Voice Sample, Blog Entries, Phone, Commission-able

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Voice Sample, Blog Entries, Phone, Commission-able

Post by GalianaChance » Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:57 pm

Voice sample:
http://psophotos.net/galianachance/voic ... Sample.mp3

Blog Post about the voice sample:
http://galianachance.blogspot.com/2011/ ... ample.html

And overall search to find all my ASFR-related blog posts, even when I add more in the future:
http://galianachance.blogspot.com/searc ... chnosexual

I'm a phone sex operator (thus the posting in "Commercial Updates"), but the voice sample is free. I consider it a marketing tool, sure, but also a fun way to say THANK YOU VERY much for how incredibly much fun I've been having interacting with you guys and gals! :D /blowkiss

I am available for commission for personalized scripts / stories / recordings (your script or mine). Please contact me to discuss rates, as they will vary greatly depending on the size of the project, and whether or not I can re-sell it to others. For example, a 15-minute recording from your script would be $25 if I could re-sell it, $50 if I could not.

And just in case someone wants the transcription / script of the voice sample, here it is, in all its maybe-I-amuse-myself-too-much glory (if you don't want spoilers for the voice sample, then stop reading here and listen to the sample first...):

Hello. Welcome to Galiana Chance Robotics.

In addition to your choice of more than 300 sexual subroutines, each model comes with the following options, adjustable from the menu "Body Modifications", sub-menu, "vocal settings"

Submenu "Robot Mode" may be set to Monotone or Emotionless.

Sample for setting: "Monotone": I am Galiana Chance. I am a fully functional sex android for your pleasure. I am awaiting your command.

Setting: "Emotionless" is being used for this demonstration.

The "Human Mode" has many settings.

Sample for "Ditzy Nymphomaniac": Oh my God, you're sooooooo big and sooooo strong!

Sample for setting "Mature Seductress": It looks like you might have gotten some whipped cream on your finger — hold on just a minute, honey, let me get that for you...

Sample for setting "Undercover Espionage": Look. We have 2 minutes and 12 seconds to stop the temperature from rising before the malfunction becomes catastrophic, so quit whining and think!

Sample for setting "Smart Fun Girlfriend": Valentine's Day is a lovely event for the chocolate and floral industries. I mean, don't get me wrong, I support capitalism as much as the next good patriotic American, but I think it would be more romantic to watch "The Perfect Mate" together… y'know, Star Trek, TNG... Riker goes, "I'll be on holodeck 3..."

Please inquire with customer service if you desire a setting which has not been demonstrated, including an accent, a pitch modification, a speed modification, or any other request. An add-on may be available to suit your needs.

Please inquire with add-on service if you desire a customer modification… Please inquire with demonstrated accent if you suit a request… Please in… Please inquirrrrr… Please inquirrrrr… Malfunction… Malfunction… Corruption in "vocal settings demonstration" subroutine. Unit SFG40 full shutdown imminent. I am Galiana. I am an android. I rrrrrr… zzzt … I am Galiana. I am rrrrrr… zzzt… Malfunction. An android. I am an. Malfunction. I am an an. I ammm annnnnndrrrr…

Oh, um, hi! Sorry about that folks! We, ummm, you know what? We will get you a new tour guide in just a second, if you could just step to the side there and let that other group pass, that would be great. Oh, thanks! (Could we get a replacement SFG-unit to sector 6 now?) Oh yes, sorry about that.

Thank you very much!
Galiana Chance: Professional phone sex operator with a theater & technical background, trying to improve my role play skills for technosexual callers.
Relevant blog posts: http://galianachance.net/blog/category/technosexual/

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Post by GalianaChance » Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:17 pm

Kishin wrote:I just listened to the voice sample.

Now I have to go change my pants. :shock:
/squeeeeee This made me so happy, Kishin, thanks :D

It's one thing to think you've done a good thing, but the minutes between when you hit "Submit" and when you get some positive feedback can feel loooooong indeed.

So glad you liked it!
Galiana Chance: Professional phone sex operator with a theater & technical background, trying to improve my role play skills for technosexual callers.
Relevant blog posts: http://galianachance.net/blog/category/technosexual/


Post by KingJeremy » Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:44 pm

Good stuff indeed! It's significantly better (if that's possible) when you call and it gets customized to your scenario and there's that interaction.

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Post by General » Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:21 pm

I have to agree. This was an excellent reading; you got the inflections in the various voice modes very precise. For instance the difference between the emotionless and monotone is subtle but very much present.

Thank you very much for posting the sample. I think it may do a lot for you business wise. One can listen to this and use it almost like a menu, commanding one mode to the next with a common frame of reference.

I may have to revisit some scenes from my stories and see if they would be worthy of a commission.

Thanks again.

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Post by jakeCTom » Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:03 pm

That was really good. I think you have pretty much nailed it. I could listen to you talk all day. Not just you talking about being a fembot (which is awesome)but if you just read "The Great Gatsby" I would listen to it. You have a gift. Thank you for your interest in our thing here. I can tell you are very creative and I believe we are lucky to have you here.

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Post by wjbaines » Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:02 pm

What an unlooked for surprise on a Monday! Just fantastic, Galiana.

I really appreciate that you donated such a *nice* bit of media to our community, free-of-charge. I checked out your related blog post, and I agree that this was probably the smart move. My prediction is that, having gained the confidence of the board so dramatically (and successfully, if you ask me), you'll reap dividends.

One of the things to understand about our fetish is that all comers in terms of content-providers largely have a captive market. Several inventive and energetic entrepreneurs have very successfully made reputations in our community -- they do it right, the key being good response to feedback. We here greedily snap up ANYthing we can possibly find, such is the overall shortage of good material out there. A much larger number of outfits, however, have dabbled in a half-ass manner in ASFR, made a few bucks off of credulous victims, and then booked... a lose-lose, if you ask me.

I am most impressed with what you have presented. It shouldn't take much, I don't think, for you and the community here to establish a mutually benefitial relationship. For my part... I uh... I might try to write a little script or something myself.

Again: hat's off!

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Post by GalianaChance » Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:45 pm

KingJeremy: Thank you for the vote of confidence! I love the rush of participating in someone else's story in real-time role play over the phone. Of course, there's a higher risk of fumbling words or forgetting if the Fembot on my left is named Malorie or Melissa... (d'oh!), but hopefully the real-time energy makes up for those shortcomings.

General: Thank you! I'm so glad you can hear the difference with the monotone v emotionless. I can only maintain monotone for about 15-20 minutes before my voice starts cracking, so in real-time, hopefully, if I'm with a monotone-preference partner, he (or she! I'd love a she!) doesn't mind if I switch back and forth.

... And yes, the menu idea is exactly what I was going for - thank you! I can do a bazillion voices, and I never get to play with them all, so it occurred to me that this voice sample was a fun time to pull out a few. I look forward to the commission project if you choose that path, but even if you don't, thank you TONS for the affirmation! I was nervous...

jakeCTom: Yeah, but the Great Gatsby is an awesome book... and didn't Bill Hicks do that once to his audience? Anyway... Thank you! What fantastic compliments about my voice / gifting / creativity! And would it be too crass to point out that "nailing it" is exactly what I'm hoping for? Probably... :roll: (Way to keep it classy, Chance)

wjbaines: Thank you! I was/am really really paranoid about not appearing like an uncaring capitalist. Even if I don't pick up new customers, I have really enjoyed the customers I have worked with so far, so I also wanted to kind of give them a ... ummm ... a boost.

Thank you, too, for saying I've gained the confidence of the board. It means a lot to me. I just hope someone lets me know if I mis-step. Having a relatively rare fetish is hard enough without having outsiders be jerks (accidental or otherwise).

Of course I can't guarantee that I'll continue to be a phone sex provider forever (because life is inherently uncertain and I seem to change careers every 5-7 years, but I'm only 6 months in...), but I can guarantee that while I am, I will continue to welcome opportunities to lend my voice to the community. Well, I guess technically that should be "rent my voice".

As with General, of course I hope you do commission something from me, or call me real-time, but even if not, thank you so much for the thoughtful encouragement!

Robotman: Yay I made you drool and have evil thoughts! I'm so glad I'm not letting you down. Hopefully I'm also not wearing you out with my paranoid questions... Thanks again for everything!
Galiana Chance: Professional phone sex operator with a theater & technical background, trying to improve my role play skills for technosexual callers.
Relevant blog posts: http://galianachance.net/blog/category/technosexual/

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Post by jakeCTom » Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:49 am

Yeah, but the Great Gatsby is an awesome book... and didn't Bill Hicks do that once to his audience? Anyway... Thank you! What fantastic compliments about my voice / gifting / creativity! And would it be too crass to point out that "nailing it" is exactly what I'm hoping for? Probably... (Way to keep it classy, Chance)

Anytime, sport. :wink:

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Post by Lithorien » Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:17 am

This is a wonderful example of voice acting for the ASFR community. Thank you for your example, and I have to applaud you on your talents. :) Well done!

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Post by Keizo » Tue Jan 25, 2011 3:41 pm

Agreed. First class voice acting (the emotionless was very nice indeed) and after reading your blog, your improving skills are amazing. Thanks for sharing.

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Post by GalianaChance » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:56 am

GalianaChance wrote:Yeah, but the Great Gatsby is an awesome book... and didn't Bill Hicks do that once to his audience?

Eeeep, it was Andy Kaufman. "Google before send" fail. :oops: I love that you've given me a nickname, jakeCTom - a friend of the family called me "sport" to mock my complete lack of interest in athletic events involving the meticulous tracking of spherical objects in motion. Great. Now I have the urge to make a joke about balls. Maybe someone should cut off my access after midnight.

Lithorien: Thank you for the applause, good sir! /curtsy

Keizo: Thank you so much! Is it weird that when I'm on a phone sex call, before I start talking in emotionless mode, I have to tilt my head and unfocus my stare? (that sounds like just a horrible cruel tease, and maybe it is a little, but in this case, it's also true - I have little physical triggers for accents and voices).

But seriously, thank you. And especially for reading my blog. I pour a lot of myself there, and I love it when new people drop by and enjoy what they find.
Galiana Chance: Professional phone sex operator with a theater & technical background, trying to improve my role play skills for technosexual callers.
Relevant blog posts: http://galianachance.net/blog/category/technosexual/

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