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Choose de maximum amount of money you could use to buy the fembot of your dream

Poll ended at Sun Jun 24, 2007 7:09 am

Animatronic basic love doll 1000$ --- 2500$
Basic maid love doll 4000$ --- 6000$
Realistic love bot 6000$ --- 10000$
Advanced synthetic companion 10000$ --- 24000$
Very advanced sensitive bot 20000$ --- 50000$
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Big upload coming

Post by Kube² » Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:09 am

I think i wait enough i will put my last new pics progressively during these days something like 20 or 25 manips I made between 2006 and 2007.

Also the occasion to make something a little different.
I will soon open a new topic with a poll, in this topic I will present some fembot models with
A picture of the model coming from my news manips
And some informations about
The Name of the corporation wich produce de bot , the philosophie of the corporation (are they producing cheap doll or perfectionned love fembot, secretary bots, maid domestic bots, or this new expensive generation of emo-bots)
The price of the different fembots in the catalog
There technicals capacities.
Autonomy (in hours)
SIAQ (Synthetic IA quotien) Same scale as Human IQ (between 0 and 10 for cheapest model around 100 or 120 for the last generations, with human-like IA around 80-90

After its your turn to choose in the poll wich one you want to buy, and try to do it honestly ....I mean if your a normal student I think you couldn t buy the last model around 34000$ even if you really want it, think to the best conpromise in the offer between what you want and what you could buy.

So I made i first poll to have an ideas about the money you could put in it. In order to make something interesting.

I would be also greatefull if somebody is ok to correct my texts for these catalogs, in order to keep it realistic 'cause you guess that my english is not my mother thong :wink:

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Post by Kube² » Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:49 am

I think a little of what could be the situation of the market in 2062 and the 7 differents catalog I will make,

Do you have ideas ? Suggestions ?

(Creator of real dolls on the market since 2016, leader on animatronics sex dolls)

(OIRI for Osaka Intelligent Robot institute on the market since 2006, creator of Actroids)

(AMD, Siemens, Alstom merge in 2032 that s a German/French/American corporation based in great britain)

(INTEL, Microsoft,Nextant, The USA tech industry)

(Specialised on artificial animals but not only....)

(Mondial leader since 2058)

(Specialised on minds transferts in robotics body, also make there own models)

An other intersting points,
For exemple if your're American would you buy ONLY USA Fembot technology, even if Japan or China had somthing better or cheaper.?

You see that Sarabot is not forget but she have no choice Russian technologie for her :lol: good luck :D

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Post by xodar » Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:58 am

I'm not sure whether you're asking how much I would actually have available or how much I'd be willing to spend so I chose the latter possibility.

I'd want as realistic a one as could be gotten.

I'd buy the best quality one wherever it was made. Preferably it would be here because the technicians would likely have a similar aesthetic sense to mine -- the RealDolls are more physically appealing to me than Andydroids, for example, despite the latters' body heat, breathing, pulse, tracking vision, and movements. (But that's why I'd spend so much...for all that.) The Japanese models, though, are almost startling in their seeming reality.

(My actual available maximum would be $ 6000.)
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Post by Kube² » Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:56 pm

Robotman wrote:Sounds like a really cool idea Kube². :D I too would have to go all out and buy the most expensive model.... (if I could afford it that is...) but I'd make damn sure that it would be able to 'act' and feel like one of the cheaper brands every now and then. :wink: If I was really rich I'd have at least one of each.
And one silly question.... do emo-bots cut themselves? :P
lol no, i think i haven t use a appropriate word, I think you understand what I mean.

Xodar the question is not what you willing to spend cause I think that almost all of us will prefer the last one.
The question is not exactly what is your actual available maximum, but what could be the part of your total available maximum you will put in that if you have the possibility to select one (or more) of the fembot I will present soon in the gallery.
Will have a lot of parameters to choose for each model you will have
A price
Technical data
Generation of AI
Realism of the body
Quality of sexuality
Type of programmation Domestique Compagnon Aware Unaware

For shure if you just want a Sexbot you don t need a Unaware companion programmation with the last IA available, and it s a little less expensive.

For some model there is a Warranty 1 2 3 4 or 5 year and a average Life expectancy.
If there is a Warranty it s more expensive but your sure to have what your buy with free reparation, if there is not that your own risk.

And the game is to think about the best choice for YOU it means your type of fetish and your financial situation.

Well I mean if you have the possibility to buy the fembot of your dream would you sell your Car for it or no, thats a interesting dilemma and a interesting way to think about what you (and we) really want.

Anyway I can warn you that probably the more exensive bot won t be the best one to buy.
You will have to look at the bots think about yourself read all the datas compar and choose, that s the goal of the game.

I will do it by this way
You will have a list of datas then a only one picture of the bot (not damaged)

For example :


Then you could also have a link for the same bot (cause I sometime i like to make some manip on the same girl) ... y_RS16.jpg

You see that there is some damage on this unit maybe a bad sign concerning global reliability?
Is there a Warranty on the bot ? ----------> just 6 months

Probably not a good deal, except if you like this kind of malfunctionning bot, depend on you.

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Post by mysticblueca » Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:42 pm

No matter what, If you're gonna dip into the savings for a great companion. You might as well go big or stay home.

Like Robotman says "I'd make damn sure that it would be able to 'act' and feel like one of the cheaper brands every now and then."

No fun if they didn't act like a robot every now and then. :lol:

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Post by Kube² » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:09 pm

Well i finally upload a little half of the work, there is 12 pics and 1 Gif Anim in the anim section.
Hope you like it

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Post by xodar » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:20 pm

Actually, I wouldn't sell my car to buy one unless I have become too old or sick to drive.
But that bot could probably drive, anyway.
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My preferences

Post by BA2 » Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:28 am

I like where this is going (good pics too - nice one!)

I would opt for a cute 'bot about my age able to pass easily as human on casual acquaintance.

She should have a full range of human emotions (are simulated emotions actually any different from real ones if they are sufficiently detailed in their programming? Philosophical question for you: is being confident the same as pretending to be confident?) Clearly her emotional responses should be user configurable within reason so I can control "who she is".

She should be physically detailed enough to pass as human but have the telltale signs (seams, controls, markings etc) to give her away on close examination. Her "personality" should bear up to day-to-day contact but my closer friends will be well aware that she's a robot.

She should be reliable enough to function effectively but have the occasional minor glitch that would give her nature away from time to time. As a machine she would clearly be treated differently to a real person. She's bound to suffer the occasional more serious malfunction - usually when I push her limits physically or mentally. She should have a full service warranty and call-out facility to get her running again quickly when this happens and will require routine preventative maintenance. She should be independant and reliable enough to safely drive, go out alone, hold down a job etc.

I would anticipate sinking about £10,000 deposit into the unit but would hope for a finance deal to cover a much more expensive model than this. I would like a "co-operative" arrangement between me, as her owner, the manufacturer/maintence contract and her employer. I would expect this high quality android to hold down a well payed proffessional job (sales, legal...?) Her employer would contribute to her running and purchase costs (50%?) in lieu of a salary because of the benefits of androids in their workplace (reliability, obediance, attractiveness etc). They would value having her owned by me to give the "human touch" in keeping her acting human. I would pay up to £20,000 per year in repayments / upkeep costs on my "wife".

It may be possible to lease the android under a contract such as this instead of owning outright. This would allow me to upgrade as newer models become available or as mine becomes unreliable. I could choose from an slightly older version of the same appearance or something completely different. Memory could be tranferred to new models as required - same personality, a new girl or something of both on each upgrade.

If I could afford it I'd also get an old run-down model as a project to refurbish in my spare time. She'd be cute but obviously robotic and very unreliable. I'd be prepared to give up my current sportscar plaything to fund this when androids become available on Ebay!


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Post by xodar » Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:55 am

I'd prefer they be indistinguishable from biological women, which is why I want them to blush and exude pheremones and sweat (I don't go so far as bathroom functions, though!), except till people notices that they are always pleasent, helpful, uncomplaining, and such.

Leasing them is a good idea (rent to own), but people will probably use anti-prostitution laws to prevent it...but then they'll use such laws and laws against sex toys anyhow.
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Re: My preferences

Post by Kube² » Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:39 pm

BA2 wrote:
I would anticipate sinking about £10,000 deposit into the unit but would hope for a finance deal to cover a much more expensive model than this. I would like a "co-operative" arrangement between me, as her owner, the manufacturer/maintence contract and her employer. I would expect this high quality android to hold down a well payed proffessional job (sales, legal...?) Her employer would contribute to her running and purchase costs (50%?) in lieu of a salary because of the benefits of androids in their workplace (reliability, obediance, attractiveness etc). They would value having her owned by me to give the "human touch" in keeping her acting human. I would pay up to £20,000 per year in repayments / upkeep costs on my "wife".

Interesting post BA as ever.

Fisrt of all your are talking about 20000£ so 40000$ as an annual cast for your "wife" it s a lot I think.......Are you sure.

Well on the topic :

I try to begin a technical discussion about fembots, for me (I m ingeneer in eletronics and informatics) The most interesting solution for a autonom bot is a Fuel Cells supplying an Magnetic pump of this kind for exemple

See you ll probably need methanol for your bot for exemple 200 cm3 for a 12H autonomy.
The price is around 5$ the liter.
So its around 400$ of fuel per year.
Maybe 1000$ per year if you also need to buy oil and cleaner for derma and ather things like that.
But You will also need to buy clothes, buy somes addons.
I think without unexpected reparations a normal budget for the fembot your thinking about is around 2000$.

Well for the question about the working android with a contract between her employer and you (contribute to her running and purchase costs)
That s a good idea I will give it a place in all the trip i m working on.
But during these years of unemployement it almost a kind of provocation.

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Post by Kube² » Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:21 pm

Well well 13 new pics
I was not lying about the big upload :lol: , and it s still not finish yet :P Hope you like it

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Post by zerodin » Sun Apr 29, 2007 9:31 am

The sparked animation is my fav.

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Post by Korby » Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:08 pm

Good stuff, Kube! Keep 'em coming!
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Post by Karel » Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:15 pm

Stunning, stunning work, Kube. It just gets better and better.

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Post by Frostillicus » Tue May 01, 2007 2:20 pm

Excellent work Kube! It's nice to see more animations as well. I remember when you used that "Ann" model last time for your animations as well. Who is she? Can you tell me where you found her pics? Anyway, I just wanted to say that I appreciate those nice manips!
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Post by Kube² » Sat May 19, 2007 6:59 am

12 new manips
5 interesting pics in stock (i would like to know what kind of manips the artist of this site can do in theses ones)

There is also Honda and Softech catalog as I explaned before in this topic I try to design a complete catalog of fembot as you can find it for cars I trying to make something coherent i think around 60 70 % of it is completed with this new upload

Enjoy !

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Post by Kube² » Sat May 19, 2007 7:28 am

Thank to all for your support

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