TVversion "Wives"

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TVversion "Wives"

Post by Pleasureunit » Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:21 pm

Hi Kishin! You know, I really can't recall. I saw the TV version so many years ago that very little stands out in my memory, but I'd love to see what they do different. I seem to recollect that the scene of Bobbie short-circuiting in her kitchen was much better than the movie version: lots of repetitious movement, and she really speeds up, strewing flour or something around as she malfunctions. By the way, who else out there in our cozy lil' community is, like me, more into frantic, speedy malfunctions in their androids? I can deal just fine with gradual winding down scenes, but admit that I prefer my girl to go absolutely batshit haywire! Pardon' my Serbo-Croatian, but to quote Monty Python: "Highly irregular, but my blood was up!" :lol:
I thought we were friends. How could you do a thing like that? I was just going to fix coffee. :faceoff:

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Post by rickdrat » Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:09 pm

I haven't seen it in years so I could be wrong, but might you be thinking of "Revenge of The Stepford Wives" That was a made for TV flick, and I remember a scene with Julie Kavner that was a knockoff of the Paula Prentis scene in the original.

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