ASFR Elements - Turn Offs

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What ASFR Elements Do You Find UNappealing?

Explicit Sex
"Sleeper" Fembots
Open Body Panels
Obviously Robotic Appearance (easily visible seams, glowing eyes, etc, but still skin-colored/textured)
Non-Human Finish (i.e. chrome or ME2/3 Edi-Style polymer)
Monotone "robot speech"
Malfunctions - Software
Malfunctions - Hardware
Malfunctions - Over the Top (heads exploding and such)
Damage - Subtle
Damage - Severe
Damage - Complete Destruction
Total votes: 210

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ASFR Elements - Turn Offs

Post by D.Olivaw » Sun Nov 18, 2018 6:00 pm

Okay, lets try this now for actual ASFR elements. Which don't you like?

Boy was it an effort to keep this to only 15 options...
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Re: ASFR Elements - Turn Offs

Post by Stephaniebot » Mon Nov 19, 2018 12:44 am

Never got damage, so voted for all 3 of those, plus the OTT Malfunction option. The others can be cute, I guess. Oh, and I'm asexual, so explicit sex is of no interest for me
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Re: ASFR Elements - Turn Offs

Post by MrPassable » Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:14 am

Im open to almost all kind of elements of ASFR so it doesn't bother me that much in terms of unappealing content. Either I just ignore it or go along with it.

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Re: ASFR Elements - Turn Offs

Post by Saya » Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:13 am

I like all of those, actually. The only things I'm not personally a fan of are wetware and transformation themes.
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Re: ASFR Elements - Turn Offs

Post by Toastdroid » Wed Nov 21, 2018 6:12 pm

I kinda don't really like faceoffs to be honest, like it can work for me when done a little more realistically, but I'm not into the whole "faceless circuitboard" look - at best it's kinda silly and at worst I find it kinda creepy and de-personising (that's not an ethical judgement or anything, that's just how it affects me personally).

Also not into a lot of monotone, I really like regular human speech that's obviously scripted or inflected in a sorta "user-friendly" way, and vocal effects are cool, but the the staccato style "EVERY. WORD. LIKE. THIS." voice just grates and reminds me of daleks or something.

It's not on the list but I generally do not like any of the options above if they're done non-consensually to an obviously or nearly sentient robot. If it's played non-seriously or if there's no major consequences, I might be alright with it, but if not I find it pretty vile. Basically anything that seems mean-spirited or like..."edgy" is a big no.

Finally I actually sometimes get put off by a lack of sexual content, It's disappointing not to get nudity or even suggestiveness and it just makes the content feel dry to me.

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Re: ASFR Elements - Turn Offs

Post by tectile » Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:09 pm

I only voted for 3 of these.
monotone speech, OTT damage and complete destruction.
While many of the choices aren't my thing, they can work if handled in an interesting way.
Bad writing and bad film making are the ultimate turn offs :)

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Re: ASFR Elements - Turn Offs

Post by Rob_The_Fixer » Fri Nov 23, 2018 6:06 am

Any chrome/Sorayama styled designs (something you would see out of Kamen Rider or Super Sentai) don't appeal to me, but designs similar to EDI are fine with me. Like Toastdroid's opinion on faceoffs, seeing a circuitboard with eyeballs and a speaker just doesn't work with me, I prefer in a more "practical" way.
Also, the "zombie walk" when their arms just extends forward (or in L-shaped angle) the whole time are also turn-offs for me.
Lastly is complete destruction, mostly the cyborg-esque organs/brain spilling out. I don't mind damages, especially the over the top ones.

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Re: ASFR Elements - Turn Offs

Post by Cornelius » Sun Jan 13, 2019 4:20 am

Rob_The_Fixer wrote:Any chrome/Sorayama styled designs (something you would see out of Kamen Rider or Super Sentai) don't appeal to me ...
Well there goes the neighborhood. :wink:
Rob_The_Fixer wrote:... but designs similar to EDI are fine with me.
So you’re saying a metallic face that stretches while talking is OK, but not if it’s flesh-like. Got it! :D

Here’s a 16th option I’d add to the list ... magical nanobots (with individual batteries, processors, and propulsion) that replicate the body’s trillions of cells into metallic components (from a mystery source of material) and don’t dispose of the biological waste. I mean I LOVE TF fiction, but I also know it’s nearly impossible to make the stories believable.

And while not attempting to be controversial, how come female animal/bipedal hybrids (like cats omen) don’t have 8 breasts like cats? :lol:

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Re: ASFR Elements - Turn Offs

Post by liliwinnt6 » Thu May 09, 2019 1:15 am

first, i don't really like to see a properly functioning robot without her face panel removed
and, when a sleeper discovers/realizes his/her true nature, i don't like to see them malfunction
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Re: ASFR Elements - Turn Offs

Post by Windblade » Sat Nov 04, 2023 3:32 am

I don't like malfunctions and damage without fixing and complete destruction. Maybe it's because of my professional deformation. Sometimes, when I see a malfunctioning or damaged machine / device, I feel a physical discomfort, and no, I'm not joking or trying to sound pretentious. I remember watching a "funny" video about a lot of TVs falling from shelves in the shop... It was horrible >_<

(sorry for the necroposting)

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Re: ASFR Elements - Turn Offs

Post by dubhdanaidh » Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:20 am

Unfair. None of these are turn offs

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