A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

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A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

Post by Bunnybot » Sun Apr 21, 2019 11:34 am

This makeover story was inspired by the lovely photo manip "Downtime" by BA. I added some slightly modifications to his manip to make it match better to the story. You will find it in my gallery in the Fembot Wiki Thanks to BA for this lovely inspiration. Also thanks to everyone else here inspiring me to write stories like this. Hope my German/English get's better :)

A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

It was a nice and sunny Sunday afternoon. I was reading the newspaper while my lovely wife Cindy was lying pensive on the sofa. Her laptop beside her on the coffee table, she was totally naked as she looked at me, slightly helpless.

"Honey, this is so boring, can't you please turn me off?"

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but I can't shut down you down, these updates are important", I told her...uh, I forgot to mention, Cindy's laptop was connected via USB cable to a large open panel inside her lower belly. Cindy ist my robot wife.

She decided to change her life 2 years ago, and went to a company that transforms people into lifelike android copies of themselves. Her girlfriend Nina did it some years ago and Cindy never noticed it. One day Nina had an energy drain while she and her huband visited us. I remember we were speakless as Nina suddenly was sitting motionless in her chair, eyes wide open. We looked in shock as her husband Donnie opened her blouse and connected an AC adapter to a panel inside her chest. After an hour of quick reload she had enough power to return safe home. We should have been suspicious why Nina never wanted anything to eat or to drink, but she was very well programmed to avoid these things. Cindy and I talked for days about what we had seen, but we promised to keep it our secret.

Cindy was absolutely fascinated by Nina's beauty and behavior, she asked her all about her transformation. After a couple of weeks she decided to become a robot too. So she went to a company in Japan for more than eight weeks, where she finally was converted to a machine by taking her mind via nanobots into a robotic body. Finally a postman delivered a crate with my new wife in it. It was an wonderful erotic experience to unbox her, put her main parts together, load her battery and finally turn her on for the first time. Her former human body was copied so exactly, that all of friends do not recognize that they talk to a machine now.

Cindy trusted me to add some wishes for her modification, but I just added some size to her titts and made her hourglass form a bit more sexy. She always was such a cutie in her human form, I didn't want to change much. She had such a cute face and a very adorable body. But I think I've gone a bit to far with her sexual programming. Back in her human life she was a casual girl, even a bit shy, but after her conversion to a robot she became a 24hour fuck machine that sometimes needed to be switched off manually.

When I do watch her, enjoying her new existence, I often think about doing a robot conversion to myself, but you loose all you human senses when you become a machine, so I think it doesn't make sense having sex with another machine without feeling any stimulation. Cindy didn't care about that, she was always a very logic type of person and didn't care much about sexuality. Now she's programmed to all my deepest sexual wishes and she's happy when she pleases me. She said to me, that she just regrets having no chocolate and coffee anymore.
But the chance to spend the rest of her existence not to age, without any pain and illness made it easy for her to accept that new life. Well, actually you can't say life as she never was alive in that robot body, so she also can't die. This sounds odd, but she often ensured me that she's fine. Well, that also might be programmed, as many of her expressions and reactions, but I believe her.

She looked at me with her lovely blue eyes.
"This is so unfair", she said slightly provocative." You can do whatever you want and I need to stay here and wait for hours."

"Sweetheart, you need these weekly updates to prevent you from computer viruses and to keep your system up to date. In a couple of hours, after the backup you can do whatever you want."

She smiled at me while she touched her plastic vaginal unit." All I want?" She asked provoking.

I sat up and pulled down my pants. At the moment she saw my bald member, her automatic sexual programming took over. She looked forward with a cold empty stare and started to speak, "Detected sexual male companion", she said with a cold computer voice while she automatically spread her legs.

Now I could see her delicious hairless vagina and I felt my dick swelling, good I love this cold empty stare on her sweet face. A small beep was heard from inside her and I noticed the sound of a starting fan inside her. Her body was in full sex mode now, the blue glowing display under her titts showed columns of data, then it suddenly stopped. "reverting command GDC45, unit LR3391 will return to backup mode...full stop..." she said cold, closed here legs as her main programming took over to return to the system backup routine. Then another beep from within her body and she spread her legs again,"engaging sex mode, random program GDF73" I understood that she was caught in a dilemma between two major orders, so I put my hard member back in my shorts.

Cindy returned to her human emulation mode. "Oh, I'm sorry honey, my system doesn't work well...please wait...checking system...I recognize an error at address le00332...I need some repair...oh no, not yet...ignore that! Come here, lick my plastic pussy..fuck me...fuck my tight little plastic pussy."

I couldn't stand it anymore, she was looking so sweet and sexy lying there. I'm normally into any fetish, she would do a Playboy bunny costume, a french maid or any other type of sexy fetish costume for me, but seeing her naked lying before me on the sofa, her big titts pointing straight up in the air, begging for sex, I didn't care for any errors anymore. I knew it was a preprogrammed sex routine that she just executed automatically and it could damage her seriously when I fuck her now, but in the end she always could be repaired.

I pulled out my hard member again and typed a code into the numeric pad under her display while licking and kissing her gorgeous plastic titts. Then I said to her,
"Unit LR3391, code 9943, confirm."

"Unit LR3391, accepting command 9943, overriding backup, she said while we kissed each other deeply. She smelled so good, so clean, and sexy but also technical in an erotic way, like a new clean computer out of the box.

"Oh good, I love you so much", I said overwhelmed by her amazing beauty.

"I love you too", she said slightly robotic gently grabbing my hips, guiding me closer.

"Can machines love?", I thought for a brief moment, but that idea vanished quickly. "I have the most beautiful robot wife and she will be beautiful forever", I said to myself.
"Oh yes come inside me when you are ready" she said with a sultry voice as she rubbed my now very hard member with her perfect soft and slender hands. Then she invitingly spread her legs.

"I'm ready for you", she said alluring. I kneeled on the sofa and pushed my member slow and gently into her juicy rubber lovehole.

Her lubrication system detected my dick and released a few drops of good smelling fluid. She started to moan, switching automatically beween some preprogrammed audio files. I looked close into her sweet mouth and for a brief moment saw the loudspeaker deep inside her cavity. Every aspect that reminded me of her robotic existence was a big turn on for me. I sometimes can't believe that my wife is a highly advanced precious robotic sex toy now.

Suddenly Cindy's programming took over. She softly pushed me back, stood up, and gently placed me on the sofa. Then she slowly sat down on me. I recognized again how petite she was, she was light like a feather. She took my highly erected member with her hand and slowly guided me deep inside her lovely rubber pussy. She smiled at me and started to move her hips slowly as I noticed her pussy servo systems penetrating my member. She opened another panel above her titts to vent some fresh cool air. I looked fascinated at all here complex electronic and mechanic systems. All those hydraulics working hard, fans buzzing fast, lights blinking frantically, all working synchronized to simulate a living person, to make me believe that she's a real woman pleasing me. That gave me an additional turn on and I was just seconds away from my orgasm. Her programming recognized my growing erection, so she eased off a little bit. Oh good, she was masterful adapting and stimulating my sexual desire to give me long hours of sexual enjoyment. Suddenly I could smell electric burning and I saw 2 red LED's inside her belly panel. I little wisp of smoke was coming from her lovely mouth.

"Cindy, are you O.K.?", I said slightly concerned. "Don't worry", she said with a sweet voice, I can be repaired". She took my member out from her pussy and guided it carefully into her tight rubber anus.

"Oh my good Cindy", I said in ecstasy, you are so tight...Uh, it feels so good."

Her anus panel wasn't equipped with stimulation hydraulics, but it was so tight, it was hard to hold back the orgasm. Cindy smiled, as a small click was heard from her fake abdomen. Her pussy panel did slip forward an inch as she grabbed it with one hand and pulled it out of the crotch socket. She put the plastic pussy unit carefully on the sofa. Now I did see her secret AC and USB connecting panel inside her crouch, blinking red and yellow.

"Isn't that what you wanted to see", she said with a seductive smile. I watched fascinated into her most delicate parts as my arousal lovely climbed again. Suddenly a small bang from inside her chest, followed by a little spark.

"Uhh, no... damage on human emulation circuit...cir...cir...warning...oh fuck...please not yet...oh fuck!"Cindy randomly started to malfunction, her voice switching between human and robotic.

"Danny, I am malfunctioning...ning...malfuc...fuck...you wanna fuck?...Error...uhh, this is bad. Don't worry, I can fix that...fix that...I need repair"

Cindy raised her left arm to her face as she advanced the speed of her penetrations. Her face panel released with a soft click, she took it off and put it on the sofa beside me. I was now looking into a mass of cabling, servo systems and her speaker deep inside her aluminum skull. The speaker sounded now more like a broken little radio as she produced more and more useless words. I felt so sorry for the broken robot, but the same I got hotter. My member was near to explode, it was almost impossible to hold it back now. Cindy was now caught in a total loop, unable to return to her human emulation mode.

"Fuck my plastic...plas...unit...I am unit unit....I am a unit...LR3391...Serial Number 00365c...LR...replica...rep...build...to please..please...men...me...pleasing men...please...help...I need...repair...error at unit nw-c442j...memory...error...warning...this unit needs...oh fuck"

Again she increased her thrust. Her first priority was now to make me cum, even if it went beyond repair. "Fuck...fuck me Danny...Dan, ohhh, so goood...help me...meee...please...I'm Cindy...Cin...Cindy McLaughlin...Mc...I'm programmed to fuck...a fucking machine....I'm just...a machine...Cindy....Unit LR3391...I was made to fuck..to fuck.I... do not want...want...to shutdow...Danny...help...help meeee...down..me..do..noooot...want toooo...shuuuut..fuuuck...robooot....rooooboooot.. "

That was too much for me. I finally let it out inside the robot's tight rubber anus panel. The penetrations got slower as more smoke came from within the chassis. I pulled my member out and put the lovely but out of control robot on the sofa. I located the master switch and pulled it off, but it didn't work. The cassis still spoke skewed words and moved the hips like I was still inside the pussy panel.

Then LR3391 stood up and walked straight through the room right into the wall. Both arms were pulled out of the sockets by the impact and fell on the floor. LR3391 turned 180 degree and crashed into the other wall. Dozens of sparks came from within the whole chassis. Then it felt backwards on the floor as I could hear the sound like a winding down motor still emitting words from the rasping speaker,

Fuck...fuck...please help meeee...do not turn meeee off...I can fix that....fuck my plastic...pussy...Uhh, it feels goooood....I looove...you...do you wanna fuck? Fuck...fucking machine...I am LR3391...Cindy...dy...McLoughlin...fuck...I am just...a...machiiiiiiiine.....

Then LR3391 was lying motionless, still emerging small sparks and wisps of smoke. It was nothing more then a melting piece of highly advanced hardware junk now. I took it up and lay the poor robot, or what was left of it on the large kitchen table. I hoped LR3391 could be repaired and asked myself if she really could feel love...
Last edited by Bunnybot on Wed Apr 24, 2019 4:30 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

Post by dingdongdug » Sun Apr 21, 2019 11:55 am

very nice story

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Re: A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

Post by Lithorien » Sun Apr 21, 2019 9:49 pm

Really great writing. Well done.

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Re: A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

Post by zerodin » Sun Apr 21, 2019 9:58 pm

Quality smut? In the stories section?!

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Re: A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

Post by BA2 » Mon Apr 22, 2019 5:20 am

Nice!! :thumbsup:

Glad I could provide some inspiration. Well written, your English is great. I love what you did with the manip too, keep it up!

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Re: A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

Post by Guderian34 » Mon Apr 22, 2019 6:27 am

Great as always can't wait to see more.

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Re: A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

Post by Korby » Mon Apr 22, 2019 8:07 am

Very enjoyable! Always a treat to see more material–written or photomanip–from you!

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Re: A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

Post by Guderian34 » Mon Apr 22, 2019 2:21 pm

What is the chance of a part 2

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Re: A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

Post by D.Olivaw » Mon Apr 22, 2019 5:18 pm

Hey, a new Bunnybot story! What a nice thing to come home to.
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Re: A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

Post by Bunnybot » Wed Apr 24, 2019 4:18 am

Thank you all so much, I haven't expected such a praise :bighug: . It gives me a boost to write more. Yes, a second part is in the making right now. I do also have a handfull of manips to be finished. Stay tuned! Kind regards Bunnybot :)
Last edited by Bunnybot on Wed Apr 24, 2019 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

Post by Bunnybot » Wed Apr 24, 2019 4:21 am

Korby wrote:Very enjoyable! Always a treat to see more material–written or photomanip–from you!

Same with you Korby. I think I maybe haven't written a single line without the inspiration from your stories :) among many othere here of cause :bighug:

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Re: A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

Post by Bunnybot » Wed Apr 24, 2019 4:28 am

BA2 wrote:Nice!! :thumbsup:

Glad I could provide some inspiration. Well written, your English is great. I love what you did with the manip too, keep it up!
Thank you so much BA2. Your manips are executed masterfull and stories always give me goosebumps and move me very. Are there any other photo references of the girl on your manip? She has a lovely presence which instantly inspired me for this story :)

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Re: A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

Post by Guderian34 » Wed Apr 24, 2019 8:41 am

I love getting good news

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Re: A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

Post by MortisX » Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:10 am

Wonderful story! And very inspiring.
I hope there will be a second part where Cindy will be fixed.
And also, it would be very interesting for me to look in the continuation of what is happening from her point of view. How she perceives herself and her programming. Is it so seamless to switch between human personality emulation and programming when viewed from the inside? Is there anything left in reality from her emotions and feelings, or is this an absolute pretense of the machine?
And what is love for one whose mind is only a complex set of programs and a mixture of vague memories of a once-living woman and clear, more recent recordings produced and filtered in exact accordance with the algorithms in place? Only words uttered at the right moment and following certain patterns of behavior? Or is it something more inherited from human life?
Does she have what can be called self-awareness? The ability to look at itself from the inside or she-it is forever just a mechanism that reacts to external conditions...

And I wonder, Does she have a life other than home and husband? Friends were mentioned in the text. Maybe work? Does she do something useful in her new existence?

I'm not sure that you can get answers to all these questions, but maybe some of this will be affected in the sequel. I will hope.

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Re: A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

Post by Bunnybot » Sun Apr 28, 2019 2:42 am

MortisX wrote:Wonderful story! And very inspiring.
I hope there will be a second part where Cindy will be fixed.

I'm not sure that you can get answers to all these questions, but maybe some of this will be affected in the sequel. I will hope.
Thank you MartisX, I'm sure she can be fixed. I always like to put some little ethics in the story, as the whole story about AI will keep us all bussy in the upcomming years. Almost all stories here at Fembot Central do care about human-robot relations, many of them in a sexual way, same to mine. I was always interested to see the point of view of the female robot. How she perceives the world after a robotic conversion. It's just too easy for me to have the same existence in a robotic body with the same emotions and senses as a human.

For me that change of perception is a part of the erotic and sexual tention. That being a machine is a superior existence, because you can't die and you are not depending on food and air, but the same time you are extremely vulnarabe on electronic and mechanic issues, computer virus, danger from water and electric shock. And your mind is always in danger of reprogramming. BA2 has some fantastic stories about reprogramming of AI who become free minded machines.

I'm sure that most of the FC readers admire females with all their perfectness. By overdoing this and the same time make them absolutely helpless gives the stories that very special moment. And the fact that the femdroid has to go with her human life, leaving all the senses and feelings make it even more intersting for the human companyon. I already did write a story about a transformed Femddroid showing her point of view, but it's little different character, but could be the same universe. I will polish it a little bit before posting. Then I will think about a sequel.

Thanks for all your input, kind regards, Bunnybot

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Re: A lazy afternoon by Bunnybot

Post by MortisX » Mon Apr 29, 2019 5:53 am

Thanks for your reply!
The story about which you write at the end. This already sounds interesting!

I am slightly sorry if I write a lot of text. I do not always manage to be brief or to avoid repetition of some thoughts.

Elements of perception change are of particular interest to me, too. Moreover, in my opinion, this is an inevitable element with such a radical change in the nature of the body and mind.. And I always wonder how it is shown. What is the point of view of the female robot.
Reprogramming is both frightening and fascinating side of turning into a robot. By the very fact of the consent to the conversion, the woman agrees to the primary reprogramming. But how far will it go in the future? Will she control change herself or give this role to another? It is always intrigue.
As well as the way in which she perceives her programming or the ability to change her own settings “on the go” (which is sometimes given), acquiring a new level of control over her personality, her perception and behavior.

Leaving all emotions and feelings is a very significant moment in your story. But I suppose a female robot should acquire something in return?
She may still be able to evaluate her attitude towards anything through logic and calculations. And perhaps - much more accurately than a human, given more factors. What a human does unconsciously bringing to the level of emotions, for her - algorithms. Let it not look like emotions, but the results of these calculations can determine her behavior when programming does not force her to act, ignoring the assessment, or when she consciously excludes an assessment that is not always available to humans.

In your work there is a special element of the sacrifice. A living woman sacrifices a part of herself to give a loved one more happiness. And become something new, beautiful.
At the same time, the other side is also interesting to me - what she gets. Immortality, inaccessible to human accuracy and consistency, the absence of pain and fatigue.

And at the end of all this, the question remains whether the robot, having no emotions and feelings, can form an assessment of love. Give her a positive ratio. Do not just continue to love someone, as recorded in her program, but to acquire this element of herself. Calculate, record the result and change the model of behavior in accordance with it.
Or acquire a new depth for an existing love.

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