Banned at ComicFury in less than a month! (L)

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Banned at ComicFury in less than a month! (L)

Post by Mirage » Fri Mar 20, 2015 6:15 am

I joined Comic Fury (no, it's not about furries, it's a web-comic site for comic makers) at the end of Feb 2015, started posting some of my drafts comics (like here) for fun. Barely got any subs, but some decent views. I never cared anyway about stuff like this.

I then made the mistake of reading and posting of the forums. All statement I post, are true.

But before I continue, I need to point out something about Comic Fury. It's members are mostly all lesbians and gays, which, at first, didn't occurred to me, or I notice, as I don't really care if you are or not. But sadly, I realised, being a straight man there, I was walking into a mine field, with my eyes closed. I'll explain more as I go.

First mistake. I mentioned I got published last year by a real comic publisher, using only my 3DS. Wow, the venom came out and made many enemies in that instant. Jealousy's head came crashing hard into the window (L). I dealt with similar jealousy all my life, so, I was not surprised. Still, I find it funny, as so many spent so much time and money on their art and computers, as none of them ever got published and I did it with only using my little Nintendo 3DS.

Second Mistake. I mentioned I teached animation and comic classes for 8 years in my younger days, with only my own knowledge, without a degree. Yicks, more venom came out from the same 'click" there. I started to notice a pattern quickly. Most of the forum was mostly controlled by the same 20ish same individuals. Anyway, I then, posted some quick fun tips "old style drawing" I did in Miiverse 3 years ago, for fun (And it was well written, that this were just for fun and nothing extravagate, as they were only Miiverse drawing.) Well, holy crap, another shit storm. How dare the newbie posted some helpful but very limited tips.
It was a perfect NERD RAGE internet freak out I seen in a while. Perfect example of Internet Mentality. The tread got locked up pretty quickly.

3rd Mistake. Someone ask how come you don't see love stories/comics anymore. Well, being the romantic man I am, I responded, as my comics and stories are always based on romance. If people didn't hate me already, they hated me now even more. Most people (lesbians and gay) there posted negatively, as love and romance is a horrible thing. I posted of course, the opposite. Also, another thing I notice, all the lesbians and feminists started high fiving each other, in the tread, as they all were happy that they hate love and romance. My mind can't understand how people can see Romance and love is a negative way... This is when I realised, I REALLY DON'T BELONG THERE.

4th mistake. I posted in a tread, about drawing "naughty art", some of my Emma pics, being sexy and stated I like beautiful women and love drawing them. I also mentioned, I don't mind drawing sexual scenes, as I am mature and I do it with taste, I think. Well, the feminists freaked out and some appeared to have complained to the mods it seem about it. How dare the straight man like beautiful women and draw them too! PIG!

And my last one, they started talking about Feminist into comics and games. I read 2 entire treads about it there, and I could not hold my tongue about it. First, the feminists and lesbians (like 90% of the people posting) posted how, of course, they are amazing and such (who cares), but then, some started posting about how SEX is bad and evil it is. I am sorry, but SEX is amazing, and being STRAIGHT is amazing too. I hate the gay mentality that HOW they are special above everyone who is not gay. Fuck you. We are all the same, we just fuck differently. Anyway, I wrote how being a straight man, that loves beautiful women and that beautiful "not gay" women love men. I was brutally honest also about how THE REAL WORD and MOST OF THE INTERNET do hate feminists and for real reasons. I never met in my entire life a feminist that was not bitter, angry, men hating and (I am sorry, but this is the truth), UGLY. When I mentioned UGLY, is not just the entire physical appearance here, it's the rotten personality. And I also state, that is also true, MOST STRAIGHT WOMEN HATE FEMINISTS TOO! I also stated, I never have problems with beautiful women in my life, and it's always the unattractive ones that gave me attitudes. I know this might be upsetting for some of you, but IT'S THE TRUTH. I don't SUGAR COAT anything I say. I am a truthful person, and truth is never pretty, sorry.

Of course, the feminists freaked out and I was banned.

This was my response to the mod, whom actually, agreed with me, but the verdict was out already for my blood.

"I was simply being brutally honest and was speaking my mind, not sugar coating anything. Of course it offended many feminist or women on the board. Reality, most feminists are actual hated by most people (men and women) in the real life and most of the internet, as they are more a negative force to women most of the time than anything else. I worked most of my life where women were much higher ratio than men and you who know who made life hell for many people, men and women? Guess... Yes, the feminist.

Usually short, fat and ugly who think the world should bend for them. I wish I was being simply "a pig" here, but nope, all true. My wife deals with the same crap at her work, in the medical field.

For sure, most feminist will see me as a pig here, and, well, I don't care, as most real straight or/and none feminist women, who most are attractive, always find me fun and nice to be with.

I rather be called Sexist for loving beautiful women and drawing them too, as instead to delude myself otherwise and lying through my teeth.

One last thing, my wife is very sexy, beautiful and intelligent, knows seven languages, studied neuroscience and such. Yesterday, she was walking naked, I slapped her ass hard as she passed by me. She turned to me and smile "Mmmm.. I like it, Master".

See, if she was a feminist, she would not have responded like that. I am glad she is not.
I thought that was very sexy of her saying that.

Feminist don't want to realised, is that, most women likes to be sexy and be bad girls with their partners and I think this drives them nuts. "

and end quote.

So, this was my time at COMIC FURY. Can't say it was a pleasant time there. Most comics are horrible, most artists are full of themselves (like any artists) and the community there is typical Internet Mentality. I won't deny, there was some great artists there, way better than me and I wish them luck.

I already got published, teached and been featured a few times already in my life. Most will keep on dreaming their entire life and never come close to the things I already accomplish.

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Tolerated at ComicFury for nearly a month.

Post by dale coba » Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:40 am


Off-topic does not entitle you to vent angrily at people from other sites who found you insensitive.

You put us through this once recently, ranting about feminist oppression at your workplace because they wouldn't let you hang pictures in your cubicle which some found disturbing.

How did that thread work out for you?

When you ask for sympathy, when you ask for an opinion about was wrong in a heated personal conflict, you may have to settle for the truth.

- Dale Coba

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Re: Banned at ComicFury in less than a month! (L)

Post by Mirage » Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:16 am

Dale, are you still a virgin? At your age? A Virgin? seriously ?

That would explain a lot. Boy, no wonder you must hate me a lot.

See, Dale, this was not a vent off what so ever. It's a tale of precausion. Obvious, you see any post I make to try to attack me, because of your own low self estem and worth. Actually, if you go see the tread, someone agreed with me, as I am sure more others did. I also posted this at other places and within seconds, I got lots of people agreeing with me, go figure.

You see, Let me explain something you and feminist don't want to understand.

Sexy Women (straight) love being submitted, in the heat of passion, by strong men like me. Everytime I grabbed the female in my arms (did this many times in my life) and carried her, she got moist and wet. When I grabbed both her arms, as I pinned her to the wall and licked hard her delicious breats, she growled in ecstasy. Everytime I grabbed her from behind and penetrated her deep, she screamed in delight.

Real women loves when you are a real men to them. It's almost our animal instincts that comes out. It's very sexual and hot.

But you and the feminists will never get that concept.

So, have fun with your vaccum, as my wife gives me a delicious blowjob tonight, has she'll cup my balls in one hand, as she sucks me hard, trashing her long hair around, until I come in her hot wet mouth.

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