Who likes being a techno-sexual?

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Do you like being a techno-sexual?

Poll ended at Mon Sep 29, 2003 8:15 am

Both yes and no (Specify below which is greater)
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Who likes being a techno-sexual?

Post by Sega-boy » Thu Sep 04, 2003 8:04 am

Brueckmann posed the question in another string.

I thought that I would start a new string here and add a poll.


It's not being a techno-sexual that bothers me, it's being unable to indulge in the fetish because of its unusual and/or embarassing nature.

I sure wouldn't want to discuss it with anyone I know.

Thankfully, sex is something I've been able to enjoy without the fetish, but obviously, I've wanted to experiment with it.

I certainly would have liked to have tried it out with the last two girlfriends I've been with, but with every opportunity, I've copped out, gotten cold-feet or whatever you want to call it.

A few years ago, a girl I visited regularly who was from my workplace was telling me about Garbage's The World is not Enough music video (when it was new). I couldn't help but get excited when she brought up the Shirley Manson robot. I told her that it was my all-time favorite video to date, but of course, I didn't elaborate as to why.

I was more interested in scoring that afternoon, and didn't want to sabotage my chances by begging her to role-play as a robot for me. Not to mention, I had my reputation to think of in case she would go and tell everybody at our workplace about my strange request. So I can relate somewhat, although I can't say that I have girls throwing themselves at me right now, like Brueckmann does :wink: .

Another anecdote with keeping secret around friends.

Last weekend, I was hanging with the guys and they flipped on Buffy:TVS and I finally got to see a Buffybot episode, but I had to feign disinterest.

In fact, I had been wanting to get that episode on tape for quite a while but here I had to sit quietly and act indifferent towards it.

Plus, one of my friends said something like... "There's even a Buffybot running around on this show, (like that's a bad thing I guess) proving there are no cliches they haven't used."

Well, that may be true, but as we all know: When it comes to fembots, television needs more and more and more.
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I couldn't've said it any better!

Post by droidlvr » Thu Sep 04, 2003 8:49 am

I couldn't've said it any better! Now this is an intresting poll as always when trying to reflect on the when,what and why concerning technosexuals :oops:

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Post by Brueckmann » Thu Sep 04, 2003 12:24 pm

Who likes being a techno-sexual?
My answer to this question is pretty clearly implied in “Very True”. So far, I’m the only one to poll a “No.”
Can anyone deny that fundamentally, it creates difficulties in the sphere of our personal lives?

Being a technosexual is the same as being part of any other deviant subculture of Western society, in that it separates one from the rest of the population. Of course, unlike like most other deviant subcultures (bikers, ravers, Goths, eco-terrorists, etc.) we technosexuals have no choice. Technophilia can’t be turned off. No one can simply decide not to be a technosexual anymore.
We can’t be conformists even if we want to.

Also, most other subcultures come complete with a major support structure to provide a sense of inclusiveness and belonging, whereas there is little support available to technosexuals; we’ve only got each other.

Stay close.

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Post by href » Thu Sep 04, 2003 3:19 pm

Brueckmann wrote:Who likes being a techno-sexual?
Can anyone deny that fundamentally, it creates difficulties in the sphere of our personal lives?
I can deny it. It used to create problems, BIG problems, but bringing it out into the open has changed my relationship with my girlfriend utterly for the better.

This being said, it is only Voodoo who knows, and she is sworn to total secrecy. In that respect i'm very lucky because I know she understands the gravity of the situation and would never say anything.
Apart from her, no-one even suspects. After all, why should they? More importantly, why would I need to tell anyone else? Only bad can come from a 'public' exposure for the reasons stated in previous posts, and for no gain at all.

ASFR as I think of it is quite freaky, especially freaky to women who don't usually like to be objectified as a machine and asked to malfunction!!!
But there is nothing wrong with freaky is there? Hardcore S&M is quite freaky to me, and this is a light and accepted fetish.
Because ASFR/Technophilia is unknown compaired to most fetishes, its got that shock factor.


And things that shock people, tend to invoke the next bit



So, I am happy to be an ASFR freak, but only Voodoo knows. Otherwise I'm as boring and "normal" as the next chap. An undercover freak if you like.

Excellent thred

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Post by kb7rky » Thu Sep 04, 2003 7:13 pm

I had to go with the "middle of the road" answer.

Yes, it's good being a technosexual

No, it's bad because, as href said:
href wrote:Because ASFR/Technophilia is unknown compaired to most fetishes, its got that shock factor.


And things that shock people, tend to invoke the next bit

I elaborated on this in another thread about my ex-girlfriend/fiancee', though it was something far more personal that eventually drove us apart.

Would I share this with my next girlfriend? I don't honestly know if I should. To quote href, again:
href wrote:Only bad can come from a 'public' exposure for the reasons stated in previous posts, and for no gain at all.
If so be it that it has to remain 'in the closet', so to speak, then so be it. I'll feign disinterest if need be, because, as we're all aware, it takes just 'that one time', and you're stuck with a stigmatism you'll be fighting for years.
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Post by Korby » Thu Sep 04, 2003 10:52 pm

I had to go the fence-sitting route on this one. It's got its plusses and minuses.

On the one hand, I'm pretty cool with it; in fact, since discovering the online ASFR community I've been pretty relieved to know I ain' t the only one out there. For a lot of years, I figured I was pretty much a total freak.

On the other hand, I have to admit, sometimes I'm so wrapped up in the ASFR thing that--like Brueckmann--I have a hard time achieving sexual satisfaction without some kind of robot-fantasy element involved. That seems to come and go; sometimes its worse than others.

Href, I think it's terrific that you've been able to share the thing with Voodoo and it's worked out for the best. It gets me thinking that one of these days I might have to seriously consider explaining all this to my girlfriend. I've know her for years, and been friends with her long before we started dating... and she's very cool and understanding. I suspect she might not have a big problem with the situation... she's a pretty big SF/fantasy geek (like me), so she might see where I'm coming from. But... I don't think I'm quite ready yet. We've only been together a few months so far, and I'm not sure we've reached the right time for that kind of bombshell.

I also have to agree with the flip side of Href's comments. I absolutely dread anyone finding out about this particular quirk of mine. I have a lot of very dear, very accepting friends... but I think I'd just as soon not have this interest come to light.

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Post by tully » Fri Sep 05, 2003 8:53 am

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OK, here goes...

Post by fection » Fri Sep 05, 2003 10:19 am

I will also have to vote 'yes and no'.
There are times, particularly when viewing a 'gynoid' movie clip for the first time, when I am overcome with the most incredible sensation of elation and excited nervousness. That's the good part, and I aim to capture that feeling in anything I produce, ASFR-wise.
The bad part is.....
I don't agree with HREF (sorry, but each to his own, yeah?).
I have thought about this a lot and I think the reason I find gynoids 'exciting' is because of the absolute control I am allowed to believe I have. And why do I find absolute control arousing?
Because without it I am afraid. Without the control I can get hurt.
While this in itself does not make anything 'wrong' it is not a particularly fulfilling way to live. Life would be a lot more exciting if I were unafraid and could form genuine trust with someone. I am not saying that anyone who is interested in gynoids is like this. I am talking solely about myself. BUT......I think it's improtant NOT to immediately defend the position you WANT to hold. I try to analyse the reasons I think something (Impossible, I know, since you are the one thinking about your thinking, bringing in the whole Heisenberg thing, but hey).
So I continue pursuing this. And the more I pursue it, the more machine-like I find my thinking, which frankly is also a concern.
Sorry, I'll stop scaring everyone now. I'm fine really. It's just my head. Really, I'm fine. It's just my head....
(Well, it must be nice to know you're not the craziest one, Mirage).

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Post by stratonus » Fri Sep 05, 2003 1:43 pm

I'm not sure all of what the term "technosexual" entails, but if it involves finding gynoids attractive, then yes I do! To tell you the truth I don't have much of a problem telling people about it. I think it's because it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm into anime. My favorite anime love interest is Bloodberry from the series Saber Marionette J (she's on my avatar!), who just happens to be a gynoid! I think when I tell people this, (which just happens to be almost any anime fan I come across!) they probably get the hint! :wink: A lot of my close friends know about it and hell, even my mom knows I find them attractive! In fact, it's because of sites like gynoid.com and conversing with anime fans that I have so much courage now. Before I discovered the many wonders of the Intenet, I seriously thought I was the only one who was into this and I wasn't very vocal about it (although I never feigned disinterest, hence why my mom knows!). I think the other reason is because the specifics of what draws me into this fetish is a little easier for people to swallow. When you got people that are into cat people, vampires, angels, demons, etc. saying you like girls made of metal, fiberglass, or plastic doesn't seem all that weird! :roll: Ironically, I would say the thing I do have trouble with revealing to people is the fact that I happen to enjoy doll collecting. Only a few select people know about that little secret! I blame it on my family's very negative reaction to my early childhood interest in Barbies! And let's not forget the stigmas that come with such an interest! :roll: Sometimes I feel society would be more accepting to you guys than they would to doll collectors like me! :|
Sega-boy wrote:------------------------------------------------------------
Another anecdote with keeping secret around friends.

Last weekend, I was hanging with the guys and they flipped on Buffy:TVS and I finally got to see a Buffybot episode, but I had to feign disinterest.

In fact, I had been wanting to get that episode on tape for quite a while but here I had to sit quietly and act indifferent towards it.

Plus, one of my friends said something like... "There's even a Buffybot running around on this show, (like that's a bad thing I guess) proving there are no cliches they haven't used."

Well, that may be true, but as we all know: When it comes to fembots, television needs more and more and more.
It's funny you mentioned this, because my one friend is a huge Buffy fan and I went on this huge tirade on how much I hated how they treated Buffybot like crap the entire episode before she was trashed! I watched the one where Buffy came back from the dead and let me tell you, I was about as pissed off as the time they killed off Kendra! :evil:

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Post by ehy » Fri Sep 05, 2003 2:35 pm

Both, or maybe neither.

It's one part of who I am. I don't like it; I don't dislike it. I'm not proud of it; I'm not ashamed of it. It's just me. It hasn't caused me great angst; it hasn't caused me great joy. It absorbs a part of my life, but rarely more than I allow it to, and no more so than my other interests do. It's frustrating, in a way, because the ways I can act on it are limited - but hey, my interest in real women is frustrating too for the same reason. And when I'm able to write, or roleplay, it's definitely fun and satisfying.

If I got to pick whether to have this element in my next life (assuming there is one), I'd say no. If a genie offered to remove it... I'm not sure. I don't think I would. I've gotten used to it. It's part of who I am.

Who me? Well-adjusted?

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Post by Mirage » Fri Sep 05, 2003 5:41 pm

Intersting, most posts I agree with in some way.

Yes, I guess I am a technosexual, female androids always turned me on. But so does beautiful regular women too. My fetish never never played any part of my real sex life. When I told my wife about, she chuckled, made fun of me for a week, and the subject was never spoken again.
When we make love, she knows she is the one that excite me and not a some fetish of some kind.

She is not stupid too, she probrebly know I come to this site often. But she knows it's not something that affects my life directly. Same as me collecting Transformers toys. She finds it "cute" a grown man still buy toys.

Like HREF said, society will always shun from this fetish, I think. FREAK.
But you never know? Maybe making it taboo makes it more interesting?

I wonder what if technosexual was everywhere? Would we lose interest in it? Maybe?


PS: Fection, me crazy??? NEVER!!!!!! BAHHAAAAHAHAHAH... snap.

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YES I do:)

Post by ANDROID69 » Fri Sep 05, 2003 6:47 pm

Hey folks!!! Your ol pal A69 here.
I know its been a long time since I posted anything but me new is kicking my butt But I love it so thats what counts.
As for being a Technosexual, my answer is yes as well. So we like this fetish, who cares what anyone thinks right?? RIGHT because as long as we or you are happy, then screw what everyone thinks. & anyways, EVERYONE has a fetish of some-sort, they just don't all admit:) Laters folks, & hey I too am up role-playing, RP, & chats send me a message or email I'd love to here from anyone:) PETE#69/ANDROID69
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Post by tinyspider » Sat Sep 06, 2003 8:22 am

This thread makes me remind a little embarrasing anecdote, I want to share:
About 2 months ago I was assisting a client of my company in taking some pictures of the new hi-tech, hi-reflective protective synthetic clothes he was about to launch on a new website, so, attending my suggestion, he hired 2 models (male and female) and a profesional photographer to do the job. My labour was directing the poses and look of the models to assure the final image would reflect the concept about the product. We put a harness to the female model and hang her to the ceiling of the studio, to make her look like she was 'flying'. She was a complete babe, even with that baggy, neon-coloured overall and jacket, 2 sizes bigger than her, she looked sexy as hell. More than that, we put her a couple of tiny earphones and some cool protective glasses (like the ones Scully used to wear on x-files when she was making an autopsy). I started to direct the pose of the girl, something like "please raise up your hand like that, NEVER look at the camera, open your mouth a bit, spread a little bit your legs, blah blah blah". After a while, the client (a male) told me in a sarcastic mode "Hey, why are you posing her like that?, she look like a robot!!! ", man, I was shocked, I just sayed: "Er what?, no! what are you talking about?, she don't look like you say!, I'm just trying to reflect the 'techno' concept". That was the very first time I realized ASFR could disrupt my job! ha ha ha ha ha!

Unfortunately for me, the final photo don't look gynoid-esque.


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Post by stratonus » Sat Sep 06, 2003 7:57 pm

robotman wrote:I like it fine. This fetish was with me from a very early age. And I think part of the reason I have this fetish is because I've wanted to have a female companion since I was in kindergarten. Of course back then it wasn't sexual, but I still wanted to touch and kiss. In fact, that's the reason I'm so scared to approach women now, because I was always trying when I was little, and getting in trouble for it, and stopped from doing it. I was like Georgie-Porgie, who kissed the girls and made them cry. That's only relevant, because from the first time I saw "Kill Oscar" on TV when I was in grade 2, I wished that i could have robot copies of some of the girls I went to school with. Of course I understand why now.
I haven't told anyone about this fetish, but I think my family knows, and I might have even told my brother about it when I was a kid.
Come to think of it, there's one person who knows. I used to play with my neighbor's daughter in her playhouse in their backyard. One of the games we played was "The Secret Game" where I'd get her to act like a fembot, and call herself a fembot. She had fun doing it, and I had fun watching. But her parents found out and I wasn't allowed to play with her any more. They moved away soon after.
Wow, you basically described how I was in kindergarten! My interest for both human girls and robot girls started at about the age of four (I blame Small Wonder for this! :wink: ). Thankfully, I was never chastised (by authority figures, at least!) for chasing after the girls, which is probably the reason for being the raging bag of hormones I am today! ( just kidding! :lol: )

You also reminded me of a similar experience I had in third grade. She was new to our class, and I thought she that she was already pretty. Then I found out that she liked to act like a robot and she did so very often! Well then, I was definitely hooked! One interesting thing she did was if she got touched, she would press different areas of her face and body as if to reset herself. Needless to say, I touched her very often! :twisted: She even got another girl to act like a robot every so often when we were at recess! Unfortunately for me, MY family moved away and I never saw her again. I always used to tell people that third grade was one of the best school years I've ever had. I think I just figured out why..... :roll:

Ahhh.... good times, good times...... :mrgreen:

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Post by tully » Tue Sep 09, 2003 4:59 am

This may just be me...but I sort of feel like the question needs a bit more definition.

I didn't really "choose" to be a TS...a person doesn’t choose to be a homosexual, or afraid of the dark, or...well you get the picture.
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Post by serf » Wed Sep 10, 2003 4:47 pm

Okay, here's one of my anectdotes:

I was watching television a few years back with my girfriend at the time. Flipping through the channels, we came to the Sci-Fi Channel and the Bionic Woman was on and, yes, it was the "Fembots in Las Vegas" episode. This was before I had a computer, and I hadn't really thought about these fembots all that much over the years. Nonetheless, I was instantly taken back to the fanatasies I'd had about the fembots as well as the other TV and movie androids I'd encountered over time. I could tell that my girlfriend wanted to change the channel, but I was in control of the remote so we kept watching. Suddenly, we came to the moment where, I believe, Tammy Cross loses her faceplate. As I felt a slight surge in my loins, my girlfriend yelped, "Ewwww! Gross!"

Well, it's safe to say that I never got to telling that girlfriend about my interest in female androids!

A couple of years after that, the "Kill Oscar" episodes were aired and I managed to record various moments, but not the whole thing because my roommate came home unexpectantly and I had to change channels to avoid being 'outed.' Incidentally, some time afterwards I accidentally left my copy of "Renee's Robot Girls" in the VCR. My roommate never mentioned it to me, so I don't know if he watched it at all or not. That would certainly have been a strange introduction to the fetish for him.

I really didn't come to fully realize my interest in bots until-I assume like many others-I got a computer and typed "female android" into a search engine. I discovered this community and my enthusiasm has only grown for the most part. Since then, I only became uncomfortable with this fetish when I realized that I was keeping it a secret from my current girlfriend. I debated whether or not to tell her for months, but finally decided to come out with it. She has no problem with my fetish, she was honored that I told her of such a secret, and has even hinted at 'playing' my robot at times. We'll see what comes of that...

Overall, I really don't have a problem with being into female robots. I have no intention to tell anyone else about it, and I don't think I have to. Much like I don't care to know if one of my co-workers likes wear a collar, bark like a dog, and eat food out of a dish-for kicks.

So, I guess my answer would be a "yes."

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Post by Ice Queen » Thu Sep 11, 2003 2:22 am

Well, I'm coming at this from a female perspective, so I'm not sure if my reply will be totally superfluous to you all or not! Firstly, I'm straight - but yes, I can recognise the attraction of fembots. To be honest, I hadn't even realised that this was a "specific" fetish until I met my partner, 1024.
(Under duress, he told me - thinking that I would be incredibly shocked and dump him: but I just thought, "What's the problem? - Is that all"? (Let's face it, it's pretty innocent, even compared with some "accepted" fetishes).
My first partner (husband, actually) - was transsexual. Believe me, that is far more "disruptive" to a relationship as it's a full-time thing and the inevitable result (unlike transvestism) - is that the relationship ends, as you're both girls! (Just a thought, are there many transvestites among the ASFR community - ie: do any of you guys out there like to dress up as fembots yourselves)?
Back to the topic, I think a lot of origins of the technosexual thing are to do with "control". Everyone needs to have control in their life, but many people don't even think about it, because their lives and relationships already "feel" under control. It's when life's a mess, when you have difficulties in relating to other people, etc that you start addressing the control issue. I remember being 18 and going to see "Return to the Forbidden Planet" with a boyfriend who. I knew to be on the verge of chucking me. The heroine fell in love with the robotman, whom she could control, because she couldn't achieve the love of the Captain, a normal human being. I thought, I wish I could do that - have someone that I could control, who would never leave me. (I'd always had real problems in making friends and even getting along with people. I have Asperger Syndrome, as do a lot of others in our community, I notice - including my partner 1024).
I know it's difficult, as there's still a lot of prejudice around re anyone who's a bit "different" - and this is one fetish that hasn't "come out of the closet", so you probably mention it at your peril. But, I just want to say that even if you can't tell anyone - don't be ashamed of what you are. When you consider most "normal" people, who are they to judge anyway.
If you can tell anyone (and I'd only recommend telling those close to you) - you may be (pleasantly) surprised by their reaction. :wink: [/i]
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Post by tully » Thu Sep 11, 2003 5:23 am

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Post by Chyrsalis7 » Mon Dec 08, 2003 5:27 pm

Hello Friends~ This is my first post.

This is a very appropriate thread for me to debut on ~ you see, I am here because the man I love shares in this fantasy.
When he told me, I think that he was almost sure that I was going to leave him; that I would be shocked and think he was deviant.
I will say in all honesty that it was different to me.....something I was not familiar with..however the more we talked about it the more his fantasy began to excite me. Seeing him excited......does the same thing for me. I joined FC to learn as much as I can to make him happy.
I find this "fetish" fascinating.....and also endearing. To me there is something very innocent about a man simply wanting a woman to "be made just for him"........I know every feminist on the planet would like to shoot me for this.but I am an old-fashioned girl who likes the idea of "living to please".
So here I am..............I wish all of you every happiness in life~

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chysalis I like you...

Post by droidlvr » Mon Dec 08, 2003 5:34 pm

chysalis I like you, who ever you are. I really do. :D

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Post by Baron » Mon Dec 08, 2003 5:47 pm

Chyrsalis7 wrote:Hello Friends~ This is my first post.

This is a very appropriate thread for me to debut on ~ you see, I am here because the man I love shares in this fantasy.
When he told me, I think that he was almost sure that I was going to leave him; that I would be shocked and think he was deviant.
I will say in all honesty that it was different to me.....something I was not familiar with..however the more we talked about it the more his fantasy began to excite me. Seeing him excited......does the same thing for me. I joined FC to learn as much as I can to make him happy.
I find this "fetish" fascinating.....and also endearing. To me there is something very innocent about a man simply wanting a woman to "be made just for him"........I know every feminist on the planet would like to shoot me for this.but I am an old-fashioned girl who likes the idea of "living to please".
So here I am..............I wish all of you every happiness in life~
Well said!! Welcome to our little corner of insanity, BTW..... :wink:
Your lover man must be one lucky dude............ :mrgreen:
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Post by keraptis » Tue Dec 09, 2003 11:10 am

Chrys, first of all welcome to the board ... I hope some of what you see here is useful to you in "getting into the role." :)

Your S.O. is extremely lucky to have someone like you who can indulge, and enjoy, his fantasies. That may seem "old fashioned" in some ways ... but it seems to me that the stereotypically inhibited "old school" woman of generations past wouldn't have a prayer of pulling it off. I think it takes a woman with lots of self-confidence and self-awareness to convincingly become her man's fantasy, without it being obvious that she's just going through the motions. That's true if the role she plays is "dominant," "submissive," both, or neither ... and true if the fantasy is about robots or anything else.

The reverse, of course, is also true. It takes a "real" man to indulge his woman's secret fantasies too! Here's hoping, for your sake, that he can give as good as he gets! :lol:

Hope to see you around in the future!

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A technosexual,moi!Most definitely!

Post by Stephaniebot » Tue Dec 09, 2003 12:24 pm

On this matter I think without doubt I'm a yes,I guess its just how u define the yes with me!So lets cover a few options and have some fun, from a girls perspective.
The one aspect no one seems to have mentioned on a quick trawl through this forum is the one in an old film 'The demon seed' if I remember rightly where Julie Christie was made pregnant by a computer or something (details a bit hazy,but I'm sure 1 or 2 around here can fill them in) which I suppose is slightly like a woman being made love to by a robot.An interesting idea I guess,and I do wonder how any of the women would feel about the idea of being sexually taken by a robot themselves?Would certainly be an interesting experience I guess,presumably restrained and about to be 'taken' by a robot cock.Dont know how I would feel,but might be fun to find out!
The more popular way of looking at this,the female as the robot I guess (especially given the site name) certainly is a heavenly idea to me whether acting the role,and perhaps dressed(or even body painted) for the role might be a true robotic experience,what a lovely idea.Put it this way its something that appeals to me terribly much.Suppose it would be even more of a turn on if I was restrained like a sleeping robot and to have my partner take me while in 'standby mode' I think.
The other thing I think most around here will realise I would enjoy is for want of a better term 'transformation sex',the human captured and transformed into a fembot,at least in this case at least partially a sexbot would be a glorious way of doing it to me.naturally sex is not high on my priorities in life,but I think even I could enjoy it done this way.Of course true fembotisation would be even better as far as I'm concerned!
So to sum up I am definitely a technosexual and proud of it!
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Joined: Tue Jun 18, 2002 1:52 am
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Why is this freaky

Post by barakuda » Thu Dec 11, 2003 4:11 pm

There are so many fetishes other crazy things people are into i dont see this has being crazy. Unless your so into that you cant have a normal life besides it. Has long has yopu have balance it shpuldnt be a freaky thing. I bet a lot people that are saying this freaky are into a fetish of there own. I have couplsd girls i talk to online say its its not freaky everone has there own thing. and one wanted me tpo explain whats it was all about. Its so hard to explain qwhy i like gynoids or fembots. But i dont consider it freaky. anfd think lots people calling freaky is like the pot calling ketlle black. Just has long has you havre balance and lead a regular life out side . But thats anything you get to involved then its goes beyond normal.But otherwise this is not freaky


Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Nov 13, 2003 8:01 am

Post by Chyrsalis7 » Wed Feb 18, 2004 6:40 am

I have said before in my first post that this fetish is not unusual. My man enjoys and admires women ......so why not be in search of the ultimate in perfection? I just consider it an honor that he favors "me" and if I role play it gets him extremely excited.......which gets ME extremely excited........which gets him even MORE excited....Uh-oh......I'm stuck in a loop....... :lol:

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