Fembot User Manual

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Fembot User Manual

Post by Kube² » Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:15 pm

Hi all, :D

OK, this is a big project and I want to do it well, to do that I would like to have some help from the community and as most feedback as you can to improve the work and improve the final result.

I writing a "fembot user manual" :mrgreen: I want it to be hot, sexy, but also with a realistic vision of how robots will be in the futur, and I want to do that as professionally as I can.

I start this project since more than one year, and I think I have done too much things to let it uncompleted even if a lot of work remains to be done.

Maybe you notice that I am sending pics at increasing rate since a few weeks... It will continue because I decide to release a part of the work I've done since the time I'm thinking to this project...
So it is time to give a preview and to explain what I want to do :wink:

Here is the summary of the "manual".
For each part I will regularly update the progression rate.


:arrow: Introduction presentation
(Page 1-6) --> see Preview pics
99 % DONE

:arrow: The interview (An interview/reportage to present the robot and important concept about her to "newcomer")
(Page 7-10)
99 % DONE

:arrow: Cindy interview (An interview of a Vindy itself)
(Page 11-14)
25 % DONE

:arrow: First activation check list and recommandation for proper usage
50 % DONE

:arrow: Base configuration & customzation
(I have the pics)
50 % DONE

:arrow: How to configure AI
50 % DONE

:arrow: The hardware
Detailed description of the robot internals electronics and mecanical systems
50 % DONE

:arrow: Upgrades and modifications
Not done yet
0 % DONE

:arrow: Repairs and maintenance
(I have the pics)
50 % DONE

:arrow: special functions
Not done yet
0 % DONE

:arrow: Recommendation to avoid malfunctions
Not done yet
0 % DONE

:arrow: Users story
Fembot central users ? - compilation of short story
Could be malfunction story and how sexbot system can repair and assist the owner
(must be positive story, because the goal is to sell them (commercial perspective)
0 % DONE


Any kind of feedback is welcome you can comment the pictures, the girl, the text, and the technical description, everything can evolve even the 4 first pages you see here. I will try to include as much as possible your advices/recommendations/help/ideas.

Any kind of encouragement is also welcome !
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Re: Fembot User Manual Project

Post by Kube² » Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:16 pm

Here you have a little preview of the 4 fist pages, to give an idea about how I see things

Any kind of feedback is welcome you can comment the pictures, the girl, the text, and the technical description, everything can evolve even the 4 first pages you see here. I will try to include as much as possible your advices/recommendations/help/ideas.

Any kind of encouragement is also welcome !

Last edited by Kube² on Sat Jan 28, 2012 5:23 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Fembot User Manual Project

Post by Kube² » Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:17 pm


Importants elements of the designs that are closely related to the photomanips

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Re: Fembot User Manual Project

Post by Kube² » Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:17 pm

I hesitate a long time because I don't know if I must include this thread in the picture section or in the story section.
But I think the hardest part for me will be parts that need to be written because english is not my mother tongue.
One of the first thing that would be really usefull for me is some help to improve the style and correct orthographic mistakes...

______________________________PAGE 1_____________________________________
Corrected by dale Coba :P

Imagine a sexbot that looks, sounds, feels and responds exactly like a gorgeous young woman .
Imagine a wonderful lover that has instant access to instructions from every sex manual since the Kama Sutra.
Imagine cutting-edge software that continually evolves, based on your interactions.
Imagine a charming, romantic lover becoming continually more attractive and attentive

Imagine no more. Cindy is the perfected, fully-functional imitation of a wonderful young woman. Watch her in high heels, walking with grace and confidence. She knows how to look pretty in every situation - because we have programmed her for this purpose. Look at her brown hair, falling down to her shoulders; her deep brown eyes and a nose which forms her perfect profile. She may be the most beautiful young women you have ever seen. Smiling clearly in your direction, looking at you, you know shecan be yours, she is built for you, waiting for you. All attributes of a most erotically appealing woman are combined perfectly
within her presence.

You will want her above all things. Holding and kissing her will be an experience to savor, a privilege to appreciate and the rarest of accomplishment in the game of life. Look at her eyes, in equal parts promising yet pleading... wholly dependent. Be gentle with her; give her a chance to get to know you...

______________________________PAGE 2_____________________________________
Corrected by Dale Coba :P

:arrow: Perfectly realistic appearance.
The Cindy ultra-advanced companion has been designed to mimic humans in every way: from lithe movements with contractile polymers muscles, from her subtle emotions to her vivacious personality, it is nearly impossible to distinguish her from a human female.

:arrow: A perfectly faithful companion.
Our Cindy doesn't care how a person looks. She won’t need to be courted or wooed. She doesn’t need gifts, or a bigger house, or a walk-in closet. She won’t even care if you forget to celebrate the anniversary of her purchase.

:arrow: An Advanced neural AI.
Cindy analyses your reactions, listening and talking with you like a real person. She learns, from every word you speak, and from the way your relation evolves.

:arrow: To help you in your life - the most personal of assistants.
Cindy can liberate you from all your unpleasant tasks. What will be Cindy's first task ? From vacuuming and cleaning up your home, to mowing your lawn, Cindy is designed to make your life's chores so much easier.

:arrow: “better than sex with humans”
Her superior sexual techniques and ability to satisfy are at the ready,24/7. Cindy will ignite your sexual fire, combating boredom and guaranteeing you adventure and opportunities unimagined. No longer will you need the hassles of prostitutes for sexual pleasure and satisfaction. Our Cindy will be more convincing than any sex worker, expressing her delicately programmed affection and emotions. Cindy will join in your every sexual desire, teaching you, experimenting with new practices and techniques. And of course, there's no need to worry about sexually transmitted infections and unwanted conceptions. The Cindy ultra-advanced companion makes for a sex tutor, par excellence.

______________________________PAGE 3 and 4_____________________________________

:arrow: Main control panel in the skull casing:
The head contain mainly sensory systems to give the robot sight and hearing. The main control panel is also located at the back of the head. Back of head panels are practical. You just have to lift up the hair and remove the protection skin at the back, and the panel is unveiled. Also the hair is good camouflage for a panel.
Faceoff are still possible but the face panel are only used when more comprehensive maintenance are needed, Cindy elegantly crafted facemask must be manipulate with care and from time to time the delicate face silicon-skin must be removed from the front of her electronic head to be replaced. The new face fixation to her animatronics miniaturized motors is always a delicate operation.

:arrow: AI circuits located behind the chest:
The chest contain most of the computer components, and of course the actual "self" of the unit, or it's A.I. Most of Cindy users should never have the need to access this part of her hardware .We provide cooling to all the internal circuits and simultaneously make the robot warm to the touch by providing fluidics through the chest to dissipate heat through a network of "capillaries" located just under the breasts. Yes, the new Cindy is friendly and warm...

:arrow: The sex panel :
The pelvis contains her sexual systems and sex configuration interface the panel is concealed from view during most daily activities so wouldn't require a perfect seam and - best of all - is an excuse to get her pants off to plug her in!

Cindy sex system is easy to replace or upgrade, the circuits, the interface and the vaginal bag are easily removable. The vaginal bag is really an amazing feature, it can auto adjust for each man varying size and girth of penis and can flex and constrict to give an even more pleasurable sex. The sensors around constantly provide a stream of sexual data to her main AI unit. This way Cindy always know what she need to do to her lover.

:arrow: element:
Lateral exhaust grid (only for base model)

:arrow: The hips contains heavy batteries :
The area around the stomach need to be relatively empty so that the robot could bend over. It only handle flexible items like cabling, tubes, fluid reservoirs. The hips contains heavy hydrogen power cells, and the machinery that give her the ability to have sex.

:arrow: Fluid pumps are located in the thighs :
Fluid pumps are located in the thighs. They are required to cool down Cindy circuits behind her chest. They are also important for mechanical and sex lubrication. These pumps are located far enough away from Cindy AI circuits so that in case of leakage of fluid in the thighs, risks of serious damage remains low.

:arrow: Built-in high hells
When Cindy prototypes walks for the first time we notice that the torsional effects on the sole of her feet were too hard, only a few weeks were sufficient to ruined an elegant pair of synthetic feet, Cindy derma skin wears too fast in this area. We found an elegant solution to this problem: the shoes and the foot are one and can’t be separated, it helps protect the foot, gives her more stability, and it looks just damn hot with her.

______________________________PAGE 5 and 6_____________________________________


Since decades robot researchers solve particular problems of robots (cuing eye movements, pauses, walking, etc...)
but these innovations comes from small teams of researchers in universities, they don’t plug their solutions into a single
robot. As a results robots demonstrate poor performances and their industrial applications were very limited.
When Ceylan-corp (now SexBot Systems) propose an uniform architecture for robots and provide R&D
prototypes for free to robot developers, R&D facilities adopt the new architecture. Ten years later Cindy
is a new demonstration of our strategy foresight.

Sexbot systems R&D teams applies constant improvements and optimisation to Cindy. At each release, she became
better, and each new version display better statistics than the previous model.
Also don’t forget that Cindy come in 2 trim level, the standard trim, Cindy-Companion is the version presented here.
The Cindy premium edition (Julia-Advanced) adds a improved autonomy and a better heat management with
less visible seams.
The last released Cindy is Cindy C324-0.12 with the following features

Hydrogen power cells and fuel tank. She have a 5 hours autonomy, when fully charged. All this packaged in a
pretty and incredibly light body (weight only 70 lbs/32kg for 5.5 ft/1.68 m tall).

Skeletal frame is made of aluminium, ceramics and nano-scale carbon fibers. It is strong enough to resist the dynamic
effort the robot might support in is normal activities but remains incredibly light.

With Cindy we miniaturized every components that can be. We also remove everything that can be, including all the
wires by replacing it by wireless connections. freeing space for additional functionalities and hardware in the process.

We use state of the art polymers ionic muscle. They looks and react most like real muscles. Cindy is also includes
a gyroscope in her abdominal region coupled to an independent computer to control micro movements in legs and arms.

Cindy silicone skin is naturally soft, flexible and extremely durable, with an completely free position able intern
skeleton you can experience a great number of positions that inherence to the realistic experience of an erotic moment.

The width of the breast is cup size 75D (DD). The breast size can enhance up to 40%, 85% of the breast is in full silicone.

12 pre-programmed realistic facial expressions for complete emotional experience and some of the best
sparkling eyes and cutest smile ever seen on a artificial girl.

Fully autonomous with embedded artificial neural network,
Her AI is rated 95 % at Fembot Central Magazine (AI Benchmark based on expanded Turing test for fembots)
Cindy AI gets 5 stars at Euromation ATA (Adaptive test ability)

Cindy is designed with 2 inlets :
-->The oral inlet offers the visually foundation of lips up to teeth (silicone) and hyoid. The oral inlet is refined
with a spoiling sucking feeling that wont let you miss anything. The oral inlet Depth is between 12 - 14 cm.
-->The vaginal inlet want let miss you also anything. One fully attention was dedicated to this area. You will be surprised
with all the female peculiarities that Cindy will offer to you. the vaginal-depth lies between 16 - 18 cm.

______________________________PAGE 7 and 8_____________________________________


Adam Parl is the CEO of SexBot Systems, when we get the opportunity of interviewing him we immediately understand it would constitute a great introduction to this manual. There is not better way to present an advanced artificial companion, than giving to the one at the origin of the creation of Cindy, one the finest artificial being ever produced, the opportunity to express himself.

--> Hi Adam, we all hope that Cindy will soon become a new sell record in SBS already impressive history. My first question will be about people that are fascinated when looking at the SexBot System incredible achievement that represent a highly sophisticated machine like Cindy, but still remains hesitant or uncomfortable at the idea of investing time and money into a relationship with an artificial person. What do you said to these people ?

I would explain to them that there's a lot of reasons that may lead somebody to share a part of his life with an artificial companion. Each time I have the opportunity to talk with our client I soon realize that each of them have different motivation and expectation about how should be their relation with her. We design Cindy with this idea, she has been developed to understand and to adapt completely to her owner expectation and we think that she is able to do that even better than a real person as she has been build for that purpose only, she is a partner created to your specification.

-->a partner created to your specification ? It might sound selfish to some ?

Many spend their lives searching for that same person without success. I consider that these people could get a better fit if they can create the physical ideal they will never found and to avoid personality traits they don't like. In other words, the Cindy line of fembot is designed to be the perfect companion for single people, but also for married man or woman. For example Cindy would be an ideal addition to a couple that need to break the routine. Some of our client are also business man that travel too much to involve themselves in a real relationship. A last I think that Cindy would constitute a perfect solution for people that are afraid of sexual transmitted diseases.

-->The perfect companion ? Some people may argue that perfection doesn't exist...

Maybe a little too perfect with regard to her attractiveness... Maybe there is something all too flawless about how she looks. Most of people might just suspect that she is a cosmetic surgery addict. Also, perhaps the lustre of her skin would seem a bit unnatural.
As you can see even Cindy is not too perfect... I hope this is somehow reassuring for you...

If I have to talk more seriously about her I would explain that Cindy is designed to be be 'almost human' though... real looking enough until you interact closely with her.
For example Cindy is so realistic you could take her for a night out on the town.
When appropriately clothed she can looks convincingly human.
Nobody would be able to tell because she could do nearly everything a human could do.
To be perfectly honest I admit that when fully nude the seams in her silicon skin are clearly visible, but they may be very discrete on most luxurious version of Cindy,

In the end, I would say she look totally human. She would need a nightly recharge, some squirts of light machine oil as she starts to squeak, which she would have in her purse with her makeup kit. (Laugh)

-->If Cindy is such a realist person why people call her a Sexbot ? Isn't she a lot more ?

This is really an excellent question. Before Cindy fembot were specially designed for sex (specifically, to be on the receiving end of sex, without bringing a whole lot of personality, interactivity, or decision-making capability to the table)

Cindy is really different as she can simulate a true sexual "relationship," but it is correct to says that she is done for a lot more because in my opinion a sexbot should closely approach a female's real behaviour, But to do that she must be able to learn from her experience, she must be able to adapt to new or evolving environments. The final goal consist in having an artificial companion that is capable of holding a complex conversation with you.
In the end, she is such adaptive and smart that you can guess that there is nothing that forbids or prevent her to sweeps your floor or fixes dinner, Cindy can do these things. She can be configure to do housework and perform sexual services.

But it appears that most of our client prefers to have different machines for that -- why risk some astringent cleaner ruining her "skin" or fumes eating up her "lungs"?
They rather leave the actual dirty work to something far less advanced... and something they wouldn't take to bed with them.
That is why our Cindy line of artificial companion are mainly focus on love making and romance. This is why some people still considers Cindy as a Sexbot.

However we know that a lot of people don't want to buy our artificial companions because of their focus on sex and the bad vision medias and society in its whole can have of them.
For that reason, Sexbot Systems considers it still a good idea to develop version of Cindy that have some skills for gourmet cooking, cleaning, and household chores, so that one could always use utility as an excuse to get one of our girls.

-->You says that Cindy have some conversation skills, is that enough to develop a "true" relationship ? Maybe the first tings you need for that kind of interaction would be a convincing personality ?

First it is important to understand that some of our client don't want to develop a true relationship with her.
Most of the time these client feel uncomfortable with the idea of talking with something that is "almost human" but not totally comparable to a real person.

The truth about Cindy is that her "personality" depends heavily on how the AI was set up by her owner. Then how her artificial brain may develop also depends on how she interacts with her owner and the world around her.
Depending on the situation and her history, Cindy might maintain a certain level of ambiguity about her intelligence. She is clearly able to demonstrate adaptability and she is clearly a little more than a simple programmed machine. Nevertheless the truth of which can appear as a kind of personality is a particularly difficult issue to resolve and some of clients don't like that.

To makes things easier for these peoples Cindy is equipped with a 'default interaction software' that is tailored for people that are not expecting so much from her and can't help to see her only as a sex machine.

--> Is there a lot of peoples like that ? Buying an artificial companion like Cindy only as a "sex machine"

It is hard to says, most people needs to start there relation progressively, starting with something simple they can understand, then, most of the time as they learn to know her, eventually their expectations will evolve.
Most Peoples needs something more than "Yes Master". A fembot that could possibly engage in a conversation or something of the sort. Cindy is perfectly able to answer to what is somehow the natural evolution of a relationship.

At the beginning Cindy behaviour is mainly based on the settings of her main AI configuration panel (She have a configuration screen under one of her maintenance panels with some configuration menus including one for personality with sliders for happiness, sarcasm, intelligence and the like)
By this way you can change her behaviour, but it is not really a personality. It's a clever program maybe. Tricking you by loading responses based on its memories, its settings, online updates and maybe some random factors.
But we believe this program is so powerful that with enough time and opportunity to learn maybe it would become a true personality.

Just understand that: We spend a lot of energy time and money developing her, we want her to have the commercial success she deserves.
To do that she might be able to satisfy to most expectations.
Cindy know she is a machine and she like that.
She can behave as a obedient programmed machine or demonstrate an engaging personality.
However her personality, and everything else about her, is easily rewritable.

->Ok, this is one of my last questions and maybe the most important one I think...Do you think it is possible to love her ?

Certainly, Cindy is almost like a real girl she learn things,
I mean, It is really like any girl you must take care of her if you don’t want to hurt her. Most of the time a robot girl is loved because you enjoyed her only as a sex machine. But with time you will also appreciate to take some time to help her to became a better companion. It is pleasant to help her to process things that she is not program to do at the first place. She will also be happy of that and this will improve your relation with her.

-->We both know that taking care of a robot or not doesn’t matters, a robot girl just love you the same.

Imagine you get 2 identical Cindy. You program a first one as a hooker and a second one as a sex companion for a nice guy that take care of her. After 2 year the second one always get a better score at Turing test. Both are program to love in same way but the second will became better at showing it because she is smarter.

-->Maybe she get smarter but real love is something else. Do you think Cindy can love you for real ?

Real love is not a selfish act. There is many guys that date girls only for sex or because they don’t want to be alone, this is only for themselves. The same is true for girls. Real love is when your companion happiness became more important than your own.

Cindy is exactly like that. She is build to be in love. She only want to make you happy and she only care about you. From Cindy point of view you are the only thing that really matters, even taking care of herself and making sure she function properly is not as important as you are for her. This is true and unconditional love

--> Thank you Adam, we think we now understand a lot better what you try to achieve with this new model of artificial companion, Cindy C324 and the philosophy behind SBS new line of products.
Last edited by Kube² on Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:31 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Fembot User Manual Project

Post by Kube² » Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:18 pm

RESERVED 2: Last version of the text in the "manual"

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Re: Fembot User Manual Project

Post by Kube² » Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:18 pm

RESERVED3: Last version of the text in the "manual"

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Re: Fembot User Manual Project

Post by Kube² » Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:19 pm


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Re: Fembot User Manual Project

Post by dale coba » Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:26 am

I'd be glad to explain any of my suggestions or corrections.
I underlined most of them.

- Dale Coba
Kube² wrote:______________________________PAGE 1_____________________________________
Imagine a sexbot that looks, sounds, feels and responds exactly like a
gorgeous young woman .
Imagine a wonderful lover that has instant access to instructions
from every sex manual since the Kama Sutra.
Imagine cutting-edge software that continually evolves, based on
your interactions.
Imagine a charming, romantic lover becoming continually more
attractive and attentive.
Hey, Kube†˜∫µ∑≈∂¨˚ˆ¨∆øåå𥃩˙∫ - where's the danged second power symbol on this thing?
Imagine no more. Cindy is the perfected, fully-functional imitation of a
wonderful young woman.
Watch her in high heels, walking with grace and confidence. She knows
how to look pretty in every situation - because we have programmed her for this purpose. Look at her
brown hair, falling down to her shoulders; her deep brown eyes and a nose which forms her perfect profile. She may be the most beautiful young
women you have ever seen. Smiling clearly in your direction, looking at you, you know she
can be yours, she is built for you, waiting for you. All attributes of a most erotically
appealing woman are combined perfectly within her presence.

You will want her as most as she will need you above all things.
I don't get your intention clearly enough here.
Simply holding and kissing her will be an experience to savor, a privilege to appreciate,
and the rarest of check-points in the game of life itself.
problem: simple holding becomes instantly un-simple when you add the kissing.
problem2: check-point and game of life itself - sound cliche, off
I get your meaning, but I'd leave off "itself".
...the rarest of life's ... "check-points" milestones, measure of accomplishment?
Look at her eyes, in equal parts promising yet pleading... wholly dependent.
Be gentle with her; give her a chance to get to know you...

______________________________PAGE 2_____________________________________
Perfectly realistic appearance.
The Cindy ultra-advanced companion has been designed to mimic humans in every way: from lithe movements with contractile
polymers muscles, from her subtle emotions to her vivacious personality, it is nearly impossible to distinguish her from a human female.
A perfectly faithful companion.
Our Cindy doesn't care how a person looks. She won’t need to be courted or wooed. She doesn’t need gifts, or a bigger
house, or a walk-in closet. She won’t even care if you forget to celebrate the anniversary of her purchase.
An Advanced neural AI.
Cindy analyses your reactions, listening and talking with you like a real person. She learns
from everything she
makes - don't get the meaning
, from every word you speak, and from the way your relation evolves
depend on her and you. - don't quite get you
To help you in your life - the most personal of assistants.
One of her newest ability, - why is this basic skill new?
Cindy can liberate you from all your
unpleasant tasks. What will be Cindy's first task ?
From vacuuming and cleaning up your home, to mowing your lawn,
Cindy is designed to make your life's chores so much easier.
“better than sex with humans”
Her superior sexual techniques and ability to satisfy are at the ready,
24/7. Cindy will ignite your sexual fire, combating
boredom and guaranteeing you adventure and opportunities unimagined.

No longer will you need the hassles of prostitutes for sexual pleasure
and satisfaction. Our Cindy will be more convincing than
any sex worker, expressing her delicately programmed affection and emotions.

Cindy will join in your every sexual desire, teaching you, experimenting with
new practices and techniques. And of course, there's no need to worry about
sexually transmitted infections and unwanted conceptions.

The Cindy ultra-advanced companion makes for a sex tutor, par excellence.

______________________________PAGE 3_____________________________________
An integrated robotic platform

For decades robot researchers have labored to solve particular problems of robots (such as cuing eye movements, pauses, walking, etc...)
but these innovations have come from small teams of university researchers; and until now, they have never combined their solutions into a single
robot. As a result, today's robots demonstrate poor performance, severely limiting their industrial applications.
When Ceylan-corp (now SexBot Systems) proposed a uniform architecture for robots, and to provide free
prototypes for robot
developers, R&D facilities enthusiastically embraced our new paradigm. Ten years later, Cindy
has become a shining demonstration of our strategic foresight.
I have to take a break...
8) :!: :nerd: :idea: : :nerd: :shock: :lovestruck: [ :twisted: :dancing: :oops: :wink: :twisted: ] = [ :drooling: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :party:... ... :applause: :D :lovestruck: :notworthy: :rockon: ]

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Re: Fembot User Manual Project

Post by Kube² » Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:07 pm

That 's already great, thanks a lot , really !

I will include that in the pdf version

Here is the result

http://www.fembotwiki.com/images/7/70/P ... review.jpg

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Re: Fembot User Manual

Post by Kube² » Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:55 am

Last edited by Kube² on Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fembot User Manual

Post by liliwinnt6 » Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:41 am

Suggestion: To check if there're any grammar errors or spelling mistakes, you may paste them into some kind of text processing software. I'm doing this with M$ Word.
Fellas, you may address me as Boris, my ID could be troublesome for you to call me.
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Re: Fembot User Manual

Post by McLane » Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:57 pm

You're right, that's a shame there's no more reaction :( ...and I personnaly feel guilty for that.

I like the way you construct this project and enjoy most part of it. I'm not a big fan of too mechanical manips but your work on the manual is really cool for me. I like the details you put in your texts. I'm not a natural English speaker too (as you can easily see ;) ), and I envy your style ... And your courage to make such long texts in English (don't misunderstand me : I do not think they are too long).
The Ceo's interview is also great for me, but after it I feel like we're missing the Interview of a Cindy "itself"...

I like your concepts so far and I do hope I'm not the only one lurking silently for the next part ;)

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Re: Fembot User Manual

Post by Kube² » Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:15 pm

Hey !
Upload the first 10 pages of the manual, including the complete interview

enjoy !



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Re: Fembot User Manual

Post by Kube² » Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:17 pm

McLane wrote:
The Ceo's interview is also great for me, but after it I feel like we're missing the Interview of a Cindy "itself"...

I like your concepts so far and I do hope I'm not the only one lurking silently for the next part ;)
Ok, that's a good idea I will work on "it" interview

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Re: Fembot User Manual

Post by Lithorien » Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:45 pm

It could just be that there's not a lot of interest in what you're doing. You have to learn to motivate yourself first, and be able to create just on that. If other people enjoy what you do - great! If not - great!

Relying on others for motivation is a quick way to ruin.

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Re: Fembot User Manual

Post by Kube² » Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:54 pm

Lithorien wrote:there's not a lot of interest in what you're doing. You have to learn to motivate yourself first...
All these manips and texts represent enough work on my side to think I already know how to motivate myself first !

I can do it just for myself, and keep it for myself, but because I'm an active member of a community, and because of the time needed to build and realize this project, I think it might be possible to take into account the expectations and the advices of people.

Just get it, I try to do something different and I would like to do it in a different way : by getting people involved in it.
This is why I would appreciate more feedback.
And you give me a feedback about myself, I don't ask for a feedback about myself, I ask for a feedback about the work.

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Re: Fembot User Manual

Post by Grendizer » Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:39 pm

Excellent presentation, Kube². You should be proud of your work. It could look good as a website too. When you are finished, I'd like to offer to edit the script (for grammar etc.). If you want to, just PM me the final result.

Keep it up!
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Re: Fembot User Manual

Post by darkbutflashy » Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:16 pm

Nice! Nothing more to say. Nice! Nice!
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Re: Fembot User Manual

Post by xBOT » Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:20 am

Hey Kube, awesome work!

I haven't been on FC for a while, but I'm totally blown away by your work!
I second the offer of helping out with some editing. (I used to work for a newspaper as an editor, so I can do editing, and layout)

If there's any other way I could be of help, PM me and let me know!

Keep up the great work!

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Re: Fembot User Manual

Post by Kube² » Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:20 am

thanks to all,

Specially for Grendizer and Xbot, any kind of help is welcome, so if you want to help for grammar or design and editing and so on, it's ok !
If you want to use it for a web site it is also ok.

After, there is some technical details.
I'm using Photshop elements, if you want to help me on this, it will be a lot easier if you can read .psd files.
I can share the .psd files, but they are all around 4 Mo each , this is too much to share on the wiki.

I really wonder if it would be possible (Robotman) to use the send box section (wich is now empty) for sharing these .psd files. Is it possible to level the size limit to 5 Mo for this section ? If not what do you propose ?

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Re: Fembot User Manual

Post by xBOT » Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:36 am

I do have a copy of Adobe Creative Suite 5, which means I can open Photoshop without issue.
However, I find that Adobe Indesign is much better for making the sort of project you're doing...
Indesign is more for publication layouts, so you can make PDF files where you can zoom in and the text will still be very clear.
It's also a lot easier to move things around!

If you want, I can make a temporary space on my server for you to connect and upload your files to. Once you've uploaded the files, I can try do some editing and layout for you. :)

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Re: Fembot User Manual

Post by gynoneko » Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:09 pm

I haven't really said anything before, because I hate to hurt feelings... and by all means keep doing what you do because you enjoy doing it and others here enjoy seeing it, but I can't help but cringe at some of this. Sorry if it sounds rough. I used to do professional image editing and manipulation, and I would love to help, and I know I haven't shown anyone my work here before, but I don't do manips for fun like this. I have thought about it, and I probably could, (maybe someday I will,) but I just don't have the time for that right now. On the other hand, I can give you some advice.

For starters, if you are using Photoshop elements for the manips themselves, stop. It is too limited, WAY too limited. You should use Photoshop (don't bother with the extended edition unless you actually do use it for 3D work, since that is the only difference). You should use Adobe InDesign to do the page layout, since this is exactly what it is designed for. I have used Photoshop for this type of thing in the past, but InDesign is just better. (However, since you have taken it this far, you might want to consider just leaving it as is.) You should pay attention to the posture of the figures also. The one girl you manipulated a lot on page 3 seems to lean forward in an unnatural and uncomfortable way. Her head and neck are just too far forward. Since she has no hair, it only makes it look that much more obvious. Try following an "S" curve in her spine, and make her neck and head balance better between her ankles in a triangle shape. Her left leg is twisted so her knees point the same direction, but her feet point in two different directions... this means she has a broken foot or leg. I can tell you just cloned (or rather copy/pasted) the one leg so it is in there twice, you actually need the legs at 2 different positions for a believable stance. That means 2 legs, (not a flipped version of the same leg either).
Also the electronics need more shading and better attention to perspective so allow it to "integrate" better in the figure.
(Personally, I would take several pictures of the same model from the same photo session with the same lighting and make a new image. You should use tools like liquify, transform warp and skew, and the perspective tool to make the electronics fit the figure's angle and position better. I would also use burn and dodge to darken/lighten things, and add edges, or 'bevels' to the joints between the body and the electronics, in order to add a sense of it being recessed inside the body. Masking and the heal and stamp brushes are excellent tools for manips like this as well.)
Finally, if you want people to see this, you should save it as a JPEG for web viewing, and a PDF as well (which can be viewed on the web, but ask Robotman if this site supports the format). You should never upload or give anyone your PSD unless you expect them to edit your image. The PSD file is only for while you are working on it, you always export to a different format. Professionally, TIFF is the format of choice for images, since it is uncompressed and industry standard. But PDF is the ideal for a document since it is perfect for print. Finally JPEG has become standard for web viewing. Keep your PSD only for yourself to preserve your layers and alpha channels.

Really, I am not trying to upset anyone. I am giving you critical feedback. These are for your benefit, so you can get better, and make something that is more convincing later. As it is, you have done a lot of work, and it shows. It looks good in many aspects, such as the page layout and concept development, but I feel this is your weakest point, so I am giving you this in the hopes you will improve. Really, keep up the good work, and I hope you take my suggestions to heart. I am willing to help if you want, but my time is very limited so I'm not sure how much I can do right now.
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Re: Fembot User Manual

Post by Grendizer » Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:58 pm

As a graphic artist myself, I would second most of what gynoneko said, and caution everyone to not take critiques (as opposed to unhelpful criticism) personally. We are trying to help make everything better (because everyone can do better), even if everyone is just doing this for fun. That is a noble thing, and doesn't reflect on anyone personally. Now, I'll add that if this project were more the size of a pamphlet I would actually use Adobe Illustrator, but with the amount of text, gynoneko is right about In Design.
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Re: Fembot User Manual

Post by Kube² » Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:14 am

No problem this is exactly what I was asking for, constructive critisism !

I will try to answer fastly on some aspect

if you are using Photoshop elements for the manips themselves, stop. It is too limited, WAY too limited. You should use Photoshop (don't bother with the extended edition unless you actually do use it for 3D work, since that is the only difference). You should use Adobe InDesign to do the page layout, since this is exactly what it is designed for
I use Photoshop element because I know it, A LOT. It is not so limited, sure there is a lot better, but I don't I have the time to learn a new tool. Using Indesign for the page is something more acceptable because I have no experience on any tools similar. Also I don't want to pay for a tool, I don't want to stole it too.
You should never upload or give anyone your PSD unless you expect them to edit your image.
This is precisely what I am expecting.
The thing you have to understand is that, I want to keep kube² and my real life stricly separated, this mean that I have accepted a long time ago that every thing I do as kube² is "useless" to my real life. I won't never have any direct benefits from this work, so people can edit it, stole it, change it, claims that is their own work, I don't care.
Try following an "S" curve in her spine, and make her neck and head balance better between her ankles in a triangle shape. Her left leg is twisted so her knees point the same direction, but her feet point in two different directions... this means she has a broken foot or leg. I can tell you just cloned (or rather copy/pasted) the one leg so it is in there twice, you actually need the legs at 2 different positions for a believable stance. That means 2 legs, (not a flipped version of the same leg either).
Yeah that's useful because I get use to the manip and I don't see this kind of things anymore. I try to improve page 3, is this better ?


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Re: Fembot User Manual

Post by xBOT » Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:47 am

Hey Kube, I sent you a PM. ;)

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