Adult Swim anyone?

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What's your favorite delicious Adult Swim program?

Harvey Birdman
The Brak Show
No votes
Family Guy
Anime (I ran out of poll options)
Total votes: 17

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Adult Swim anyone?

Post by Moxon » Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:50 pm

I've noticed quite a few ATHF references floating around these days (not the least of which is THE QUAD LASER!) and I was just wondering how widespread Adult Swim has become. Being from Atlanta, my friends and I have always felt a special affinity for the Cartoon Network and it's late night fare, having gotten into Space Ghost on TNT way back in the mid nineties, on what I suppose one would call the ground floor of the whole Adult Swim phenomenon, and it warms my heart to see others enjoying it as much as I do. So I guess what I'm asking is for all the ATHF, Sealab, Harvey Birdman etc. afficionados to sound off in this thread and speak their minds about the shows, mainly so I can single out those who, like me, are just a little more deviated than this board might already suggest. Hopefully, hilarity will ensue because, "It's an unbearable strain, but I'm doing this harder than I''ve ever done it before!" :twisted:
Just to get the juices flowing.

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Post by ANDROID69 » Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:29 pm

Hey Fellow ASFRains,
Oh MAN THE VENTURE BROTHERS!!!! This cartoon has me laughing my freekin' ass off everytime I see it!!! This is the funniest S#!t, I laugh soooo hard I'm in tears when ever I watch it!!!! Now another reason why its funny is because its a spoof of the ol' Johnny Quest cartoon. OHHH hell YUP I'm old guess I better get used to it huh:)??? Your ol Pal PETE#69
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Post by Vendetta1000 » Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:10 am

yes, the venture Brothers is very funny and actually had an ASFR episode with a scientist named Sorayama and his girlbots that were a combination of hajime sorayama's bots and the girlfriend he obsessed about. But then cartoon network and adult swim have been good to us ASFRians of late.. from Outlaw Star's melfina, Big O 's R. Dorothy Wainwright, to the sexy and powerful Major Motoko Kusanagi of Ghost in the Shell:stand alone complex.. even Full Metal Alchemist has a bit of borg with Edward Elric's cybernetic arm. But then I also enjoy Inuyasha (Sit Boy!!), Cowboy BeBop, and the Read or Die Movie (MsDeep is ahem..Deep;)) of the other shows,sealab and ATHF have some moments, but Harvey birdman is the best... it takes characters of our childhood and twists them in a wicked demented way from shaggy and scooby getting busted on drug charges to the fred Flintstone Soprano's parody...but my alltime favorite has to be Apache Chief and the coffee spill (Enuykchuk!.. Cheif got his teepee back!)
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Post by Korby » Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:31 am

I had to vote ATHF, 'cos it's the shiznit. I want to be Shake when I grow up. "Look, that beam came from SPACE! You don't own space, so stop actin' like you do!"

Plus, the Mooninites r=teh r0x0r!!!!1!

I'll second Venture Bros., too. Didn't dig on it much at first, but it's grown on me a lot. Brock cracks me the hell up--probably a combination of Patrick Warburton's vocal talents and the character's design, I dunno--but when Brock starts basically slaughtering people and gets that funny twitch in his eye... I just lose it. The Monarch and Dr. Orpheus are hilarious too.

Which reminds me--guys, check me on this: is it not intensely disturbing to look at Dr. Girlfriend and think, "Wow, that's a pretty hot lookin' cartoon chick" and then have THAT VOICE come out? The resulting cognitive dissonance is causing me some serious problems.
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