A Welcome Surprise - Part 4

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A Welcome Surprise - Part 4

Post by 33cl33 » Thu Jul 15, 2004 4:57 pm

Luckily, the apartment building I live in keeps a closet full of car and moving-related tools and supplies near the elevator in the basement. Unfortunately, someone had stolen the moving dolly, so I would have to haul the mystery boxes from the car to the elevator by hand.

After the third one or so, I was getting a little exhausted from all the day's excitement. Not to mention, the crates were pretty heavy, around 90 to 100 pounds, I would estimate. So I just lifted the last two out of my trunk, and slid them across to the elevator, where I'd piled the other three and propped the door open (no need for the 'stop' buzzer to alert any curious neighbors). I pulled them in after me and returned to my floor to repeat the whole process in reverse.

Once I had all five of the crates from the Anthrotek van in my place, and my door securely locked, having taken appraisal of the situation (as much as one can at a time like this) I decided to take myself up on that beer idea. So I grabbed a cold one from my fridge and plopped down on the couch to relax and take in the view.

The view was odd, to say the least. In the middle of the room was the awkward pile of these big, mostly unmarked crates, flanked on either side by the two inert, shocked-looking female androids. I had some trouble keeping Kristen balanced, so I leaned her a bit back against the one wall. She had much more of a mannequin appearance that way, I noticed.

Once I had started to feel not so tired, my curiosity came back over me, and I decided to pry the crates open and find out what else the apparent manufacturer of my two new droid 'friends' makes. I grabbed a hammer out of the closet, and set to yanking the nails out of the edges of the first crate I'd brought into the apartment. The one that said only "blnd" in small block letters.

The last nail in the lid came out with a little protest, but it finally did and went flying over my shoulder, bouncing right off of Jaime's forehead, I noticed. I picked the lid off and set it against the wall, then removed a several-inch thick piece of styrofoam, which was covering some dense foam padding.

I lifted the padding out and could see a three foot long, or so, package inside, wrapped in several layers of plastic, with a small flyer-looking card in another plastic sleeve sitting on top. I removed the card, and looked at the front. It only had small black printing on it again, which read only: "Anthrotek - 0264 Crystal - User Friendly Assembly Instructions." Assembly for another android? I wondered. This thing's only two pages, there's no way it could be for a robot… I opened the card to see an illustration of what looked like a very nondescript female cut in half, with arrows indicating how the top half of the body, down to just below the navel, was slid and rotated onto the pelvis and legs. The only other image was a detail drawing of the button behind the left ear (which I was quite familiar with by now) yet nothing about how to activate or reset the droid. This card said nothing about a chest panel or anything. Maybe the ear button is the on-switch for this one. Hmmm…

I began removing the plastic in the crate, and came across another plastic pouch, which contained only some fabric and shoes. I pulled it out, and it turned out to be a bikini or piece of lingerie of some sort, pink with cherries all over it, along with a pair of designer-looking high-heeled sandals. After creating a relatively large pile of plastic on the floor, I pulled the last layer off to reveal one of the most gorgeous blondes I'd ever seen.

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Post by 33cl33 » Thu Jul 15, 2004 4:58 pm

Or the top half of her, at least.

Her eyes were closed with her arms crossed over her naked, ample breasts as though she were sleeping peacefully. Only, just below her navel, a lens-cap like piece of plastic sealed off where her waist would be. I very carefully placed my arms under her and lifted "Crystal" (according to the flyer) out of the box and laid her just as carefully on the floor.

After another thin layer of foam, I pulled her pelvis and legs out of the box and unfolded them so they laid out straight from the top half of her body on the floor, along with laying her arms down to her sides to get the full effect. Despite her disconnected state, (which was odd, but becoming less odd by the hour as of late) she was still a knockout. Though I was enjoying the view, I decided to put the 'outfit' I found on her before attaching her and trying to get her running. I slid the panties up over her legs to rest snugly over her hairless synthetic vagina, and did the same with the skimpy matching top that came with it, followed by slipping the sandals over her delicate- and well-manicured-looking feet.

I followed the simple instructions and removed the two lens-caps and lined up the arrows inside her torso and hips, slid them together and turned her hips so they aligned correctly, with a secure sounding "click." I sighed, reached up behind her left ear, felt the familiar little bump, pressed it and sat back to see what happened.

After a moment, I heard a soft 'woosh' sound, almost like a fan spinning on, but it only lasted a second, followed by a soft beep, and "her" eyes popped opened. She appeared to begin 'breathing,' as her stomach rose and fell realistically. Her head began to turn from side to side, eyes scanning the room. Her legs began to stretch, wiggling her toes at the same time. It was strange, she looked just like someone who'd been sleeping for a while, stretching as she 'woke up.' She sat up with her legs stretched out in front, then slowly she arose to her feet, making a few unusual movements, seemingly to make sure she was connected properly. All this time, she seemed to ignore me watching her, mouth slightly agape. And pants starting to tighten.

After doing her 'stretches' and scanning the room again, she came to stand upright with her eyes focused on me. In a soft, sexy alto voice, she said, "Hi, I'm Crystal! Anthrotek model number 0264. As this is my first activation, I will need to ask you a few questions and ex… ex… ex…" She began to repeat herself like a broken record, but only for an instant. She continued, "…plain a bit about myself before my personality programming will load. First, are you going to be my primary owner and operator? Say yes or no."

I thought for a second… Why the hell not?! So I said clearly, "Yes!"

"Thank you," Crystal smiled, "Just a moment." And with that, she began to sort of scan me up and down with her eyes for about a minute. As her eyes came back up to meet mine, she announced, "Stored. Is this to be my primary residence?"

"Yes," I said.

"Stored." Crystal uttered. "Now, though I am programmed to operate in a wide variety of environments and situations, I can… can… can… be designated with a primary role to play, in order to avoid unnecessary instruction in the future. Please state which primary role you would like me to play now, or select from the list I will randomly recite."

I had no idea what this role thing was, so I decided to just listen to the choices.

Crystal continued, pausing between each selection, "Secretary. Model. Actress. Nurse. Wife. Librarian. Boss. Lover. Mother. Beautician. Reporter."

"Lover." I stated rather decidedly. Why not take advantage of the situation?

She repeated, "Stored. Thank you. Now, before my personality program loads, I must explain some basic guidelines as to how I will behave and respond according to my program… gram… gram… …ming and your commands, and a few safety issues concerning Anthrotek androids…"

Crystal went on for a few minutes about how she operates, all very basic things about how she won't harm a person, but otherwise will follow just about any command I give her, as long as she's programmed to be able to do it. Convenient, I thought. I was a little concerned with the "skipping" quality her speech had, but it didn't seem to concern her very much, and maybe it was just because it was some recording she just recites … who knows.

She was running through the safety issues, like don't electrocute, cut or stab her to avoid shock, she said: "…Otherwise, I am very durable…ble…ble…ble …around… …beverages, water and most fluids, and will behave as any human female, refraining from any public… lic… lic… discussion of my artificial nature unless instructed otherwise by you. This concludes my setup, please wait while my personality loads."

Her gaze lost it's focus for a moment, and her head seemed to slump down a bit. Then another soft beep, and she looked up at me again. "Hi, sweetie! Wow, this place is a mess… want me to clean it up? Or do you want to sweep off a spot on the floor and… get to business?" with a sly little smile, she began to rub a hand over one of her breasts. "After all, I am technically still a virgin."

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Post by 33cl33 » Thu Jul 15, 2004 4:59 pm

Ohhh, man. "The latter sounds great, Crystal, but what's in the rest of these boxes?" I asked.

"I don't know." She purred. That's right, she won't talk robot-stuff unless I want her to.

"You are the robot that came out of this box," I said, indicating the empty one in the middle. "I just want to know if there are other robots in the other crates, and if you know how to fix the two standing over there," pointing to Jaime and Kristen, "because there's definitely something wrong with them."

She seemed to think for a moment. "I'm sorry, I do not know how to repair them. They are series one models, and I am a series two. Our programming and construction differs too much and I am a commercial model, which can only perform self-repairs. But I do know that there are other robots in those boxes. That's how we are shipped." She smiled again, as if waiting for a command.

"Well, why don't you help me unpack and connect the other girls and then we'll have some fun?" I offered.

"Great! Let's get to it!" She hopped up and down a little before helping me tear into the crates.

One after another, we opened and assembled four other fembots. Karen 0213, a redhead; Alissa 0228, a brunette; Laetitia 0231, an African-American; and Michelle 0253, an Asian one. It then occurred to me that the Asian gynoid was the same model as the one that got destroyed in the van crash and explosion. Maybe she'll be able to fix Jaime and Kristen.

After about an hour, I had activated each of the other four new gynoids, and set them up for a sort of harem/playboy mansion-type living situation, with Crystal as my primary unit. This, despite the fact that she was the only one who stuttered during her first startup speech. At least, the others didn't right away, so I had them skip past the safety talk and stuff.

It turns out Michelle is the same body style and everything as the "control unit" droid that I saw destroyed, but she isn't programmed or equipped to deal with whatever problem has Jaime and Kristen shut down. And she certainly wasn't any more helpful with info on where these machines come from. She was just another commercial two series like the other four.

I had the ladies clean up the room and stand Jaime and Kristen in the corner, turned on some music, and we all started dancing, and making out in various combinations of human-fembot and fembot-fembot action. Me sometimes in the middle, sometimes just watching and enjoying from the couch.

Any of you ladies want a glass of wine? I asked, recalling that they're durable when it comes to fluids, anyway the atmosphere seemed to call for it. Most of them said no thanks, why waste it on us? Was their logic.

I was resting on the couch while the last four to be activated made out in a wonderous orgy on the floor, sipping some Merlot when Crystal came over to me with a lustful look in her eyes.

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Post by 33cl33 » Thu Jul 15, 2004 4:59 pm

"Can I give you a striptease, honey?" She whispered into my ear.

"I'd be delighted. Have some of this wine first, it's excellent." I offered her the glass. "I'm curious to see if they programmed you to act tipsy, if your lucky… I might just take advantage of you after the striptease…" I was getting a bit drunk myself. Slurring my speech, and loving the party of naked women (however artificial they might be) in my living room.

"Well, alright. If you insist." Crystal said, acting playfully coy as if scolded and deserving a spanking. She took my glass, and downed most of it in one gulp. "Mmmm." She purred, not taking much time to taste it before beginning her tease.

She began to swing her hips rhythmically back and forth to the music, running her hands up and down her perfectly toned body, playing with her hair and fondling her own breasts. She skillfully removed her top, and began to moan as her dance picked up in pace. "Oh, honey, just having you look at me makes me so hot…" She moaned.

I just relaxed into the couch and enjoyed the show.

Crystal continued, "So hot… oh… OH! I'm burning up! Mmmmm… Oh, I feel hot…"

And as she was saying this, fingering herself, I noticed a peculiar smell building near me. Almost like burning rubber or plastic. Just then, I heard a sizzling sound coming from Crystal's stomach.

"So… hot…" She was in the throws of passion, not even noticing the discoloration and occasional sparks that were building in her abdomen, just above her left hip.

"Crystal, um… you might want to slow down. I think something's wrong with you…" I was getting a bit concerned.

She moaned, "Yes, something's wrong… We aren't fucking each other's brains out yet… yet… yet… yet… yet……" and with that, she froze for a few seconds while a hole burned itself through her stomach, exposing the circuitry inside of her. And the apparent cause of it - yep, the red wine. It came spilling out of her as her body lurched a few inches down toward me.

The sparking stopped, and she seemed to regain consciousness and control of herself. She said, "I'm sorry, honey. I'm just not built with beverages in mind. But it's okay, I can fix myself!"
Next installment comin' soon!

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Post by DollSpace » Thu Jul 15, 2004 9:08 pm

Another fine installment there :) Eagerly awaiting the next one!


EDIT: Woo-hoo! 200th post! ^_^ lol :D

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Post by tc » Fri Jul 16, 2004 3:31 am

Great post as usual

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Post by tectile » Fri Jul 16, 2004 5:58 am

I had a feeling there were guna be bots in those crates :)

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Post by kb7rky » Fri Jul 16, 2004 6:22 am

A sentient sexbot...how interesting

THAT gets a "Dude"!


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Post by zerodin » Fri Jul 16, 2004 12:03 pm

Good stuff!!!

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Post by botfriend2000 » Mon Sep 13, 2004 5:01 pm

Just wondering if we are going to see any more of this story. I thought it was great!!!! Liked where it was going.

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Oops! It has been a while...

Post by 33cl33 » Wed Sep 22, 2004 12:55 pm

Almost done! Been polishing it up the last few days.

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Post by tectile » Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:02 am

Ah yes, Bring it on!
I can't wait.

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