webcomics with android protagonists.

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webcomics with android protagonists.

Post by BD » Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:25 am

webcomics that i found starring androids in a continuos and not one-shot look inside:

a stranger in paradise
mainly about the story of a high-class university boy that flees from hi "golden cage" and finds a strange robot maid that seems to be intelligent and sais she was built to be her lover (and also allows him to become a super-hero by merging)

angels 2200
There is a ship full of ladies with a male android inside, originally programmed for sexual pleasure, but reprogrammed by the crew for various purposes, unluckily it has only a minor role. A few cybernetically rebuilt women with star trek's "borg" jokes attached :) run more often expecially in the current storyline

a guy made himself a Machintosh girlfriend, very different in look from the one usually found on the net, at this moment they are trying to find her back, because she got stolen and taken in japan (ah, the wily japanese people :P)

Fighting maidroids
http://www.cybermanga.com/english/manga ... roids.html
Featuring the fighting maidroids ;P what more needs to be said?

Edge the Devilhunter
sported a few cybernetically enanced girls (looking completely human, so it might not be much) and a few robotic officers with female shapes.

Front Beat
in and advanced society a few police squads are investigating about the use of state-of-the-art robots in murders... it has got to come up with something good :) for now the only android was male

Gunmetal Annie
starring an android secretary who goes pirate along with the protagonist, has starred little but her role does not seem too minor, she is boud to come up more often, right now she has an undercover thing going with just her i don't now if it will be "covered" by the storyline.

Girl Genius
talking about and girl-inventor, has several robots, most of them humanoid but barely-sentient, has also a few self-aware and intelligent robots, and female-looking robots inside, expecially in the more current storyline (see the link "girl genius advanced")

one of the protagonists is a humanoid robot, but he's male (also, most of the robots in the serie seem to be humanoid and male, no notable exception).

Maq #041
well this is still debatable, the story has not progressed much so we do not know what the true identity of the girl is, she could be just the usual experimenti in genetics, but could also be an android...

Mechagical Girl Lisa - A.N.T.
a girl, obsessed about magical girls, finds herself an high tech ant-looking suit and wants to use it as a means to spread love and peace by bashing the hell out of various giant sized mosters in an all out jokes filled magical girls and power-rangers parody.

Mechanical Killers
Not much to say about the story since it's still too short, but a lot of android girls (it's in spanish, first chapter also in english, two and one half chapters have been done)

there is an android girl which should have essentially been a "PS2 accessory" for non-hentai dating sims which has become one of the protagonists over time.

If you follow the "miracle of science" link, you will find the story of two police agents working on the cases about mad scientists, the female is highly cibernetically enhanced ( i consider being able of re-entry from atmosphere without a spacesuit and only a wrist sprain as higly cinernetically enhanced, if not right-out magic :P ) she does look completely human except fot shiny hair (shiny as in "my god it's full of stars" shiny :P) and the fact she has completely black eyes when she goes networking.

the story of a policeman involved in cases regarding android suicides

except the mad sex-crazed cyber kitty-girl that's one of the protagonists there is not much to say. Not really my tastes.

Where am i now?
Some unknown disease has killed all men and the robots are striving to survive in a world that was not designed for them. One robot woman, guess what was her purpose when men were still around ;)

the adventures of a boy who has been elected as a captain without really wanting it, and his crew, featuring the main girl being a cyborg (well ok, just an arm) and the robot making out with the ship's computer a lot :P
minor fembot roles too.

[pay site] wirepop
among the various comics features "rumble fall" an all out battle with fighting droids, the protagoinst has the usual "the most powerful ever built"(TM) robot which, for pure and completely unwanted casuality (i'm sure ;P ) is also a fembot, it sports more sentience than the other robots, since it's able to do a little on its own, but seems to just answer orders, it seems bound to develop a background or show up signs of intelligence.

if you know of any other please tell me :)

(note: i used the word intelligent robots instead of sentient, because sentient just means it can feel and respond to stimuli, both physical and emotional, INSECTS and REPTILES are sentient, if you want something at the level of a man you need intelligence which is also a bit more than self-awareness which a lot of MAMMALS and BIRDS have too)

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Post by Karel » Wed Apr 12, 2006 1:57 pm

This is truly an incredible series of finds, BD. Thank you, thank you, thank you for for sharing them with us! I especially like Girl Genius.

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Post by Devil » Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:23 pm

I've never been into fan comics, but I just read MegaTokyo strait through. Took me around 4 hours or so. Really good story.

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Post by T-elos/Thurosis » Thu Apr 13, 2006 12:01 pm

me too ! and it is well drew!

It's amazing to see how good someone can draw (I can draw but I draw something like this) :


For a few month I thought i can draw a Manga too, but i notice then, that i only can draw good single pictures than Manga/comics :roll:

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Post by Yosuke » Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:55 pm

*Raises his big thumb*
"In war, the soldier's job is to send their enemies to heaven as they stay behind in hell." -anonymous

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Post by J Bakos » Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:50 am

Hey all,

I'm the writer for 'Where Am I Now?' When I saw where the big spike in our traffic came from, I thought I should stop in and say hello. Thanks for coming by the site, and hope you're enjoying the strip! Any feedback is welcomed!

A webcomic about robots, updated Tuesdays and Fridays

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