A Fun Scenario

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A Fun Scenario

Post by Voodoo » Thu Sep 18, 2003 8:52 am

Ok, just a bit of fun, but do you remember those stories as kids were you read a story up to a certain point but then could choose from a variety of endings? Ok, well here's a version of my own and should hopefully get an interesting and fun thread going! This is also for the benefit of gaining a bit of knowledge myself too so bear with me please!

Ok, so here's what I want you to do... I will set up a scenario and then at certain points I will ask a few questions and the idea is for everyone to cut and paste their answers in to their replies and just to see the variety of outcomes if nothing else! As I say, bear with me, I'm no expert, just a girlfriend who's curious in the field!!

Ok, so, here goes, are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin...

You walk down some steps towards a dark room. You can hear the gentle whirring of broken down machinery from behind the door. You put your ear to the door to also hear what sounds like a girl in distress, "Help....error......urgent assistance required....". Panicked, you kick down the door to see a female android lying helpless on the floor.

:arrow: How do you picture her? Eg. What does she look like? How do you visualise her appearance, state, etc?

You go to help her.

:arrow: What do you do?

You manage to get her into a better state and she starts to "come round" but there is still a slight error after her almost fatal malfunction.

:arrow: What does she say to you? Eg. What is the error and how does she want you to fix it?

After managing to save her from a state of disrepair once again, she begins to talk about herself. Who she is, where she's from, how she got in such a state, etc.

:arrow: So, who is she? What is her name? Where is she from? And how did she get in such a state?

She asks you to take her home with you. Inevitabally, you oblige!! You help her into the front seat of your car and drive home, no doubt with a great big grin on your face!! You reach home and show her in. You show her around. She explains that she needs to power down and be recharged before she continues to do anything.

:arrow: How do you visualise that she does this?

After a few hours of 'downtime' she suddenly stands to a halt, startling you as she does so. She explains that she is now at your command.

:arrow: What is your reply?

:arrow: And, in no more than seventy words, what happens next.........?!

Should create some interesting responses if nothing else and just a bit of fun!!!


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Post by General » Thu Sep 18, 2003 9:57 pm

I am surprised this didn't get more interest already. Oh well, I will go first and see if anyone else follows.
You walk down some steps towards a dark room. You can hear the gentle whirring of broken down machinery from behind the door. You put your ear to the door to also hear what sounds like a girl in distress, "Help....error......urgent assistance required....". Panicked, you kick down the door to see a female android lying helpless on the floor.

How do you picture her? Eg. What does she look like? How do you visualize her appearance, state, etc?
The room is dark except for the glow coming off a few computer monitors and their screensavers. It appears to be some sort of netops or server room. One particular monitor isn’t on standby, and its bright white screen illuminates a twitching female form lying on the ground; a wheeled office chair stands several feet behind her. You can vaguely make out a cord coming from the android and leading to near the glowing monitor.

You enter the room, and flip on a few lights. It is cold and bare, the raised white floor that allows for wires to flow underneath is clear and uninterrupted until it hits the plain blue cases that serve as walls, that is except for the twitching android and her chair. You can clearly make out that the android is a woman, because her long auburn hair is pulled up in a pony tail behind her head and her plain gray jumpsuit does little to hide her hourglass figure. She is lying on her back and her head seems to be randomly jerking back and forth. Her legs and arms also spasm randomly, but not powerful enough to really change her position. Her jumpsuit is unzipped down to her waist and you can clearly see a cable protruding from her navel and traveling into the computer in front of her.

After looking over the room and the droid, you turn around and close the door behind you. Good thing for you only the doorknob was locked before, so you managed to relock the door now with the top bolt. Now that you are secure from further intrusion, you walk over to the helpless robot.
You go to help her.

What do you do?
You pull the office chair back toward the fallen droid and the computer, and sit down to inspect the problem. From this close you can see that she is more attractive than you first thought. You think she must be some sort of maintenance bot that they company uses after hours, but you have never seen one this pretty before. Looking her over more, you see her name sewn onto her otherwise plain jumpsuit, “Angie 15.” You reach over and lightly pat her face, trying to get her attention, but she only keeps twitching and repeating her monotone mantra “Help....error......urgent assistance required....” Seeing this is going nowhere, you trace the cable coming out of her to a computer and decide to try that interface. On the computer screen you see a flashing icon in the system tray. Clicking on it brings up an angry looking warning. Next to a squiggling bug icon, you see blinking text that reads “WARNING, UNKNOWN WORM DETECTED. CLEAN/REPAIR Y/N?” You choose yes, and a progress icon begins to work across the window. In a few seconds it states “WORM PURGED. SCAN ANOTHER COMPUTER?” You decide to scan Angie to see if this worm is causing her trouble, and quickly find her as an attached network device. Sure enough, the unknown worm has infected her system. In a few seconds you purge the worm, and it asks if you want to reset. You choose yes and pull the connecting cable from her navel port.
You manage to get her into a better state and she starts to "come round" but there is still a slight error after her almost fatal malfunction.

What does she say to you? Eg. What is the error and how does she want you to fix it?
“Cyrex systems model 4589-235d. Service OS SPI2.5 — Angie 15. Rebooting……” Angie said in a flat monotone voice. You also notice that her body has stopped twitching and is perfectly still except for her mouth that forms her words. “Motor systems…nominal. CPU….nominal. Sensors….nominal. Communications…..nominal. Memory……error memory sticks 2, 4, and 6 are damaged. This unit will have minimal functionality until the memory units are replaced.”

You have done some work on androids before, so you think you might be able to finish fixing her problem. You get down on the floor and reach into her open jumpsuit. In doing so you knock the sides of the suit aside, and expose her perky and naked breasts. You figure an android doesn’t need the support of a bra, so why bother clothing a service model with one. The sight of the exposed helpless droid excited you, and just for the sake of being able to do it, you reach over and caress one of the breasts with your hand. It feels soft and very smooth under your touch. Suddenly, Angie jerks up stiffly and turns to face you.

“Sexual protocols engaged,” Angie says in a flat and unemotional voice. She turns her body toward you, but all her movements are stiff and disjointed. Her hands move to your crotch and she clumsily works to unzip your pants. Surprised, you quickly reach over to her left shoulder and press her deactivation button. Her face goes blank and you slowly position her with her back on the floor.

Reaching under the base of the sternum, you find a small recessed switch, and click it. A thin seam appears around her rib cage and down between her breasts. The seam splits and her chest opens up like a set of clam shells. You search for a few minutes and find her RAM memory modules. It doesn’t take a genius to see the three that are obviously fried, so you carefully pull them out. After about 10 minutes of going through drawers around the room, you find enough compatible memory, and you install them into her system. You then, thinking about what happened last time, zip up her jumpsuit, and press her activation button.

After managing to save her from a state of disrepair once again, she begins to talk about herself. Who she is, where she's from, how she got in such a state, etc.

So, who is she? What is her name? Where is she from? And how did she get in such a state?
You hear a faint humming coming from her chest and her eyes come alive. She blinks a few times and then says in a more feminine voice than before “New hardware detected……New hardware installed.” She then looks up at you, “Thank you very much for helping me there. If you didn’t purge that worm when you did, it might have burned out my entire system.”

“You’re welcome, I guess,” you say, somewhat taken aback by this droid who not 5 minutes ago had her chest sprawled open, but was now acting like just like an actual human woman. “Who are you and how did you get exposed to this virus anyway?”

“I am Angie 15, a service android for the Cyrex corporate helpdesk. Just before I was scheduled to shut down for the evening, I detected an elevated temperature reading on some of our servers. I came in here to investigate. Apparently somebody had introduced a worm into our server system. From what analysis I could conduct before I was infected, I determined that the worm’s function was to transfer all of the information in the servers to an unknown host, and then to fry the computers memory to cover its tracks. I became infected, and it managed to fry three of my memory sticks before you rescued me,” Angie relayed, the whole time keeping an odd smile on her face.

“So do you know who did this or where the information was being transmitted,” you ask, hoping to nab the hacker and maybe secure a big bonus this year, as opposed to last year’s membership in the Jelly of the Month Club.

“Negative, I was in the process of conducting a trace when my systems were compromised,” Angie said very mater of factly. Then all of a sudden, a look of panic crosses her face. “An internal silent alarm has sounded. The computer controlling the building’s boiler has failed. It will reach critical temperature in 120 seconds.”

“Can we shut it down?” you ask frantically.

“Negative, without computer controls it will take several minutes to manually shut down. We must evacuate,” she says while standing up and grabbing your hand.

The two of you dash from the building and are almost to the lobby when you are knocked from your feet by a large explosion. Instantly fire alarms go off, and red strobe lights start flashing. Angie quickly pulls you to your feet and you make your way out of the building and into the parking lot. Once there she pulls you towards your car. “Shouldn’t we wait for the fire department before leaving?” you ask.

“I don’t think that would be wise. Whoever did this meant to leave no evidence and he didn’t mind destroying the Cyrex corporate headquarters to do it. I don’t think he will mind destroying me or you for that matter if he figures we survived the explosion and fire and know what really happened. Please take me to your home, we can decide what we can do from there,” Angie says with a genuine look of fear and desperation on her face.

She asks you to take her home with you. Inevitably, you oblige!! You help her into the front seat of your car and drive home, no doubt with a great big grin on your face!! You reach home and show her in. You show her around. She explains that she needs to power down and be recharged before she continues to do anything.

How do you visualize that she does this?
You open your car, and jump in. Angie quickly follows you. You manage to speed away from the flaming building before anyone sees you or the authorities arrive. Taking a very erratic path home, you convince yourself that nobody is following your car. About an hour later you pull into your garage, and shut the door behind you. You were so nervous during the drive that you barely noticed that Angie had said almost nothing during the drive. You both get out of the car and make your way into your living room. Once there she sits down and all of a sudden looks very tired.

“My power reserves are running very low, and I am almost out of energy. Can you please connect me to a power source?” and with that, Angie leans over and from a small panel near her left ankle, she pulls a thin wire with a standard plug attached to it. When you plug her in, she seems to nod off, as if she went to sleep.

After a few hours of 'downtime' she suddenly stands to a halt, startling you as she does so. She explains that she is now at your command.

What is your reply?

And, in no more than seventy words, what happens next.........?!
Several hours later, you are doing research on your computer, trying to find who might have hacked Cyrex’s systems, when you hear sudden movement from your living room. You jump up and run towards the sound, grabbing a fire poker on the way. You see Angie standing up at attention in front of your couch. When you enter the room she stares right at you.

“Cyrex systems model 4589-235d. Service OS SPI2.5 — Angie 15 is now at your command. Do you accept command authority?” Angie says, back to her monotone voice again.

“Err, yea I accept. What’s going on?” you say.

“I needed to grant you authority so you can access my systems and try to find any traces of who might have done this. You are the only person I know that I can trust. Will you help me find this hacker and bring him to justice?” she asks in a serious and melodramatic tone.

“Absolutely, let’s get to work.”

Perhaps to be continued…….

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Re: A Fun Scenario

Post by Sega-boy » Fri Sep 19, 2003 9:38 am

There on the floor is a girl in white spandex laying on her side.

She is a pretty brunette, 5'9" with blue eyes.

Her arms and legs move slightly as if she is trying to walk, but she only manages to sweep the dust off the floor in the space she occupies.

Her head nods up, then down, over and over.

"Help....error..." she repeats.

There is a rectangular open panel in the area of her navel and there is a control board located inside.

She's an android!! I exclaim to myself, my heart racing. But I'm scared at the same time because I'm a dunce when it comes to computers and I'm not sure what good I can do here.

"Urgent assistance required...." she continues.

I drop to the floor and examine her controls. There are lots of little buttons to press, but I find a large orange switch glowing in the dark and I click it down.

She closes her eyes and her head droops forward.

"Help... Errrrr......." she trails off.

Relieved, but still tense, I hunch back in a crouch.

Thank whoever made her that she doesn't look anything like under an automobile dashboard.

I wait 30 seconds or so before doing anything else with her.

During that time, I look her over.

She's got some lovely-sized breasts, probably C-cup if she was wearing a bra. Surprisingly, the white spandex still leaves something to the imagination.

I count ten more seconds and decide that it's safe to turn her back on.

I hear the small hum of starting up.

Her eyes remained closed however.

My finger is still on the switch in case I have to use it again.

She seems fine though. She's just re-booting.

Her eyes slowly open.

"ERROR... BREAK.. Manual Assistance required!" she says in not quite the same state of alarm as previously.

I notice one of her yellow buttons is blinking. So I press it and a disk drive slides out of her back.

I look around and see a case full of labeled CD-Rs. I find one marked "Crystal - Emergency back-up" and I hurriedly insert it in place.

Her drive closes and makes some tiny noises inside her.

She dramatically re-adjusts her posture and sits up now.

The process takes almost 20 minutes and I worry someone will approach the stairs at any moment.

"Completed," she finally says, as simple as can be.

Next, I recklessly grab the container of CDs and what looks like an operating manual and run.

"Crystal?" I say to her. Fortunately, she looks towards me.

"This way," I tell her and motion her to follow me up the stairs.

"Affirmative," she says.

"Thank you God!" I say softly as I run up the stairs.

She silently marches up behind me.

"When we get to my place, I'll show you around and then you can, heh- show me around your place."

No reply follows.

"Oh well," I say and shrug my shoulders, then I command her "Crystal- Get in the car!"

I open the door for her and she climbs in most articulately.

"So far so good."

Last edited by Sega-boy on Sat Sep 20, 2003 5:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dale coba » Fri Sep 19, 2003 8:38 pm

Voodoo wrote: You walk down some steps towards a dark room. You can hear the gentle whirring of broken down machinery from behind the door. You put your ear to the door to also hear what sounds like a girl in distress, "Help....error......urgent assistance required....". Panicked, you kick down the door to see a female android lying helpless on the floor.

:arrow: How do you picture her? Eg. What does she look like? How do you visualise her appearance, state, etc?
She’s a tall, buxom Stepford brunette. A Beauty Queen-as-housewife, short, shoulders-open house-dress, with flawless skin, face down and slowly flailing. She is utterly convincing in her human appearance, except that her loop of broken speech, twitches and unproductive motions belies her outward perfection.
You go to help her.
I turn her over, to see who she is. But she has no human face, only the workings found behind the mask. She looks familiar, even without her face; but I never knew that fembot technology had advanced to the practical level.
:arrow: What do you do?

I spot a panel-seam above her open-neck dress, and zip it down far enough to fold down and expose a terminal. Fortunately, the controls are intuitive, the on-screen menus very straight-forward. I run a diagnostic and maintenance cycle, she becomes quieter and slows down, until the program completes, and she reboots. Like a doll she straightens herself up to stand, and walks over to where her face had fallen. She re-attaches her face…
who is she? What is her name?
She is my wife’s sister, Jennifer !!! Or is she a mere copy?, I can’t tell!
You manage to get her into a better state and she starts to "come round" but there is still a slight error after her almost fatal malfunction.

:arrow: What does she say to you? Eg. What is the error and how does she want you to fix it?
She settles into character as a charming, humble, gorgeous woman, oblivious to her condition moments before. She is cheery and chatty, but there is one problem — Jennifer-bot demonstrates a form of Turret’s Syndrome. Sh!Tfvckdamn — byteMeCvntCvntCvnt. She repeatedly apologizes, but continues to curse an obscene blue streak. I ask her to face the wall, and re-open the terminal. The unfortunate linking between her low-level, animalistic drives and her speech center is easy to shut down.
After managing to save her from a state of disrepair once again, she begins to talk about herself. Who she is, where she's from, how she got in such a state, etc.
:arrow: So, Where is she from? And how did she get in such a state?
Jennifer reasserts her familiar persona, but soon realizes that the ruse is over. She can’t make me forget, and she would never hurt me. So now that I know, she explains that Bobbie is her controller, and was working on Jennifer when something went wrong. Jennifer tells a contradictory story. One version has her and her sister being recent augmented into fembots, while the other has her “growing up” as a secret robot, being upgraded into “older” models every year. Bobbie had always been her controller. Their “parents” never discussed the subject, and Bobbie took good care of her sister. Details of personal identity were blending, bleeding together. Jennifer never was very smart, now she was downright confused.
She asks you to take her home with you. Inevitably, you oblige!! You help her into the front seat of your car and drive home, no doubt with a great big grin on your face!! You reach home and show her in. You show her around. She explains that she needs to power down and be recharged before she continues to do anything.

:arrow: How do you visualize that she does this?
She needs a place to lie down, and an outlet to plug into. I place her in the spare bedroom. She pulls a length of power cable from inside her wrist, takes it to the outlet, and lies down. She pays no attention to me, and goes into a trance. Her eyes and mouth open and close randomly as if in passion, her arms stiffen and bend at 90 degrees, her legs begin to rub against each other. Clearly, powering her up is turning her on. I sit on the bed and stroke her hair.
After 10 minutes of 'downtime' she suddenly stands to a halt, startling you as she does so. She explains that she is now at your command.

:arrow: What is your reply?
Jennifer, what about Bobbie? She would be jealous of my control over you. I can’t believe that Bobbie knows about her sister. She replies that Bobbie doesn’t have to jealous, why don’t I just reprogram my wife to accept Jennifer’s new role? One can’t reprogram a human being, Jen. But I learned how to fix Bobbie, and now she works perfectly, just like me.
:arrow: And, in no more than seventy words, what happens next.........?!
How can I reprogram Bobbie? Bobbie’s access codes are as follows… We wait for Bobbie to return, and I have Jennifer transmits the passwords. Two hot Stepford sisters are now my willing thralls, and they perform alluring sexual acts on each other for my foreplay to finally devouring me in ways which I am too polite and lacking as an author to justly narrate.

Dale Coba
8) :!: :nerd: :idea: : :nerd: :shock: :lovestruck: [ :twisted: :dancing: :oops: :wink: :twisted: ] = [ :drooling: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :party:... ... :applause: :D :lovestruck: :notworthy: :rockon: ]

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Post by kb7rky » Sat Sep 20, 2003 8:22 am

Interesting thread, Voodoo.

Gotta hand it to Dale, though, for throwing in the Stepford angle :lol:

Everyone has their own opinion of what's going on with this little story, but I have to confess, I was MORE than a little overwhelmed with the information presented (read, I was confused :oops: ), but I like what everyone else has entered.

Good job, everyone.

ps I might add to this later, but for now, I want to see the twisted minds of everyone else :twisted:
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