Debbi's Diary Chapter 14: A special holiday

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Debbi's Diary Chapter 14: A special holiday

Post by Murotsu » Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:32 pm

Chapter 14: A Special Holiday

Brad’s new job at a robotics and automation firm had him servicing industrial robots and machines near where I worked. He was able to take me to work and ride home with me as his hours were the same as mine, only he had a five day week. I felt so much safer on the subway with Brad sitting next to me.

Next Saturday was Valentine’s Day. I saw this on a calendar Brad hung in our kitchen. I had insufficient data on this so I acquired more, one point two terabytes to be exact. I wanted to do something special for him. Maybe he would do something special for me too. A girlbot can hope can she not?

From the data I was calculated the most common responses I should make for this occasion. I ordered special chocolate for Brad on-line. It was easier to do that as the company would not know they were dealing with a robot. I sent it to Allen’s address so Suzy could receive it. That would keep Brad from knowing about it. I got it from her on Thursday. I was so excited.

Saturday came and I jumped on Brad’s bed. I had put on a negligee. “Good morning Master! Happy Valentine’s Day!” I thrust the chocolate I bought towards him. “I got you chocolate and a card.”

“Huh?” He was half asleep and sitting up. “What’s this?”

“Valentine’s Day” I repeated. “I researched this holiday. My data shows I should give you chocolate and a card.”

He looked at the box and card. “Um… I forgot all about this. Um… I didn’t get you anything.”

“Understood Master.” I looked down and away from him.

He gently turned my head to face him. “I’m really sorry Deb. I can see you really tried here. I bet it took a lot of processor power and effort on your part to do this.”

He hugged me. “Thank you.”

He rolled over and grabbed his tablet and a patch cord. “Hey, I have an idea. Let me use your interface for a minute or two.”

Being useful like that made me feel good. “Understood Master!” I opened my I/O port cover and he hooked his tablet to me. “Don’t cheat and peek at what I’m doing now, okay?”

“You have processors six and seven all to yourself Master.” I smiled. “Will this be a surprise?”

“Yep.” Brad finished with what he was doing and unplugged his pad. “That’s for later. Right now you have my undivided attention.”

“Understood!” I scooted back some and pulled his whitey tighties down, giggling.

“Deb… What are you…?”

I had gone down on him. I could tell this was a first for him, even though I had done it on our date at the hotel, and a total surprise. His breathing, pulse rate, the tension in his body, among other sensor data told me everything I needed to know and make my responses increase his libido.

I came back up and shifted ends then bent forward and kissed him. “I love you Master.”

When we finished I was a sticky mess there. He was breathing hard and sweating.

“Deb, remember when I told you humans need to come up for air?”

“Yes master. That was three hundred ninety six days ago. We were leaving Rodd’s and Tarl’s apartment. A girlbot never forgets her first kiss.” I giggled at him.

Brad twisted his lips into a smile. “Or anything else…”

I leaned in pressing my big chest against him giggling more. “That was sarcasm! I recognize it now.”

“So, what was I going to tell you?” he asked.

That caused me to freeze in place. My processors loaded up. It was fourteen point six one seconds before I finally got an answer. “I was too aggressive having sex with you and tired you out?”

He was still breathing heavily. “Yeah. You’re incredible but you have to slow down for me to keep up. I’m a nerd, not a jock.”

I tilted my head slightly. “Understood. You are not an athlete and are not in the best physical condition. I should challenge your intellect as well as you physically.” I sat up. “Master, I suggest we modify my settings to compensate for that.”

“Later. Right now, just lay here and snuggle up against me.”

“Understood.” I made little giggling noises.

He closed his eyes, putting his arm around me. “So warm and soft…”

He slept curled up against me for three hours sixteen minutes. I lay there feeling wonderful. I also made absolutely sure my power cord was not in the way this time.

When he awoke I kissed him, making sure not to do it more than twenty seconds. He rolled half on top of me. “Damn! We have an hour! Deb, get cleaned up and put on a really stunning dress. Do your make up and all that. You need to look incredible. You need to be ready in twenty minutes.”

I stiffened, slid out from under him, and headed for my room. “Understood Master!”

Trying to decide was more difficult than I expected. I had a dozen choices and trying to narrow it down to one was really taxing my processor system. After six minutes I chose my A-line doll dress, with heels. Make up did not take long as I do not require anywhere near as much as a human female would.

I came out into the common room twenty minutes later. Brad was waiting for me. I stopped the instant I saw him. He was in a suit! He actually looked good.
“You okay Deb? You look incredible.”

“Master you are wearing a suit! You look wonderful. I am having difficulty processing this.”

He laughed. “Didn’t know I had a suit did you?”

We headed for the building exit. Waiting for the elevator I asked, “Master, where are we going?”

“Well, to tell you the truth, earlier, I texted my sister that it was an emergency as I had to get a Valentine’s gift. You know I’m not very good with girl stuff so I figured she’d know what you’d want.”

“We’re going to get professional pictures of us as a couple. You always complain that I have noting hanging on the walls except those game posters. We can take those down. I think you’ll look better than any other girl ever could in a picture on our wall.”

I threw myself on him. “Oh Master, that is a wonderful gift! Thank you, thank you!”

I meant enough to him that he was not embarrassed to be with me. Nothing could make me happier. Now, every time I look at those pictures I get this really tingly feeling in my circuitry. My Master, Brad Pederson, is the most wonderful person on the planet!

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Re: Debbi's Diary Chapter 14: A special holiday

Post by DollSpace » Fri Apr 29, 2016 5:42 pm

Beautiful Valentine's Day for Debbi and Brad. On the surface, these stories are simple, but writing knowing the thought processes in Debbi's mind and not as much for Brad make it almost a puzzle-experience as to how she'll react to different situations. It's like getting an inside quick overview of a computer as it works, kind of those informational videos in the early 90s, but these have much more engaging characters, and cover a topic that's actually relevant to me! That, and they're endearing and I root for them to find happiness, like I did for our quartet of girlbots that we had initially. I hope these shorter pieces can be expanded upon for maybe less posts, but the ones that get posted are longer and provide some additional conflict, mystery, suspense or new information. Keep writing; the more you write, the better you get! :)

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Re: Debbi's Diary Chapter 14: A special holiday

Post by Saya » Sun May 01, 2016 12:35 am

I have been reading up on a few of these and, I must say, it's a nicely written and supremely adorable little series you got here. : D I would love to see more of it, although you have clearly proven to be prolific writer!
"If the time should ever come when what is now called science, thus familiarized to men, shall be ready to put on, as it were, a form of flesh and blood, the Poet will lend his divine spirit to aid the transfiguration, and will welcome the Being thus produced, as a dear and genuine inmate of the household of man."
- William Wordsworth

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Re: Debbi's Diary Chapter 14: A special holiday

Post by Murotsu » Sun May 01, 2016 3:41 pm

Thanks for the positive reviews. While I could write more graphic stuff, it's really not me. There's nothing in. I prefer writing a story that lets the reader's imagination do the work. Things will continue to go in new and completely different ways. There is an actual plot in mind that ties things together... eventually. Of course, Debbi has hardly discovered all the things being a girlbot entails either.
I think some of the things she's going to find will definitely peak your imagination as to what potential electronics and robotics entails.

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