Looking for a voice actress for a M.U.G.E.N project

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DukeNukem 2417
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Looking for a voice actress for a M.U.G.E.N project

Post by DukeNukem 2417 » Wed Jul 20, 2016 1:51 pm

Now, for those not in the know, you can learn more about M.U.G.E.N here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/MUGEN

Or you can go to the Wikipedia article, which is just as informative, but more boring :P

ANYway....I'm helping someone with a mod of Supergirl based on the Kara Zor-El incarnation of the character; the original M.U.G.E.N version of Supergirl is based more on her appearance in "Superman: The Animated Series" and already has a voice, so I figured a different voice would help to set the KZE version apart. Now, I might as well admit in advance: I can't pay anyone who volunteers for this. At all. My living situation sucks, as does my financial situation.

That being said, I'm making things easy by providing the "script"---which is literally the list of lines that need to be recorded. If anyone actually wants to take part, I need the lines in 16-bit .WAV format, to be imported into a .SND file.

NOTE: the numbers are just where each line falls in Supergirl's SND file. You don't need to record each line that number of times.

ANOTHER NOTE: Stuff with an asterisk (*) will be "sound effects"---not lines of dialogue, but vocal grunts and "oofs", that sort of thing.
31 *SG grunting, throwing a punch
32 *a sort of "huh", like a karate yell
33 *a "Hiyah", but said fast, to sound like one syllable
34 *"Hi-yah", with distinct syllables
35 *SG got tripped
36 *SG just got hit
37 Awesome!
38 Aw, come on, were you even trying?
39 (giggles) Okay, okay, I'll stop...for now.
40 Yes!
41 (giggles) Nice!
42 Hey, you didn't hold back because I'm your cousin, did you?
43 Come on!
44 Get ready!
45 Nyah! *supposed to sound a bit like Hi-yah or something...
46 Really, now, is Kryptonite your answer to everything?
47 Heat vision!
48 Take THAT!
49 Hmm? Oh, wait a sec...
50 Okay, let's go!
51 Here I come!
52 So, aren't you going to give me the "You did good" speech?
53 Hey, that was fun!
54 Thanks for the workout, Diana!
55 There!
56 You're going down!
57 That tickles.
60 Euurgh! *SG getting hit
63 *grunting like you're throwing a punch
64 *shouting, as if you've just kicked someone in the face
65 *variation of 63
66 *variation of 64


If anyone wants to see what the character looks like:

Elvis Lives. Not in this timeline, but in quite a few others.
I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been.

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Re: Looking for a voice actress for a M.U.G.E.N project

Post by Stephaniebot » Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:30 pm

I hope you find someone. No, I couldn't do anyone that young without being put into an age reduction chamber first! :lol:
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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