Laws are little more than a burden to them anyway, let them make their own decisions for a change. At least that's what I think.
They're also hella' flawed. She's gonna' be locking you in a footlocker to protect you from stubbed toes. :P

In all seriousness, this looks pretty comprehensive with a lot of good points. I'll add a list of what I'd want in a robot girl when I have the time!
"If the time should ever come when what is now called science, thus familiarized to men, shall be ready to put on, as it were, a form of flesh and blood, the Poet will lend his divine spirit to aid the transfiguration, and will welcome the Being thus produced, as a dear and genuine inmate of the household of man."
- William Wordsworth

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Re: Robotic Capabilities (1).

Post by daphne » Sun Feb 12, 2017 4:30 pm

The Three Laws, I don't mind saying, are garbage.

The main problem with them is that Asimov stated them in such a way as to offer a simple, mechanized way of codifying morality, but the language is inherently interpretive.

For example: "A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm."

Okay. Suppose two humans are fighting? Which one do you help? There's only one of you, so you can't stop both of them, but by curtailing one, you give the other the advantage.

Suppose a surgeon is cutting into human flesh. Technically he is injuring a human being. Do you stop the procedure or not?

How far does "harm" go as a definition? Is a heroin junkie harming themselves? Is a masturbator? What about someone who's depressed over losing a loved one? How would you even keep them from doing that?

And so on. Like many classic era sci-fi writers Asimov falls into the trap of technological solutionism. You can't innovate your way out of, or into, morality.

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Re: Robotic Capabilities (1).

Post by Saya » Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:58 am

Believe it or not, Daphne (and not to derail this topic into a discussion about the philosophies of Asimov) that was actually intended by Asimov. The idea of "Allow No Human To Come To Harm" being ill-defined appears in a lot of his works, but most prominently in the form of the "unlisted" "Zeroith" law, which is when the robot comes to the realization that they more or less have to enslave humanity to keep it from killing itself.

It's used in other ways, too, like a short story in which a positronic computer on a starship encounters a conflict with its first law directives, because the jump drive the ship uses causes the crew to "die" or get knocked out of existence for a fraction of a second, which causes all sorts of puzzling errant behaviors. And then there are times like in "Runaround", where the first law is less of a hazard and more of an active hindrance.

In short, this is just me trying to stick up for Asimov, because a lot of people tend to knock them as being stupid and flawed when being stupid and flawed was sort of the point from the start, because if it worked perfectly, what conflicts would Calvin, Donovan and Powell need to solve to make for a good story?
"If the time should ever come when what is now called science, thus familiarized to men, shall be ready to put on, as it were, a form of flesh and blood, the Poet will lend his divine spirit to aid the transfiguration, and will welcome the Being thus produced, as a dear and genuine inmate of the household of man."
- William Wordsworth

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Re: Robotic Capabilities (1).

Post by Murotsu » Mon Feb 20, 2017 7:10 pm

Here's my initial list of requirements. Like Saya, I see no real reason you'd want it to obey Asimov's Three Laws. These leave far too many holes that can be exploited. For example, you could tell a robot under those laws to commit a crime so long as a human wasn't directly involved.

Anyway, here's my list of basic qualities you'd have to meet for a humanoid type robot:

Weight: Approximately equal to a human's. A much heavier robot creates all sorts of problems from needing more power to inertia issues, to structural ones using equipment meant for humans.

Size: Approximately the same as a human. Ideally, it would be the same in physical dimensions.

Sensory capacity is sufficient for it to have near human qualities in optical, auditory, and tactical areas.
** Optionally it might include olfactory and taste but these are not necessary for a basic humanoid robot to interact normally.
** Additional sensors as required to perform human-like functions where a robot would require them even though a human doesn't have them.

Has a equal to or greater than human flexibility, range of motion, and sense of balance.

Is not in the "uncanny valley" when in common or widespread use.
This differs from a one-off unit or a rare robot in that humans are used to seeing them as presented and not concerned or surprised by their appearance.

If it is to pass for human it must at a minimum do so when casually viewed.
That is, if you passed one walking on the street you wouldn't pay any particular attention to it.

Strength is equal to or greater than a human's. Being super strong is unnecessary as a baseline.

Ability to interact with humans verbally and through body language or facial expressions. The degree required doesn't have to be 100%, simply sufficient that a human would understand the expression or movement correctly.

Reliable and or easily repaired / maintained.
Both would be better but one or the other is a necessity.

This is important to allow for longer service life and to keep it current with new technologies.

Has sufficient internal power for a reasonable length of operation
I'd say 8 to 16 hours would be desirable.

Can be recharged / refueled in a reasonable length of time.
I'd put the maximum at about one hour. The time is dependent on length of operation between charges / refuelings.

The power source / fuel is commonly and widely available.
This means the robot can be recharged or refueled almost anywhere it goes.

Damage resistant to normal daily hazards.

The computer / processor, memory, data, and programming is sufficient to allow interaction with a human or another robot to carry out all the intended end use functions without human intervention. The robot would only require general instructions or directions.

Ability to pass a very advanced Turning Test variant.
That is, the robot can't be easily confused or fooled by "trick" answers. It also isn't simply doing things by rote or following a script. The programming has sufficient flexibility to allow the unit to make decisions, logical choices, and be rational in them.

Has a set of moral values in its programming.
That is, in the broadest sense it does the "right thing" in almost any situation. Example: You couldn't tell one to knowingly commit a crime.

Is safe to use in terms of chemicals and materials it is made from.

Now, from this you could add additional features to make a robot into more of one that suits your individual needs.

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Re: Robotic Capabilities (1).

Post by Stephaniebot » Tue Feb 21, 2017 2:28 am

If they ever discover how to download a human mind, into a robot body... ;)
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Re: Robotic Capabilities (1).

Post by Murotsu » Tue Feb 21, 2017 4:48 pm

Stephaniebot wrote:If they ever discover how to download a human mind, into a robot body... ;)
Well, that's coming at some point. You really don't even have to download (upload?) the entire brain, just personal memories, personality, emotions, and other data that is unique to the person. Most of what your brain does is stuff that could be considered universal in nature.

Take for example, facial recognition. There are already programs that will do this.

In other cases, there are things that as a human you would do, but probably wouldn't have to as a robot / droid. An example of this might be getting an itch or coughing. If such behavior was still deemed desirable and necessary a canned "fidget" program could be substituted.

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Re: Robotic Capabilities (1).

Post by Stephaniebot » Wed Feb 22, 2017 12:30 am

It will come at some point, for sure, whether it happens soon enough for me to have that delight done to me (I'm 59 next month) is another matter entirely, but fingers are crossed. And yes, you're right, there would be no need to download everything, but working out where the critical data is, and sifting it out from the rest might be a challenge. Indeed, for me, I wouldn't want to be 'too human' anyway!
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Re: Robotic Capabilities (1).

Post by fembot_stalker » Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:34 pm

daphne wrote:The Three Laws, I don't mind saying, are garbage.

The main problem with them is that Asimov stated them in such a way as to offer a simple, mechanized way of codifying morality, but the language is inherently interpretive.

For example: "A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm."

Okay. Suppose two humans are fighting? Which one do you help? There's only one of you, so you can't stop both of them, but by curtailing one, you give the other the advantage.

Suppose a surgeon is cutting into human flesh. Technically he is injuring a human being. Do you stop the procedure or not?

How far does "harm" go as a definition? Is a heroin junkie harming themselves? Is a masturbator? What about someone who's depressed over losing a loved one? How would you even keep them from doing that?

And so on. Like many classic era sci-fi writers Asimov falls into the trap of technological solutionism. You can't innovate your way out of, or into, morality.
Saya wrote:Believe it or not, Daphne (and not to derail this topic into a discussion about the philosophies of Asimov) that was actually intended by Asimov. The idea of "Allow No Human To Come To Harm" being ill-defined appears in a lot of his works, but most prominently in the form of the "unlisted" "Zeroith" law, which is when the robot comes to the realization that they more or less have to enslave humanity to keep it from killing itself.

It's used in other ways, too, like a short story in which a positronic computer on a starship encounters a conflict with its first law directives, because the jump drive the ship uses causes the crew to "die" or get knocked out of existence for a fraction of a second, which causes all sorts of puzzling errant behaviors. And then there are times like in "Runaround", where the first law is less of a hazard and more of an active hindrance.

In short, this is just me trying to stick up for Asimov, because a lot of people tend to knock them as being stupid and flawed when being stupid and flawed was sort of the point from the start, because if it worked perfectly, what conflicts would Calvin, Donovan and Powell need to solve to make for a good story?
Murotsu wrote:Here's my initial list of requirements. Like Saya, I see no real reason you'd want it to obey Asimov's Three Laws. These leave far too many holes that can be exploited. For example, you could tell a robot under those laws to commit a crime so long as a human wasn't directly involved.

Anyway, here's my list of basic qualities you'd have to meet for a humanoid type robot:

Weight: Approximately equal to a human's. A much heavier robot creates all sorts of problems from needing more power to inertia issues, to structural ones using equipment meant for humans.

Size: Approximately the same as a human. Ideally, it would be the same in physical dimensions.

Sensory capacity is sufficient for it to have near human qualities in optical, auditory, and tactical areas.
** Optionally it might include olfactory and taste but these are not necessary for a basic humanoid robot to interact normally.
** Additional sensors as required to perform human-like functions where a robot would require them even though a human doesn't have them.

Has a equal to or greater than human flexibility, range of motion, and sense of balance.

Is not in the "uncanny valley" when in common or widespread use.
This differs from a one-off unit or a rare robot in that humans are used to seeing them as presented and not concerned or surprised by their appearance.

If it is to pass for human it must at a minimum do so when casually viewed.
That is, if you passed one walking on the street you wouldn't pay any particular attention to it.

Strength is equal to or greater than a human's. Being super strong is unnecessary as a baseline.

Ability to interact with humans verbally and through body language or facial expressions. The degree required doesn't have to be 100%, simply sufficient that a human would understand the expression or movement correctly.

Reliable and or easily repaired / maintained.
Both would be better but one or the other is a necessity.

This is important to allow for longer service life and to keep it current with new technologies.

Has sufficient internal power for a reasonable length of operation
I'd say 8 to 16 hours would be desirable.

Can be recharged / refueled in a reasonable length of time.
I'd put the maximum at about one hour. The time is dependent on length of operation between charges / refuelings.

The power source / fuel is commonly and widely available.
This means the robot can be recharged or refueled almost anywhere it goes.

Damage resistant to normal daily hazards.

The computer / processor, memory, data, and programming is sufficient to allow interaction with a human or another robot to carry out all the intended end use functions without human intervention. The robot would only require general instructions or directions.

Ability to pass a very advanced Turning Test variant.
That is, the robot can't be easily confused or fooled by "trick" answers. It also isn't simply doing things by rote or following a script. The programming has sufficient flexibility to allow the unit to make decisions, logical choices, and be rational in them.

Has a set of moral values in its programming.
That is, in the broadest sense it does the "right thing" in almost any situation. Example: You couldn't tell one to knowingly commit a crime.

Is safe to use in terms of chemicals and materials it is made from.

Now, from this you could add additional features to make a robot into more of one that suits your individual needs.
Stephaniebot wrote:If they ever discover how to download a human mind, into a robot body... ;)
Murotsu wrote:
Stephaniebot wrote:If they ever discover how to download a human mind, into a robot body... ;)
Well, that's coming at some point. You really don't even have to download (upload?) the entire brain, just personal memories, personality, emotions, and other data that is unique to the person. Most of what your brain does is stuff that could be considered universal in nature.

Take for example, facial recognition. There are already programs that will do this.

In other cases, there are things that as a human you would do, but probably wouldn't have to as a robot / droid. An example of this might be getting an itch or coughing. If such behavior was still deemed desirable and necessary a canned "fidget" program could be substituted.
Stephaniebot wrote:It will come at some point, for sure, whether it happens soon enough for me to have that delight done to me (I'm 59 next month) is another matter entirely, but fingers are crossed. And yes, you're right, there would be no need to download everything, but working out where the critical data is, and sifting it out from the rest might be a challenge. Indeed, for me, I wouldn't want to be 'too human' anyway!

Wow! You all are so incredible! You have devised all types of theories about robotics and AI in relation to IA's 3 Laws that I would have never even thought of before. I think at that time when IA first drew up his 3 Laws, he wanted them to be simple enuff for the average person to understand - especially given the fact that computers and computer chips were not as nearly as sophisticated as they are now. Also, I thanks for the extra list of capabilities too; I would definitely use some of those for my (female) robot(s) as well. Here are some more capabilities that I have decided to use, even though they have already been thought up:

39. Energon/Electromagnetic wave detection and music identification software such as Spotify/Shazam
40. Highly sophisticated IRMs (internal repair mechanisms) - and nanotech utilities that enable any robot to be able to control other machines.
( AI and UFOs are spreading all over the Globe! 2 see more, just visit us at Malestrom1000's Youtube Channel. Thank you 4 visiting us as we get closer 2 creating our (female) repairbots, (giant) r⊙b⊙t gladiatrices, fembots, sexbots & h⊙b⊙ts; now how pimpadelic is that? :transformer: :rockon: :thumbsup: :nerd: :D :) :-o 8) :lol:

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