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Post by andoroido » Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:25 am

I don't mind men in the pron, as long as they keep generally out of the way and aren't distractingly ugly (a huge weakness of Japan's pron, ugly, slobbering, moaning, mewling J guys, I guess the typical otaku-geek is supposed to sympathize with?..anyway, that's another topic)

Having a dude does open up a bunch of new malfunction possibilities.
Is there any ASFR fan who doesn't want to see a "real" and long, building-up malfunction during sex, with a final breakdown at the end? Isn't that like the Holy Grail of ASFR? ;)

The other big factor for me is that a dude interacting with the girls means Frank can keep the camera steady. (I hope) When a girl does something really cool and robotic, but the camera is pointing at her belly button or elbow, it is very frustrating.

Aside from that: I guess I'd like to see more blending the malfunction into whatever else the girl is doing (actually it's been getting better)
So, instead of a few minutes of touching herself, and then freezing up or malfucntioning totally, and then getting better and going back to touching herself like a human, I'd like to see her having fun with herself and malfunctioning at the same time. Keep doing both at the same time like not being able to stop is part of the malfunction. (Here, I suppose having a second person makes it easier for the robot to have both the pleasure and the malfunction at the same time.)
Or keep the human voice and emotion but with the technical words. gives the girls another option for the acting which some of us might like, at no extra effort either.

I love scenes where the girl doesn't just say the standard robot phrases "I am malfunctioning" but sounds more like a human, surprised and wondering what's wrong. I'd like to see the blend between the two, a self-aware robot. So she talks like a human and KNOWS she's a robot, and knows she's malfunctioning so she might say something like "I'm overheating a bit, but I think I can keep going for a few min-min-minutes if you want me to-to-to." or "Please, let me stop, my legs are freezing up and I think I'll overload soon." in a human voice. So, probably almost like some of the hypno material, except she knows she's a robot and uses those technical terms.

Anyway, just ideas for ya.

But on a serious note, I partake of other sites' stuff too, the camera work on many fetish sites and cam-girls is gettting much better recently. To be honest, other sites' limited but growing robo-offerings take priority over Frank's stuff because the video is always in focus and steady, and the shots are blocked correctly. They tend to get more repeat plays on my PC.
Still, my most played ASFR stuff is the PG-rated stuff from Hollywood movies and TV, because the camerawork is good, I can see the girls' ASFR moves,even if it's not much. I'd much rather depend on Frank's work, but can't.

I know at the end of the day, once the money is paid, it doesn't really matter to the producers if the video has repeat-viewing, but just thought I'd float it out there.

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Post by hypno1 » Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:05 am

Hello again,

thank you all for your latest comments and suggestions. I think you have made your point regarding some of the camera work and as I mentioned we are working on using the tripod more. I do not agree with your last statement Quote I know at the end of the day, once the money is paid, it doesn't really matter to the producers if the video has repeat-viewing, but just thought I'd float it out there.
We have spent a considerable amount of time and effort into producing the robot segments. We have tried to make them better over time and use more of your suggestions and ideas. The models get paid extra to do the above mentioned segments of our weekly updates. Producing the fembot/robot segments also reduces the amount of hypno segments per update and it has caused quite a stir among our hypno fans. We spend most of our wardrobe budget on the robot/fembot costumes. All that plus editing and coming up with different scenarios, backgrounds and props does take a lot of our time.
Looking at the emails I have received, it seems like many of you agree that the quality of the clips, movement, speech, dialogue and so on, has greatly improved over time. Of course everybody has a different taste and opinion about all that.
What is important to me at the end of the day is to be able to look at myself in the mirror and say I have done the best I could.
To keep a niche fetish site going is not as easy as some of you might think and it is understandable that some people think we have huge budgets for our productions, which in all reality is not the case. I have seen a number of posts in which the idea of making a $10.000 robot movie, was discussed. So far I have not seen any of those projects come through.
The reason why I wanted to mention all this is simply to say that we always tried our best and never took it lightly.
It looks like we will be taking a break from producing the robot content for a while. We have a couple more segments which are already produced. Maybe we will produce a segment here and there. Time will tell.

Thank you


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Post by eyebore » Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:26 pm

I am sorry to here that you may stop producing robot-themed videos. It’s a shame considering how far the clips have come since you started them at the beginning of last year. In fact the recent Allie clips turned out quite well in my opinion. She did a nice job with her voice and mannerisms. The new studio really lends itself to a variety of new script ideas, The fact that you were able to use the office furniture to create a more convincing environment, was a nice change from the old days when you were limited to standing the girl in front a couch. The attention you have given to backdrop in recent videos has not gone unnoticed. I have to rent commercial studio space from time to time and I am quite aware of the significant financial investment you must of made in securing your new location. The set with Megan and the three other actors had a lot going for it and you new effort to incorporate more props and special effects are a nice touch. I think you have discovered a number of actresses that seem to really have a knack for robotic acting or perhaps just acting in general. I believe these girls are likely to deliver strong performances for you in the future and could be helpful in coaching other girls, on the occasions you had a script calling for more than one actress. Gisselle, Kendra, Kina, Bailee, Electra, Leah Wild, Heather, Niki, Marie, Megan, and several that I can’t recall of the top of my head have all turned out nice performances. If any of my comments have influenced your decision to discontinue the production of robot-themed videos, I ask you to please reconsider. I still look forward to your weekly updates, and offered my advice in the hope that it would help increase your sales, thus making your ASFR videos more profitable. As for comments regarding camera work, hand-held is tricky for anyone, I work in the broadcast industry so tend to be over critical on technical matters, and I forget that not everybody has access to a ten thousand dollar steady cam.
I hope that you will continue provide videos for our group, but I wish you well regardless of your decision.

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Post by visceralpsyche » Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:43 am

hypno1 wrote:I have seen a number of posts in which the idea of making a $10.000 robot movie, was discussed. So far I have not seen any of those projects come through.
It's early days Frank :wink: But I work in the industry and own professional cinema equipment so that part is well covered! :)

Raising that kind of money isn't easy in this economic climate, I'll grant you. However, I am making headway towards raising at least $5,000 which would get the first one "in the can". Once that occurs and people get to see what all the buzz is about, I'm fairly certain I can drum up more support for future episodes.

If something comes through in the next couple of weeks or so I might have a nice surprise for everyone here in the form of very cool news. Fingers crossed, can't say anything yet sorry.

BTW Frank, I sent you a PM, did you get it?



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Hello again

Post by hypno1 » Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:07 am

Hello again,

sorry I have not been checking in for a while but as usual I am behind on my work.
As you all know I have always been open to constructive criticism and no eyebore, your comments certainly did not upset me at all.
As to the high dollar productions I mentioned, I was merely trying to say that I would like them to manifest because I am sure that I would love to watch them myself.

We received a number of emails asking us to continue producing our affordable weekly fun, meaning our weekly fembot/robot segments.

Well, if we do we will change a few things and again your input is always welcome.

Thanks again and I hope you enjoyed Lacy Lynn, I think she did a good job. Let me know.

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Post by andoroido » Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:41 am

Thought I'd try to remind myself and others of only the good things. Even if we have some issues, Frank is doing a lot right.

Frank defintely puts out a lot of material, and regularly updates every single week for how long? Over a year now?
This already puts him far ahead of almost any other site geared to hypno and the like.

Add in that he puts out at least 2 hours of material a week, and now has easily over 1000 hours of stuff. Even if you only are interested in 10% of the footage, and only 1% of it really gets it right for you, that's still a lot.

The girls might not all be to my taste, but compared to many of the other fetish sites...the girls are usually better looking [or at least not hideously ugly], sometimes even getting girls who can make a living purely as models based on their looks; whereas plenty of fetish girls could only make money as fetishists, not as models... nuff said. ;)

Frank has made progress, compared to almost a year ago, the robot stuff is much improved.

Frank uses lots of different girls. This is good, in that at least some of the girls robot acting skills are pretty good, they "get it". [Though unfortunately, lots of the girls don't "get it", but I'll try to stay positive for this post]

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Let's give the man credit (4 1/2 out of 5)

Post by jknight_2000 » Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:16 pm

Ok, lots of us have sung your praises and given some constructive criticism. So, let give that incredibiy gifted director some kudos. He has truly produced some great stuff on his site, and the women used are of all different shapes, sizes, and hues (and trust me it is noticed, and appreciated). His site has produced some of the great videos for our genre that I have seen in a long time. Let's be honest, it has to come at a great cost to him to produce these videos (clips or not). As I said before, only one of his subjects (I guess that would be the best term here) failed to hit the mark, but even that was a satisfactory effort compared to others (Has anybody checked out the NRGWomen site lately -- yikes.)

I for one hopes he continues to produce quality stuff like this for the public to enjoy. But in this thread, an idea did strike me -- with the advent of VOD sites on the web, why not make your product available in a VOD format that others could enjoy your work, it probably could offset some the cost incurred in editing and production, and specializing your compliations could bring in a new audience to your base website.

Well, I like to give a hearty thanks for your hard work, and trust me -- it's appreciated.

P.S. :? The reason I thought your site, rated a 4.5 out of 5 has nothing to do with the Tatiana videos, no offense that are way too many pictures on that site, with every update, your clips4sale store takes longer to load, that's all.

Checked out the preview of the new video, but isn't the same girl from Ava/Tatiana video?

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Thank you

Post by hypno1 » Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:45 pm

Malloy clip one

Hello again,
thank you both for your latest comments and suggestion. We have made some changes starting with the Lacy Lynn shoot. Next weekends update, Malloy, was entirely shot on a tripod and the repair scenes show most of her body while being worked on. We are still not sure about keeping the two contents together or not. We also started incorporating some robot content without any malfunctions which is something our hypnosis fans like better. I am not sure, at this point, whether I can produce one of each segment every week but I will try. We are also looking for a writer who can take over the weekly clip descriptions, something I am not that good at as you might have noticed. After over one hundred updates it is time to have somebody else describe and write the clips. Anyway, as I always mentioned, producing the fembot content is fun and I hope most of you enjoy them.

Thank you again


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Post by Moxon » Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:46 pm

Frank I haven't really chimed in very much in this thread, mainly because I'm such a huge lurker, but I just want to say keep up the good work, it's much appreciated. There's not really anybody else specifically catering to this kind of thing on the web and of course everyone's not always going to be pleased, and there have been videos I liked a lot and some I liked not so much, but the nature of a fetish is such that you'll never be able crawl inside someone's head and create exactly what they like and that's just the way it has to be. But when it's good it's really quite good, so cheers to you and I'll keep showing my appreciation with my wallet.
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Post by jakeCTom » Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:06 pm

Great job with malloy frank. She was great. Good stuff. Can't say enough.

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Malloy was a great update

Post by hypno1 » Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:35 pm

Hello again and thank you for your latest comments. Malloy was indeed wonderful to work with and we had a lot of fun during the session. As I mentioned the repair scenes are different. I am still working on some of the camera angels and I hope that I can perfect those.
We also like to remind everybody to keep sending some story ideas and suggestions. It makes it so much easier to customize the clips and hopefully get them to the point where most of you like them.

Thanks again and enjoy the weekend



Post by dubhdanaidh » Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:01 pm

Last edited by dubhdanaidh on Sat May 09, 2009 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by andoroido » Thu Apr 23, 2009 4:03 am

Tripod really improves the quality, and I wish I had thought of the idea to have the girl sit in a chair, zoom in on her, then Frank can stand near her and stay anonymous while repairing her. Seems to work out well for everyone.

random quick story ideas:

-Unhappy Customer - the robot is a woman's brain in a robot body (the latest option in plastic surgery, total body replacement) , but the link between the brain and body is not good so she freezes or twitches or stutters or has trouble moving, and needs repairs, but her human personality is always there, maybe she even tries to complain about her warranty, but of course, she just keeps stuttering and freezing more and more as she gets angry, and finally breaks down for good, Frank repairs her, tries again, it happens again, etc.

-just have a typical malfunction scene, but the robot never says "robot words", she just keeps talking normally, so Frank just has a regular conversation with her about her day (maybe she's a secretary bot or a maid, or a wife), but has to think before each word, think before each movement, like a computer running too many programs gets slow

-try out the old Captain Kirk VS. Computer thing Some kind of logic problem that doesn't make sense, so she gets confused and malfunctions.
1. You are designed to be perfect for me.
2. I don't like perfect things.
3. So, I don't like you.
4. So, you are not perfect.
or something like that

-Robot cheerleader, maybe it was done before? but if a girl really can act like a cheerleader, it might be fun

-robot personal trainer, tries to get Frank to join along and get in shape, but she malfunctions and her battery runs out,etc.

-visit to the robot doctor, the robot girl has a computer virus, Frank is the robot doctor, she explains her "symptoms" (hand is frozen, can't see, can't remember her own name, voice stops working) Frank tries to fix her, but every fix causes another problem, it gets worse and worse, in the end Frank does total reinstall

Anways, there's always plenty of ideas.

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Post by Pvt. Prinny » Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:14 am

-try out the old Captain Kirk VS. Computer thing Some kind of logic problem that doesn't make sense, so she gets confused and malfunctions.
1. You are designed to be perfect for me.
2. I don't like perfect things.
3. So, I don't like you.
4. So, you are not perfect.
or something like that
^ +1 for this :D

Also, theres already a cheerleader clip done by Jaelyn Fox thats phenomenal, I can't wait to order it

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Thank you again

Post by hypno1 » Thu Apr 23, 2009 4:19 pm

Hello again and thank you for your recent comments and of course for the story ideas. We will be using them in our next shoots and please keep sending them because it makes it easier to actually produce what everybody likes to see.
I have a feeling that many of the readers(lurkers) on this forum have never seen one of our clips which made me decide to offer Giselle's famous robot segments on our clips4sale store for only $ 3.99. (30 minutes for only $7.98)
I hope everybody who has not seen them will enjoy these clips and as I mentioned keep sending your ideas and suggestions.

Thanks everybody


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Post by Moxon » Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:58 pm

dubhdanaidh wrote:Just a heads up Frank reopened membership on his site.
I heard this mentioned before and for the life of me I've looked all over the site and can't seem to find the link to set up membership. How does it work, how much does it cost and how do I do it? If anybody would be so kind as to help me, I'm sure it's hding right in front of my face. Thanks.
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Post by Sega-boy » Sun May 03, 2009 11:56 pm

For those of you who are new to Clips4Sale: If you are looking for "High" quality clips, look at the older clips first. They have MB sizes in the triple digits. The newest clips have busted-down resolutions.

The bargin clips are excellent values though. Start with those.
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Tripod ..... GOOD, Girls + StorYline ..... BETTER

Post by jknight_2000 » Tue May 05, 2009 6:18 pm

The tripod is a definite win-win, it improves the quality of video and it gives certain storylines a refined feel to them. But during, the last couple of weeks an idea for a new video has struck my mind.

The spy vs. android revisited.

Instead of hearing you're voice in the beginning, we have an opening scene where the new robot/android is 'deactivated' under a cover or something, and the spy (another female) attempts to steal your new 'project' -- but instead of stealing the project, the android turns around; traps and converts her to be you're new slave. Here, the twist only one of the girls has to act robot-like because the person who should play the spy is .......... accent, look, brunette :wink: (well hypno1 can figure where I'm going with this.) It would actually be a play on the other video featured on your site and definite twist to the Ava/Cheyenne video pair.

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Post by hypno1 » Sat May 09, 2009 11:12 am

Hello everybody and thank you again for your input. Segaboy is right the bargain section is a good way to start and I will try to add a few more in the weeks to come.

Thank you for the ideas, I will certainly try those soon.

We are a bit behind with our updates and I just added Ashley and Sophia's robot preview on clips4sale. The actual clips should be on there sometime today or tomorrow morning.

Thank you all again and enjoy your weekend


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Post by Moxon » Sat May 09, 2009 11:58 am

Frank can you help me understand how to sign up for membership for your site? I think it might be cheaper for me in the long run. Thanks.
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More bargain clips

Post by hypno1 » Sun May 17, 2009 1:54 pm

Hello everyone,

I apologize for the late response but things very hectic as usual. We hardly ever open the members area for new members to sign up and if you are interested, it is easier to send me an email. Sometimes it coincides with openings.

Segaboy mentioned the bargain section and in case you have not seen it yet, we added a couple of Megan and Nikki's clips which will be available for the next two days for a ridiculously low price.



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Post by jknight_2000 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:02 pm

Been away for awhile, come back from hiatus and see Hypnolust has gotten only better, then just when I noticed something was lacking in the site. Here comes Atlantis (lovely black lady, hypno1 worked with for a year.), I will purchase the preview and give an updated review on the latest soon.

Hypno, keep cranking out the good stuff, and you will have a fan for life.


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Amber and Lacy are comming up soon

Post by hypno1 » Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:08 am

Hello everybody,

thank you for your recent comments and of course for the suggestions some of you emailed us. It actually took me over a year to finally get to the Atlantis clips, I think I mentioned that we had some camera problems that day. Anyway it was a really nice shoot and I am glad I finally got to edit it.
This week we have Amber and Lacy coming up and that certainly was a great shoot. You will notice that the girls improved and to see the two of them together is seriously hot.

Thanks again for your support


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Post by hypno1 » Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:20 am

Hello again,

as many of you noticed we were a bit behind on our weekly updates on clips4sale but it looks like we are catching up. Kandy's robot/fembot clips are finally up and we will be adding the rest of her 16 clip series over the next few days.
As to some news, we are hoping to have Dani (one of the favorite fembots) back together with Bailey this time. Let me know if you have any story ideas you might like to see.

Thank you again for your support


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Post by eyebore » Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:56 pm

Sounds cool,

Bailey did a really nice job on her second clip and is one of my favorites. Dani has the robotic movement down and always makes a great effort. As I mentioned in my email she just needs to tone it town a bit on the voice. Looking forward to seeing them together.

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