Fembots of Color

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Fembots of Color

Post by agent_smith » Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:18 pm

While I highly doubt that the Fembot Central is bigoted, racist or discriminatory in any way, I have to bring up the notion the are a lack of fembots of other races and ethnicities on this site. :shock:

Yes, I am aware that a lot of the fembots are usually Asian or Caucasian, but there needs to be more diversity.

I can hear the muttering now, "Another Black geek making a Black History Month (February in the USA) tirade." :?

Look, I've been a fan of Fembot Central for years. I remember when it was a part of the old gynoid.com. Those where the "old" days. So I am not a n00b.

I just think that it's time for more stories that reflect today's urban, diverse multi-ethnic reality. :?:

"Not by the pigmentation of their exterior covering, but by the data they process and the programs they run." --Paraphrasing MLK
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I know that Candybot is Black

Post by agent_smith » Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:20 pm

I'm fully aware that Candybot has Afro-American features. Yes.
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Post by Keizo » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:26 pm

Ultimately it's really a matter of the individual author's and/or artist's tastes and preferences. If he or she doesn't feel a connection to the subject then the story may suffer. That's a really great spin on the MLK paraphrase, by the way!

I certainly hope that others will step up if they are sincerely interested. I even remember a rather thorough discussion about examples of fembots of color in cinema, etc. where many examples were cited and included Latina, East Indian, Middle Eastern, as well as those of African features (since a fembot wouldn't really have a heritage).

I'm sure the community would welcome any stories you might want to write as well!

Good topic.

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Post by minkwheel » Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:23 pm

... IF YOU BUILD IT... THEY WILL COME. Everyone here has different tastes, and some WRITE down what they consider cool and or sexy in Fembot stories..... you have forseen a problem in the stories featured.... FIX that problem by writing stories that feature the gynoids that YOU want to see in the STORIES section.... people will read what's in YOUR mind, and they may decide to follow your example and write about characters that are more diverse... putting it a bit more bluntly.... don't wait for someone else to write the stories you crave..... show a hungry audience WHATCHA WANT by writing about characters that you feel are lacking here. Sometimes a writer needs a muse, or a CREATIVE GOOSE once in a while. -- as an example ...I write oddball comedy in my stories as they were RADIO PLAYS in a way ...I have been honored by other folks on this board who have written extra chapters inside my stories, OR have written MY characters into their OWN spins...... all of which I humbly find COOL, and THANK them for recognizing my rants and stuff on the site..... we've got a LOT of great, creative people on this board.... YOU can be one too ....WRITE WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE, and MORE will be WRITTEN. -- minkwheel
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Post by ehy » Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:49 pm

There are two main reasons I've avoided using black models for my androids:

1. I personally find very few black women attractive. There are some, but they're very rare for me. (Same is true of Asian women, actually.)

2. As an American, the idea of "black" interacts with the idea of "slavery" in a way that is... tense. And in my thinking, androids always are about something very like slavery. Rather than really delve into this collection of fraught ideas, I avoid them. I don't claim any moral high ground for this; it's just what I do.

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Post by droidlvr » Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:17 pm

I'm fully aware that Candybot has Afro-American features. Yes
Wow!!! yeah I noticed this immediatly,never said a thing tho..

I personally find very few black women attractive
That's deep dude. :shock:

The shear dearth of blackbots here since the begining speaks volumes.
I'm not at all surprised,just bored as hell with the "standard" fembot types seen here.

Without actually seeing the members here,I've long had a picture of what
most ASFRians probably look like.

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Post by wjbaines » Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:26 pm

This is an excellent observation. I've noticed it myself. I agree that this board and its membership can be presumed to be free of bigotry and racism, also. There must be perfectly understandable reasons for this discrepency.

I think ehy makes an interesting point about the slavery thing. I would never equate our fairly innocent fancy with possibly the most hideous example of human cruelty of all time (and neither is ehy, of course) but there are arguably suggestive parallels in terms of concepts of "proprety," rulership ('yes, master'). expendability, etc.

I do remember reading two or three stories that included black fembots (can't say if they were African American or not, because I think the nationality of one of the authors was British). But they appeared in marginal roles in stories that included multiple fembots.

It would be interesting to learn about the demographic makeup of the board...and not only race, but age and gender, too. I wonder if the community moderators might put up a voluntary poll? Or maybe that wouldn't be a good idea. I don't know.

But thanks for your comments, DC.

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Post by andoroido » Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:14 pm

The lack of black fembots is clearly because we are all racist.


How about this? I try not to think about skin color in my daily life. Melanin content of skin is meaningless.

Someday this will no longer be an issue. Until then, some people will choose to MAKE it an issue.

BTW, the greatest example of human cruelty of all time is the existence, and fame of, Paris Hliton (intention spelling error to deflect searches)

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Post by xodar » Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:27 pm

RealDoll has some black and Asian bots in their gallery.
I wouldn't mind having one of Vanessa Williams or a young Diana Ross.

People should be able to have bots made to whatever race or combined race they want. It's your fantasy made flesh -- or silicone and circuitry. With a bot they wouldn't even have to be blended as genetics might tend to do: you could have a blue eyed blonde with oriental features and ebony flesh.

I suppose we could have (in the US) Sharpton and Jackson holding rallies if white guys want black bots. That's the only worry I'd have.
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Post by droidlvr » Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:39 pm

I for one do find the contrast of a shiny silver dildo against very dark skin extremely erotic. :) So,it'll seem logical that I'd like to see electronic/metallic parts exposed on a dark (black skinned) bot.
I personally find very few black women attractive
Wow. What a revelation. :?

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Post by droidlvr » Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:47 pm

I personally find very few black women attractive
wouldn't mind having one of Vanessa Williams
Unless that black woman is really mulatto ala V. Williams. :roll:

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My $0.02

Post by jknight_2000 » Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:23 pm

Hmmm. Interesting points, but there is a simpler non-racial points to be used.

Let's look at the countries who are closest to android/gynoid like technology.

Germany, Japan, China, and the United States and each one will probably build models based on popular opinion polls, focus groups, et.al. -- this will dictate the types of gynoid models available. This site and the people who dwell within, actually profile this view, and those tastes are shown. Quite honestly, I don't mind the race as long as the technology is available within our lifetime.

Secondly, to the secondary slave society (gynoid treated as slaves -- sex, labor, or otherwise) is a dangerous slope to travel. Remember most of the women will have some form of artificial intelligence, treating them as second-class or slaves, repeats the same mistake humans have made for centuries. Maybe the idyllistic view, is androids (male (why) / females!) treated as equals rather than property.

Oh, to the original poster dcgynoidfreak, there was an independent company that make a film featuring Black BBW as gynoids. The movie was hilarious but it was an opinion.


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Post by Tio » Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:39 am

Considering that a fembot may be custom made to any colour and body I am suprised that there arent more fantasy based ones, such as elves (as everyone seems to love these) or cat girls.

Personally I am a fan of blue skin with white or black hair, but I dont see that very often either. (Not to self - write / draw something with blue skinned fembots :)
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Post by tectile » Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:22 am

I posted a similar question many years ago wondering why we haven't seen more art and stories featuring women of different ethnicities.

At the time, the only person who responded was Winduplover who is also African American. I hope I have that rite.

I can only speak for myself here but I will risk offending some and say that I don't understand African American culture at all and I think most white people are just as confused as I am.
I don't come from a lily white background either. I went to school with, played on sports teams with, worked closely with and played in bands with black people. My best friend has been married to a lovely African American lady for over 10 years and I still don't understand them. Their value systems just seem to be different and I can't relate. Not better or worse just different.
So, I think it would be next to impossible for someone to write stories with African American characters and have them ring true without being African American.

So if you're black, native American, East Indian, Inuit or even Canadian, write something. I for one would love to read some stories from divers backgrounds but NO IRISH :)

One more thing.

I'm guessing that many African American gentlemen subscribe to the same ideals of white western beauty that us white guys do and would order up a blond haired blue eyed fembot for themselves. Probably due to these ideals being force fed to them by media.

FYI DB_Story has a story called "Jungle bunny" that features a black fembot as the central character. It's worth a read.


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Post by droidlvr » Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:49 am

there was an independent company that make a film featuring Black BBW as gynoids. The movie was hilarious but it was an opinion.
Yeah!! I remember this a while back. What happened? Do you have complete copies? I simply would LOVE to see them. :shock:

I remember there used ta be a link to a segment of the vid which showed the
fembot being activated with sound effects when she moved and all.

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Post by droidlvr » Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:04 am

to the secondary slave society (gynoid treated as slaves -- sex, labor, or otherwise) is a dangerous slope to travel.
I simply can't understand those who see gynoids as anything other than a manufactured product like a car computer mannequin or whatever.
This is why when the question of whether one prefer cybernetic conversion or built my choice is the latter. It simply is the greatest turn-on to know that whilst in public the female I'm with is thought of and treated as a flesh-n-blood being without the slightest clue that she's TRUELLY a highly advanced piece of technology AND nothing more,damn. :roll:

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Post by droidlvr » Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:22 am

I can only speak for myself here but I will risk offending some and say that I don't understand African American culture at all and I think most white people are just as confused as I am.
Can't see how this translates to not having blackbots here. :?

Hey,as I said above,if any black chick is to be even considered in much of the western world startin' with the grand ol' US and A , she'd have ta be a mulatto. Beyonce,Halle Berry,Mariah Carey, Alisha Keys anyone? There's an endless supply of mulattoes for you. :roll:

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Post by xodar » Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:33 am

droidlvr wrote:
I personally find very few black women attractive
wouldn't mind having one of Vanessa Williams
Unless that black woman is really mulatto ala V. Williams. :roll:
Let's clarify something here. I never said I found few black women attractive.
I did say I'd have a fembot made resembling Vanessa Williams or Diana Ross. They do have a mixture of African and European features, but since I've never been to Africa nearly all the black women I've seen and dealt with in real life and US entertainment are of mixed race. I have seen pictures of stunning African women who were black as ebony.
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Post by xodar » Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:48 am

Considering that a fembot may be custom made to any colour and body I am suprised that there arent more fantasy based ones, such as elves (as everyone seems to love these) or cat girls.
As one could guess from my screen name (and as I mentioned) I might have bots resembling the humanoid races from ER Burroughs' fantasy adventures. The dominant race on his Mars was red skinned with black hair, for example. All main women characters in his stories were young and incredibly beautiful.

Beyonce,Halle Berry,Mariah Carey, Alisha Keys anyone?
Let's not forget pornstar Ashley Juggs, part Haitian and part Danish and mostly boobs.

simply can't understand those who see gynoids as anything other than a manufactured product like a car computer mannequin or whatever.
True. But it's like the people who are enraged and repulsed by some pornography even when it is written or simply drawings because they actually believe it's true and all really happened or will cause people to do whatever's depicted.
If fembot situations resemble slavery some people will be enraged and claim the owner "really" wants African slaves and is not someone who simply thinks African women are beautiful. Some PETA types insist keeping pet dogs and cats is slavery even though the animals haven't got the ability to grasp that notion and are quite happy.
As I see it, this will be a source of legal hassles and so will classifying them as "sex devices".
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Desiree West in Sexworld (1977)

Post by dale coba » Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:09 pm

Fembot Desiree West in Sexworld (1977) provoked her Racist trick aggressively, seductively; pointing out his insecurities projected as arrogance, until he had to dive in and discover all her glory.

Character driven fembot porn is rare, and I loved her performance.

- dale coba
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Post by tectile » Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:47 pm

Wow, I don't remember that scene at all. I did see the flick on my local independent station and it was probably pretty cut up to make room for the used car lot commercials and Ktel record offers. Guess I need to revisit the movie in it's entirety.

Thanks for the heads up Dale.

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stargate sg-1

Post by agent_smith » Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:09 pm

there was a black gynoid on an episode of Stargate once. i think she's the one that created the replicators (evil nanobots).

the episode name is "Menace".

The gynoid (Reese) was played by Danielle Nicolet

SG-1 encounters a young woman with the ability to control Replicators, and who may hold the key to the salvation of the Asgard.
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Post by dale coba » Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:46 pm

tectile wrote:Wow, I don't remember that scene at all. I did see the flick on my local independent station and it was probably pretty cut up to make room for the used car lot commercials and Ktel record offers. Guess I need to revisit the movie in it's entirety.

Thanks for the heads up Dale.
Sexworld (1977) played on your local independent tv station?


I'm finding that unlikely, unless it was cut down from 90 minutes to, like, 12.
Unless you live in Pornsville or Cooltown, USA. ;)

- dale coba
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Really old school ASFRian chiming in on this...

Post by Tienne » Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:04 am

Greetings, all.

I normally don't say much on this board, or honestly, check in that often.
I think I just keep losing the link. Sorry, I just haven't been around.

In review, though, what DCGynoidFreak said is true. There is a lack of black fembots in most ASFR media. However, this is nothing new, and not personally surprising or upsetting. If an author doesn't like black people for whatever personal or social reason, then that's totally their issue. However, if the lack is due to writers social queasiness in light of black history in the west, well, writers are going to have to grow a spine. If they think that they're going to get 'beat down' or socially castigated over some fanfic about black robot girls, then maybe writing's too stressful for you. Consider knitting.

What minkwheel added was just as true, however. If you want it, be it an increase in the number of stories with black characters or any other ethnicity in them, don't be complacent to wait on others to generate the stories you want to read, the art you want to see or the fun you want to experience. Especially when we are now in a point in history where the tools for making your own high quality entertainment media are had easily and cheaply, and can be shared, expanding the ASFR community.

Great, now I sound like a hippy. Blah, blah 'be the change you want to see' blah. (Even if I do believe it.)


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Post by tectile » Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:51 am

dale coba wrote:
tectile wrote:Wow, I don't remember that scene at all. I did see the flick on my local independent station and it was probably pretty cut up to make room for the used car lot commercials and Ktel record offers. Guess I need to revisit the movie in it's entirety.

Thanks for the heads up Dale.
Sexworld (1977) played on your local independent tv station?


I'm finding that unlikely, unless it was cut down from 90 minutes to, like, 12.
Unless you live in Pornsville or Cooltown, USA. ;)

- dale coba
You wrote Sexworld. I read Futureworld for some reason.

I've been working through some medical issues in my immediate family lately and I think dealing with doctors, hospital staff lawyers and social workers is sucking all of my mental energy. Read my post in Off topic.

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