Dyson Institute - Chapter 5 Louise's new life

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Dyson Institute - Chapter 5 Louise's new life

Post by Stephaniebot » Sun Feb 19, 2006 1:08 pm

Dyson Institute - Chapter 5 Louise's new life

(An element of this story was definitely inspired by a recent photo posted by Korby, if someone wants to post the link then feel free to do so. The pic is Korby 113 in his personal gallery.)

Louise was woken up by a gentle bleeping noise which seemed to be coming from within her head. Then it dawned on her, it was coming from within her, it was her system booting up into life! A whir of data details flashed before her eyes confirming her status, and that she was now fully functional. She unplugged herself from her charger, and assumed that somewhere in the Institute Lucy was doing the same thing for herself.

She was of course right, in her personal quarters Lucy was going through the same steps, and preparing herself for a busy days work that lay ahead of her. There were just a few checks to do on Louise now before she could be 'freed' to enjoy her new life, one of those checks Lucy was definitely looking forward to! She flipped on her computer and checked over Louise's vital stat readings from overnight, and everything seemed fine. She saw that Louise was now 'active', so she hastily 'prettied herself', dressed and went off to meet up with her. Louise too had got herself ready, still instinctively washing herself before giggling when remembering that her 'new body' only had to be given a signal for an
automated cleansing process to operate. She found her clothes from the night before, and got dressed.

A few minutes later Lucy arrived at her room, and the 2 of them greeted each other fondly with a kiss. Lucy suggested some breakfast, over which she would tell Louise what would happen to her that day. Louise agreed readily to this. Over cereal and coffee Lucy explained to her that everything seemed fine with her new android body, and that Louise would be 'freed' later that day to do as she wished for the 'rest of her life'. As Lucy pointed out to her, as an android, that life was as long as she wished it to be! There were just a few more tests that needed doing first, and though she didnt tell Louise what they were, the glint in Lucy's eye suggested at least one of them was something they might both enjoy!

Louise admitted she was hoping finding a job wouldnt be too difficult now she was able to, her 'protectors' had created a suitable CV for her new self, and she was hoping to find a 'nice little office or shop job' that she could settle into. Lucy thought something to herself, but said nothing, just simply telling her that finding a job with her 'new qualifications' shouldn't be a problem. Breakfast over, Lucy looked at her watch and knowing that Peter would have arrived by now suggested that the 2 of them go over there so he could explain fully what would happen that day, Louise doing a pretend 'fixed eye' look and saying she would do 'as her mistress requested' in her best impersonation of a robot voice. Rather ruined by both girls bursting into fits of laughter at her attempt!

Peter Michaels heard a knock on the door, and guessed who it was,

Come in Lucy, and presumably Louise." and as their heads appeared around the door he added, "So you made it back safely without any 'extra adventures' last night, I'm glad to see that!" and winked at Lucy.

Lucy grinned, "2 sweet innocent girls like us..............you wouldnt have expected otherwise surely!" and Louise let out a big giggle at the thought of not being a good girl, after the life she had previously led.

"So Louise, how are you feeling, everything OK and ready to start your new life?" he asked.

Louise smiled back, "Yes I feel fine thank you, and Lucy tells me that all the overnight diagnostic checks show my new body is operating perfectly. And that all the neural links between the old me and the new me seem to have embedded without any problems either. She tells me there are just a couple more checks before I'm let loose on the outside world. I must admit I'm looking forward to that, though I'm determined to make job hunting my first priority, I'll be expected very soon to pay my own way in the world now I have this new identity, Lucy tells me I shouldnt have any problems finding work, I just hope she's right."

Peter noticed Lucy looking intently at him, but pretended to ignore her for now. Instead he turned to Louise and said,

"Thats right my dear, just a few function tests that need to be run, normally these would all be done by technicians, but for some reason Lucy wants to do one of those herself. Cant think possibly why! Bear with me a moment and I'll book you in with a technician for the tests they will be running. Then Lucy can do the final test herself!"

He typed something into his computer, clicked the mouse several times and then looked up,

"You are to report to Technical Bay 3 at 10.30 for Maintenance worker TA-17 to carry out the checks. You will need to report to her as unit UX1048 as that is the only way they recognise units. She already knows what checks to run as I've just sent her the designations." he said.

Louise asked questioningly " TA-17, isnt that a strange designation? I thought we were all designated with an X and 4 numbers?"

Peter laughed back, "Well her actual designation is VX0063, real world name Josephine Lewis, but our technicians function with a special program at work for which purpose they are designated a TA number. She wont seem very human to you when you meet her, but if you met her off duty Josie is a really nice person. In theory the receptionists have a special function program as well, but some dont seem to run it very often!"

Lucy grinned, " Well when we are greeting new clients the best way to be is almost human. But when we are taking dictation or doing admin work it can be useful to use the AA program. I think most of the admin section use it each day Peter."

He laughed, "I know, just teasing Lucy!", then added, "Well Louise, its about time for your maintenance check, if you switch on your direction sensors they will take you there."

Louise nodded, and did so, and gasped as the route details appeared before her eyes, "See you later then!" she said and trotted off following the directions. Finding Technical Bay 3 was so easy for her with this assistance. She tapped in the passcode and entered, and was greeted by a woman in a white lab coat. Her eyes seemed almost clear to Louise, and she stood stiffly still. A redhead, barely over 5 ft tall with a petite figure was the 'person' that greeted her.

"I am Technician TA-17, please give your designation so I can see what maintenance checks I am running." was her blank reply.

Louise replied calmly, "Unit UX1048. Reporting for checks input by Dr Peter Michaels."

The technician typed in her designation and Louise saw a ream of details appear on her monitor. TA-17 studied them, then simply asked UX1048 to follow her to the maintenance table. Louise removed her clothes then laid down as commanded, and various tests were run on her, the strangest sensation being when her 'calorie intake units' were checked over and cleaned, and she saw last nights bar snack removed as tiny pellets from inside her. After an hour or so the Technician sealed her back up and
reported equally as blankly as before,

"Unit UX1048 has passed all designated checks in this Maintenance Bay. Unit VX9427 has been designated to carry out final test before departure from Institute. She is awaiting you in Maintenance Bay 9, please go there now."

"Unit UX1048 obeys her command. Departing for Maintenance Bay 9 now." Louise was slightly surprised at the clipped tones that left her mouth at this point, but guessed that 'more robotic' style was something input into all units for when they were in the maintenance area. She dressed and then transferred to her new destination. Entering the passcode she entered the bay and was greeted by Lucy's smiling face.

"Unit UX1048 reporting to Maintenance Bay 9 for final test as commanded." she said blankly on entry.

Lucy smiled at her and laughed, "She must have left you in Maintenance command mode because tests werent completed. Must put that right!" and she picked up a remote control unit and pointed it at Louise, and instantly she came back to 'life'.

"What happened to me back there? I was just like a mindless but aware machine!" she asked.

Lucy laughed loudly, "You were! Thats because thats the way you are programmed to be under Maintenance Protocol! We dont want unnecessary movement from our androids while they are being worked upon. And thats normally how this last test would be run, but I want you to enjoy this!" and pulling aside her lab coat revealed a strap on penis device strapped around her waist.

Louise giggled at the sight, "And whats that used for, as if I couldnt guess!"

Lucy smiled, "Yes, its obvious what my purpose is honey! Basically its to test the suppleness and flexibility of your new vagina, and to make sure all the sensors inside it are working OK. We want to guarantee an orgasm can be reached! And I for once get the pleasure of creating it. Now are you going to strip and lie on that bed willingly, or do I have to put you back under Maintenance Protocol?"

Louise was already undressing! Then using her 'put on' robot voice said,

"Maintenance Protocol setting unnecessary, Unit UX1048 obeys your command." and she lay on the bed. Lucy teased her with some foreplay, allowing Louise's eager slit to dampen sufficiently for entry. Then mounting her tenderly she began to insert the strap on into her by now eager body, gradually building up the intensity of her efforts. Though 'technically' Lucy was checking the readings on the monitor while doing this, in all honesty all her concern related to Louise's body as she knew she could retrieve the readings afterwards. Soon their bodies were tightly wrapped together, and the 2 mouths met in a series of eager kisses. Eventually Lucy felt Louise's body rock and she knew the moment was close, a loud passionate gasp came from her mouth and a powerful orgasm raced through her system. Lucy only wished she could actually 'come' inside of her, but the strap on wasnt designed for that!

Seperating the 2 bodies took a few moments, but finally they seperated and Lucy checked the readings. They were fine!

"Time to get dressed and re-enter the human world Miss Louise Chapman, we just need to go back to Dr Michaels office, get you signed off, and for you to collect the case containing your new wardrobe. After that you will be free to go, only required to return for your 6 monthly maintenance checks unless you call in by phone to arrange a check for any reason. Your charging unit will be delivered tomorrow, you will be fine on your current charge until then."

Louise didnt know whether to look thrilled or sad,

"Does that mean I wont see you again? I'll miss you." she asked Lucy.

Lucy smiled, "That is entirely up to you my dear, I'd love to see more of you, but now thats of your own free choice. Maybe you and Paul can get together and find happiness, who knows? Anyway we had better get moving along or Peter will be thinking I've done multiple orgasm tests on you!"

As they were walking back along the corridor they came across a petite redhead trotting along chatting twenty to the dozen to a friend, Louise thought to herself that the face was familiar but............

"Is that TA-17....................?" she asked Lucy, being interrupted before she could finish.

"The Technician that maintained you, yes it is, though she wouldnt recognise you as such. As we said outside of work they are as natural as the rest of us, its only when their TA programming is switched on they become like machines. But thats to guarantee the quality and accuracy of their work." Lucy replied, "You should see me when I'm in AA role, I'm much the same to be honest."

"Wow!" gasped Louise amazed at Josie's transformation.

They knocked at Peter's door and entered as requested, there awaiting Louise was a pair of large cases which she was told was enough 'suitable' clothing for her new self for quite a while. And of course soon she would be able to add to her wardrobe for herself. She signed all the release forms, and then gave him a big kiss of gratitude. Lucy got an even bigger kiss! Lucy and her swopped phone numbers and arranged a 'girls night out' for the following Friday.

Just as she was about to leave Peter spoke to her," You know that job you were looking for Louise, well there are 1 or 2 'behind the scenes' vacancies here, could you possibly be interested? It would require you being little more than an 'obedient machine' in working hours, but the offer is there."

Louise turned back towards him, and wiped away the tear of joy that had began to form in her eye,

"Thank you, I would love that." she said.

"In that case I'll ring you tomorrow." said Peter.

And with that she walked out to the taxi sent to take her back to her apartment and to begin her lovely new life.

( Well I've decided on a Chapter 6 but unless I get 'begging messages' that will be it. Louise's new job, potential romantic happiness in her new life (and with who) will all be revealed then. And I suspect the 'happy ever after' finale as well, as I say unless convinced otherwise.)
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by Korby » Sun Feb 19, 2006 1:33 pm

Once more, a very nice installment! I'm looking forward to seeing how it all turns out.

Here's a link to the pic, BTW:

http://fembotcentral.com/gallery/detail ... f0dedfdb9f
"Oh shut up Ray don't talk about gettin' with a robot
That is a ill idea"
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Dyson Institute

Post by jbing301 » Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:56 am


I enjoy your stories and would like to read more and I don't think you should have to beg to request new stories, people should be lined up to read them. I for one look forward to more

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hear, hear

Post by kman1 » Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:31 am

I'm in line eager to hear much more about Dyson's new creation, and her evolving discoveries of her new life. I loved the passage about how surprised she was when directions were typed into a laptop and then appeared in her field of vision. That's the sort of detail that makes a transformation story all the more tantalizing. I'd be interested to see her maybe even get a little irritated about the invasion of her privacy by her creators --- a la Running Delilah. Thanks, and keep it up!

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Post by Stephaniebot » Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:38 pm

Well the 'snag' is that my main 'writing site' is somewhere other than here and I've got a few ideas lined up for there which I'm looking forward to getting into print. And at least 2 of those ideas dont really relate to the 'core values' of FC!
There were 2 good reasons for posting this story here,
1 As a tribute to Korby's great pics which inspired me to write this.
2 My main story writing site is 'mind control' related and as might have been spotted there isnt really any true mind control in this!

I have worked out what her job will be, and its very closely related to my field of work, though sadly I do mine as a human! Mind some who see me at work might think I work like a robot LOL!
What I will probably do now then, is sort of bring things together but leave the ending open, so that I can return and continue her adventures at a later date if that suits?
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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