Review: NRG Anal Robot

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Review: NRG Anal Robot

Post by Sega-boy » Mon Feb 10, 2003 10:34 am


SCENE ONE (Kitchen): I thought this would be about an actual robot maid, but as it turns out Chelsea is a bossy woman who can't say one good word to her regular repair guy, until one day when he tampers with her remote control.

Chelsea is now completely under his control once she picks up the remote. She stands frozen, holding the remote in one hand, which he then takes from her. "It worked!" he exclaims.

Once again, vocal commands are necessary in tandem with a remote control, just like in the other videos.

He makes her move her head around to test out his control over her. Alas, I have to report, that in this particular lighting, Chelsea's age is starting to show, especially when she freezes in this scene.

He tells her to lift up her skirt and then he slides her panties down.

-Stop blinking darn you!

"Yes master."

-Hey, that was great! Say it again!!

"Yeeess Master!"

-All right, that sounded too much like a window teller to me. You did it better the first time.

"Yeeess Master!"


Next she malfunctions and bumps into the counter a little.

Her master has no choice but to click her OFF.

She stands frozen, so he takes this opportunity to rub her tits and let his fingers do some exploring.

After that bit of fun, it's back to business as he prepares to tweek her. (in the back of the head :shock: )

-Fade to black.

SCENE TWO (living room)

Chelsea now wears an apron.

Her master is seen, tightening the last screw in the panel on her back.

He decides to test her out.

First, he has her turn around and begin masterbating for the camera.

Mechanical masterbation??? I'm not sure I can appreciate this. :?

I think Chelsea is outstanding when it comes to mechanical movement, but to see her masterbate like this... it just seemed unsensual and not very sexy.

I dunno.

Next, he has her do things like walk, lift up her apron, masterbate some more, masterbate a little faster and come to a stop.

During these tests, she says "Yes Master." a decent amount.

Once she is stopped, however, her master makes her back up against the sofa and have a seat. Then he decides to indulge his hands and tongue once more.

He has her rub her own tits, again- mechanically (this looks even stranger on FAST FORWARD.)

SCENE THREE (living room)

This is good! You're the best, Chelsea! :D

With the cord of the vibrator's controller sticking out of her vagina, she is made to walk towards the fish-tank by her master.

"Yes master." (half a dozen more times)

Next, she is commanded to clean the glass, and she is VERY mechanical here!!!

After doing a fine job, she picks up a broom next.

It's up to her to sweep the floor.


(Hmm. The robot's voice seems to be inactive).

Wait a second, she's supposed to be sweeping AWAY from the sofa.

O.K. Now she's got it.

-Now Sweep faster!

(Still no response, and Chelsea appears to be stuck in high gear.)

Oh dear. I don't think she was made for sweeping the floor.

-Fade to black.

(Please, don't end the scene yet, find her something else to do.)


SCENE FOUR: (Porn action!)

Looking like a blow-up doll, Chelsea is ready for sex.

But wait, her master's not ready??

He wants to change her shoes first. (Slap that man!)

Next, he eats a little (This realdoll tastes... REAL!).

Next, he has her rub him.

"Yes master."

Two hands next.

"Yes master."

(This foreplay is so mechanical, it's really too much, but I know some of you won't object).

Next, she proves herself as a live suck-doll.

Shortly, however, playtime draws to an end. Off goes the apron and he drills her.

(I can't decide whether she's paralyzed or if she's a true fuck-doll!)

This doesn't seem to be her master's favorite position though, so he doggie-styles her on the couch.

Good for him... not so great for the viewer. (Kind of boring.)

And finally- The moment of anticipation!

He makes her walk to the other side of the sofa, where she tips over the back of it. Her legs appear to be stuck in walk-mode.

As soon as her master shuts her legs off, however, it's on!

He prepares the lube, and makes the "anal robot" live up to her name.

Once he's finished, he leaves her just like she is-

bent over the sofa.

Overall: Good video!

The sex was a nice addition to this Chelsea video, but I think I still like scene three the best because of the robot content.

Hopefully, Alex the Robot will do a sex video next!!!

(Please, oh please! oh please!)
Last edited by Sega-boy on Fri Jul 11, 2003 10:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ~? » Tue Feb 11, 2003 4:51 pm

Thanks Sega!

Got any others to review? Sex Aliens maybe?

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