To Better Serve (by propagandaofthedeed)

Tales posted in the Stories section are collected here with their various parts.
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To Better Serve (by propagandaofthedeed)

Post by DollSpace » Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:33 am

Part 1

Dan looked at the door, debating whether or not to get up and answer it. After a moment’s contemplation, he heaved his body off the couch towards the door. With a sigh, he opened the door. Before him stood a UPS delivery man with an enormous package beside him.
“Sign here please,” the bland delivery guy said. Dan absent-mindedly reached for the electronic pad. Unable to take his eyes off the massive package. After wheeling the package into the front hall, the delivery shot a courteous “Have a nice day,” in Dan’s direction. But Dan ignored him, too intent on the package. After a few seconds, Dan shook himself out of his stupor long enough to read the label on the package.
Bio-Tech Incorporated
918722 Industry Way
Houston, Texas
It all came rushing back to him. The convention 3 months ago. The contest to win a life-like android companion. Dan began to shudder with glee. I won, he thought, I won that dumb contest. He quickly lay the package down on the floor and began ripping the tape away, like a kid at Christmas. On top of a blanket of packing peanuts, there was a card with Dan’s name inscribed on it. Turning the card over, dan began to read.
Congratulations Mr. Stevens!
You have won Bio-Tech Incorporated’s contest. You will find enclosed
In this package your android companion as well as an owner’s manual.
We hope you enjoy your prize
Beneath the message lay some legal mumbo-jumbo, which Dan skipped over. He then cast aside the card began scooping away the packing peanuts. His groping hands felt through the sea of white, quickly finding what lay beneath. His fingers felt the soft, gentle outline of a woman. About halfway through the box his hand felt cold steel. He pulled out a black remote and depressed its single black button.
At first nothing happen. Awesome, Dan thought, the damn thing doesn’t even work. Then an almost inaudible beep emanated from deep within the android. its blue eyes lit up with an unearthly glow. The android’s torso quickly rose out of the box to rest at a perfect 90 degree angle with its lower half. Its hips rotated towards Dan followed in sequence by her shoulders and neck. As its eyes met with Dan’s, the android cocked its head to one side.
“Must imprint user,” it said in an emotionless yet commanding voice.
“What,” Dan said. Without response, the android stood up and began to move towards Dan. He was so mesmerized by her beauty that he barely noticed as she grabbed his hand and the side of his face.
“Initializing user imprinting,” the android said in that same cold, lifeless voice. As it brought its eyes to bear upon his, Dan tried to break free of the android’s clutches. But his attempts were futile and the android continued undeterred with the imprinting. Finished with whatever it was doing, the android let Dan go and took two steps back to stand at attention.
“Imprinting complete. New user Dan Stevens recognized. This unit must shut down to save new user data.” As soon as it finished speaking, the android’s torso sank towards the floor until it once again sat at that perfect 90 degree angle with its hips. Dan stood there, dumbfounded. Unable to comprehend the events that had just transpired, the only thought that he could muster was
This is fucking crazy.

To be continued...

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