
General chat about fembots, technosexual culture or any other ASFR related topics that do not fit into the other categories below.
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Ani Erotika
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Post by Ani Erotika » Mon Sep 24, 2018 3:19 am

What exactly is robo lust? I mean what is it really??? I want to know more about it and i want to master it if it is what i think it is.
Endeavouring to evolve into the ultimate fembot, with your help! :dancing:

Please check out my fembot videos on ManyVids and tell me what you think. <3

My homepage: Ani'z Korner :rockon:

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Re: Question...

Post by FaceoffFembot » Mon Sep 24, 2018 2:55 pm

Robolust is simply a sub-collection of the Hypnolust studio's production, one focusing on robot-themed content rather than hypnosis-themed.

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Re: Question...

Post by Ani Erotika » Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:30 pm

Ohhh ok its a studio! Interesting. Are they good? Do yall enjoy the content they put out?

And Robotman, yes that is more what i suppose i was asking. What would yall think is the most inner core of the lust one feels for a fembot? What is the most important form of sexual gift a fembot can give to her owner/ master/ care giver? Is it a kind of fembot that actual has some capability for emotion towards them? Is it a fembot that simply gives sexual pleasure as commanded when commanded with no emotion (ie. She is simply a robot who does and what she is told and that's that), is it a fembot who has need for her owner in the sense of she cannot fix her malfunctions alone/ needs help with maintenance/needs you to care for her to feel self worth/ needs you to exist and needs you bad (has emotional capabilities)/etc.
In essense, what drives the most lust for this fembot genre personally? I am asking this to everyone and anyone and know there will be many different answers and that is welcome...
Endeavouring to evolve into the ultimate fembot, with your help! :dancing:

Please check out my fembot videos on ManyVids and tell me what you think. <3

My homepage: Ani'z Korner :rockon:

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Re: Question...

Post by Stephaniebot » Thu Sep 27, 2018 11:34 pm

Robotman wrote:For me, the core of my fetish is "the reveal" - that moment when I find out that a woman isn't a woman at all, but a robot. That usually takes the form of a pretty woman taking off her faceplate, but as long as it's a certain and undeniable "reveal", it gets my interest.

A reveal can be a malfunction, a sudden reboot, or just spoken dialogue where the woman clearly states what she is.

As for emotions, I prefer androids that don't have any emotions at all. This ranges from completely realistic androids that can pass as human, to stiffly moving androids that talk in monotone voices. It's clear from interacting with them and talking to them that they are computers, and that they are incapable of feeling or displaying emotions.

As for a fembot that needs me... the relationship I fantasize about between me and a female android is like that between a computer and its owner. A computer doesn't "need" its owner, it just functions and does what it is commanded to do.

And to answer the question of what drives the most lust, I've always loved scenarios that brought attention and focus onto the artificiality of the android.
It might sound sort of weird to say it, but I found (for doing stuff other than adult movies, I might add) that a good technique if you like, is to try and switch your brain function off. Not literally, but stop thinking like you're a human, trying to act a robot, and just become a robot. For example, if given commands, don't consider it, just do it, so it looks like seamlessly obeying commands. And as RM said, don't facially react to commands, for a robot, its not a suggestion, its just something you're (hopefully) programmed to do. The only way that would work, would be for a malfunction, if given a command that goes against your 'natural software'.

And yes, unless commanded to do so, fembots shouldn't react with a smile when instructed to get 'close' to their owner, it should just be a functional, operational move, nothing more.

If you like, as he said, robots don't think, they just function, and that's the desired look for many. Faceplates are a bit tricky to do without CGI, or without very good face masks, lol, and that's talking a lot of expense. As would be the stuff they use to create 'plastic skin' but nothing would scream robot more than flesh that doesn't look too naturally human.

Just a few wild thoughts
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Re: Question...

Post by Lithorien » Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:01 am

Ani Erotika wrote:And Robotman, yes that is more what i suppose i was asking. What would yall think is the most inner core of the lust one feels for a fembot? What is the most important form of sexual gift a fembot can give to her owner/ master/ care giver? Is it a kind of fembot that actual has some capability for emotion towards them? Is it a fembot that simply gives sexual pleasure as commanded when commanded with no emotion (ie. She is simply a robot who does and what she is told and that's that), is it a fembot who has need for her owner in the sense of she cannot fix her malfunctions alone/ needs help with maintenance/needs you to care for her to feel self worth/ needs you to exist and needs you bad (has emotional capabilities)/etc.

In essense, what drives the most lust for this fembot genre personally? I am asking this to everyone and anyone and know there will be many different answers and that is welcome...
For me, the fembots who are over-the-top devoted to their owners are what drives the lust. Ones who don't have to be obedient, per se, but are driven to maximize what they believe to be their owner's happiness, self-worth, and joy in life. Think … codependent and clingy levels of devotion, but can be programmed down if desired. That devotion can drive them (and often does) to malfunction in their owner's service. I mean, having their own emotions around that devotion just makes it all the hotter, also.

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Re: Question...

Post by dieur » Sat Sep 29, 2018 2:03 pm

Whereas for me, I find only a little appeal in a robot that happens to look like a human but has no emotion whatsoever. It's the intersection between the computer and the human that appeals.

It's 25% "Look at that pretty girl. I want her. Oh look, the outline of a panel! She's a thing, not a person! Open the panel and press some buttons!" Of course, in the real world human or robot a self aware independent agent is an individual and I'm not a monster so yeah. But we're talking about how the fetish interacts with the fundamental emotions of the male psyche here. The desire to own and control is there, even if the superego respects other people are not things to own.

It's 25% kinda bringing sexuality into the public sphere. "I'm a lawyer at this partnership, but I'm also an upgraded sex bot, so please excuse the figure and exaggerated breasts. Also, I need to be careful not to touch them against anything or else I'll... oh dear." As a functional adult in society, I recognize that sex just isn't all that big of deal. But there's still that adolescent part that lives deep down which, sheltered from all sense and sensibility of the mind at large, kinda wishes it was.

And it's 25% vulnerability. This might just be my unique way of being messed up, but I'm really big on self control and being self contained. It' was a challenge learning to even open up to my wife a little. I plowed through my adolescent years this way, and that repressed sexual part of me thinks a robot girl getting hacked and suddenly finding herself in sex mode is pretty appealing (To be the robot now; making this different than part 1. Despite not being even a smidgen gay, not that it would be an issue if I were.) You'd think rape fantasies might appeal, but they don't - you can only go so far before the sense of justice kicks in and the doomhammer comes out. In deed, some stories go too far and I get turned off. So it's a situation where the vulnerability is super sexy, but exploiting that vulnerability gets disturbing fairly quickly.

And it's 25% simply an excuse for a girl to be hypersexualied. It's the same appeal in anime cat-girls. Oh, humans aren't like that? Too bad, logical mind! This isn't a human! Mwahahaha.

At least, that's my self-analysis for today. It's changed over the years under steady self reflection. Check back next year.

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